While chasing our toddlers from the onslaught of crashing waves, my husband casually remarked how footprints in the sand are here one minute and gone the next, erased forever by the gritty salt water. He wondered, naturally, if any of his footprints would stand the test of time. His musings had great potential for inspirational conversation, but instead, I laughed. Were those thoughts from the depths of his soul or the dregs of his Corona bottle?
I guess parenthood changes the way a person sees things. Beach vacations turn from calm to chaotic, and our sense of self suddenly comes under scrutiny. Like my husband, I’ve been having my own deep thoughts lately. About shoes. Fun Shoes, to be exact.
Fun shoes, (/fən/ SHo͞os/) Noun: footwear which serves the sole (get it?) purpose of looking good. Comfort and functionality are rarely considered when purchasing fun shoes.
These days, when I buy a new pair of kicks, it’s usually because flip-flop season is over or my slippers have finally waved the white flag, collapsing in defeat beneath our illicit outdoor excursions. C’mon, guys, one more run to the mailbox! I’m no longer looking for heels that make my legs look longer or a variety of colors; now, the goal is a pair I can slip on quickly, and if they don’t make my feet smell like road kill baking in the noon sun, that’s a bonus. I’m not proud to admit it, but my last purchase was sweater clogs, the anti-fun, sure to make your tootsies reek shoe.
*Hangs head in shame*
On a mission to toss the furry footwear, I’ve been searching for the perfect fall boot. I even joined websites that claim to take my personal style into consideration and offer suggestions that match my personality and budget. Fabulous!
Except that they are LIARS.
I took the personality assessments, I voted yay or nay for various styles, and I admitted I’m more casual than I used to be (homeless chic wasn’t an option), yet the results did not quite match my needs. Proof:
What in the ever loving nutterbutter is that? Kimora Lee Simmons can suck it. I double-dog dare her to balance in those things while chasing bare bottomed children or drawing chalk towns on her driveway. Bring it, Kimora.
I’m a kinda-sorta young mom who wants to look fashionable, but I’m not trying to break an ankle in the process. Nor am I trying to give the impression that I am for sale. So the search continued.
I thought a wedge would be more suitable.
I thought wrong.
You kiddin’ me, Jessica Simpson? That’s not a wedge. That’s a block. A block that someone wants me to drop $100 for and then tie to my foot and pretend like my toes aren’t screaming with every step. Hell to the no.
I became alarmed at the idea that I would never, ever find the perfect fall boot. I became hysterical at the reason why: I’m not 21 any more. Obviously, I know this, but I didn’t really know it, ya know? It’s like, when I had kids, time stood still for me and only moved for them: their monthly photo shoots, their milestones, their birthdays. Their first hair cuts, vacations, trips to the museum. Then all of a sudden, they’re feeding themselves breakfast at their own little table and I’m left trimming my split ends and wondering where these lines on my forehead came from.
This isn’t about the boots (well, maybe just a little) or age (I don’t think…). It’s about bringing myself up to speed, into the present. I’m not the gal in the low-rise jeans or itty-bitty T-shirts any more, so why am I hanging on to these things?! If my butt crack is exposed while bending over to wipe a small person’s nose, that’s a no-go. And all those suits and heels? I HAVE WORKED FROM HOME FOR SIX YEARS! It wasn’t realistic to keep the old and look for more of the same; the old doesn’t fit figuratively or literally, and I’m not the same, so why was I forcing a square peg in a round hole?
Inspired by this belated realization, I went all Tasmanian Devil in my closet. When I was done, I had donated seven 39-gallon lawn and leaf bags worth of clothes and shoes to a local charity. My husband, surprised by The Great Purge, took one look at my sparse wardrobe and commented how bare my closet looks. I don’t feel bare; in fact, I feel lighter, better. I let go of a lot more than things when I bagged up all those shoes and sweaters. My search for the perfect fall boot turned into a discovery of me, and I kinda like the right now me.
Photo credits:
Good luck on the shoe hunt. I have to say, I did find the best boots ever! But they stay at the office because no mother in her right mind (and i’m in my right mind mostly) would herd children in those heels!
And you’re not even gonna share the secret shopping spot?! C’mon–help a girl out!! 🙂
I actually found them at the Bay, in Winnipeg, Canada.
Haha! Okay, so that’s not necessarily in my neck of the woods here in Western Pennsylvania, but maybe I’ll try E-bay instead? 😉
Try DSW, that’s where I find my fall boots.
I hear you on this one. Due to narrow feet and a job that requires a lot of standing, I have a terrible time finding shoes. Ironically, I had the best luck at Goodwill last year. Found a pair of black ankle boots with chunky heels that are easy to walk in for only 5 bucks! They needed insoles, but are still the cutest pair of boots I’ve ever owned. (Ok, make that the only cute pair of boots I’ve ever owned.) Good luck in your search!
I would love your narrow feet. Mine resemble Fred Flintstone’s. But if I have to “house” them in a fabulous Goodwill find, I will do just that!!
I hate searching for something and not being able to find it. But generally, I find that Nine West, Aldo, and Macy’s (sometimes) are ok/ good places to find boots. Easy Spirit can be good as well.
Otherwise, some of the best stores to find boots are boutique stores. I hope you find what you’re looking for soon. Congrats on Freshly Pressed!
Thank you for the shopping suggestions!! Looks like I’ll have to make my way to the mall soon. So sad for my husband who will stay with two kids. So wonderful for me who will bask in the glory of a building filled with boot possibility! Thanks, too, for your congrats AND for reading!
You made me laugh after a crummy day so thank you for paying homage to power of the shoe and all the insanity with “the hunt”. (Nice that you called out Kimora; she drives me crazy in all her “I’ve been on a runway since I was 12…” narrative). Anyway, what gets me by in the boot area is a good equestrian boot with a 1 1/2″ heel and/or a motorcycle bootie. You can walk places in them. Also, I’ve given in to having a shoe basket at work. It’s actually more of a rest home for my high heels that I don’t wear that much but on occasion dig out for when my clients are in town.
Looking forward to more.
Becca, I’m so glad that I could brighten your day a bit! Thanks for the boot suggestions. I tried Googling images of “booties” so I could compare a few of the different styles, but instead I just got a lot of pictures of women and their, well, booties.
Monday I wrote a post called “* Trends that are Really Classics” and have a selection of boots that are generally pretty wearable. Although warning: I do flirt with wedgies:)
I don’t mind the flirting 😉 And I’m now following you–you’re my SOLE mate!! OH, I crack myself up.
There are tons of fun boots here! 😀 http://www.clockworkcouture.com/footwear/ladies.html
I love you, Lea. Thank you.
I think Amazon is a really great place to search for shoes… You can choose the color you’re looking for, the style, the size, etc.
But, seriously, sweater clogs? You’re in deep non-fun shoe territory, my friend.
“…in deep non-fun shoe territory” would be so much funnier if it weren’t so, so true…
I will scour Amazon and then burn the sweater clogs.
Don’t let becoming a mommy take the fun out of your wardrobe. Keep some of those low-cut tops and fun shoes (or boots) and rip up the town once in a while. You’re a mom. You’re not dead! (Said the mom who, at 44, is just figuring this out.)
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the sexy. I just need to fit into said sexiness. My problem is that all of the things in my closet fit the pre-baby me. Even though I’m back to my original weight, my hips, boobs, AND FEET are forever changed. So wrong.
Yes. The changed body sucks. It’s taken me 10 years to get used to mine and turn it into the best it can be now. Be patient. You’ll get there. 🙂
I respect my body and all it’s accomplished. I would, however, like a few less “battle wounds!” 😉
I agree, keep some of those sexy clothes. You need some sexy. Some shoes just aren’t practical. And some heels can only be worn if you are standing upright or sitting. Bending down to care for children will make a woman teeter and fall. I’ve seen some cute low heeled or flat boots, though. I’ve been thinking so much about shoes lately, and fashion and women’s ability to be able to keep up — especially with the men at work. Wearing very cute, but ultimately painful shoes sometimes seems like self-maiming. The shoes are so cute, but we think twice about going for a walk and constantly down look for grates. And the fatigue. Heels have always been in style, but now fashion dictates that we wear them at all times, except maybe in the gym. I guess I am going to have to write a shoe post.
But keep your sexy, girl.
I won’t lose the sexy, ladies–promise! Well, unless those sweater clogs do me in. But I need NEW sexy! Everything I currently have is in the wrong sizes and styles because I haven’t shopped for almost 5 years. Now, who wants to fund my shopping spree??
Finding a pair of boots to match your needs and tastes is a tough task. I’m currently looking for a pair of flat, black boots that don’t look stupid or old lady but have room for my bunion. The first part is hard, and the last part is almost impossible.
Ahahahaha!! I’m dying. Your bunion. Oh, my!
It is difficult to find that perfect pair of boots or heels. I completely understand the quagmire of shoe shopping– I am a college student and cannot afford much because my tuition is too expensive (and necessary)– but I love to torture myself with looking at the various styles and prices. I hope that you find that perfect pair of shoes that fit both the likability of comfort and the desirability of style. Best of luck.
Thanks, 13coco, and good luck to you, too! And I’m mostly referring to college, but also in finding an affordable pair of amazing boots 😉 Another reader said she scored a great pair at Goodwill for $5!
I have the worst time finding shoes and boots since I broke my foot a few years ago and now it won’t bend properly to fit in certain styles (anything with a heel). I’m a big fan of Aldo and Spring, they have some really nice yet functional boots.
Katie, ouch! I’ve gotten a lot of suggestions for Aldo–I’m checkin’ it out!
Evn i soometimes want to go back to my college time.. Hell i want it..
I know what you mean. truth is, in this reality and society, heels are always needed to look fashionably. I can’t wear heels for more than 2 hours without my toes and feet screaming in pain. my feet would need to be trained slowly and frequently to master strutting around in anything heels.
ideas: try finding shoes that look like a “clog pump” type of shoe. but look for those heels that are thicker and do not exceed 2 inches. I find anything 2 inches = unbearable.
but, if you’re going for comfort, try flats or soft slippers looking shoes ;D
(that’s my pick, especially with the weather changes we been having).
I’m on the hunt–I’ll let ya know if I find’em! Thanks 🙂
welcomesss =]
Clarks. UK store, but with web store. Great stuff.
Great post 🙂
I do love me a good web store. Bless you, Minlit.
I’ve got this stupid disease that affects my muscles and I’ve been unable to wear my lovely uncomfortable, unsuitable, too high, kick arse shoes for months now and I MISS THEM!!!
Oh, no! Susiemorrow, I sure hope that your stupid disease takes a hike for the sake of your health AND footwear. And not to fear, I’m going to invent comfortable, functional heels that everyone can wear. I just need someone to fund my “research.” 🙂
Oh please, oh please, it’s vital research!
Reblogged this on Actuaria's Blog and commented:
Nice boots 🙂
Oh well, as long we moms are still comfortable…then we can do garb anything that we want. of course not across the borderline of appropriateness but still cool and stylish as we were in our prime time.
Just wait ’till you’re EVEN more aged. I cannot remember when I last bought ‘fun’ shoes….weak ankles, fear of falling, a bunion between friends and not enough display shelves in my bedroom. I spend more on wine now and, in its own way, that’s fun too.
I would be totally fine sipping some pinot in flip flops 🙂
A very good read. I too have been searching the depth of my sole constitution to discover that I just can’t be bothered wearing uncomfortable shoes anymore. And it must be noted that a 21 year old really does heal a twisted ankle much faster than a gracefully ageing 30-something. Shoes just aren’t designed for the fashion conscious toddler-wrangler.
They’re really not! Maybe we should go into business together and make that 30-something fashionable shoe that is toddler-wrangling-friendly 😉
I think I’m going through a similar phase now (although I don’t have kids). The shops I’d go to for fun clothes now seem boring and too young….. so I pay more and go to nicer more grown-up shops. It’s a tough change, but I’m slowly finding things I like. 🙂
It’s so good to hear that I’m not the only one in this boat! It’s also good to know that I can’t fully blame my kids for ruining with my shoe wardrobe 😉
I do tend wear more fun clothing (am over half a century old now) that serve fitness/sports stuff for easier movement and durability. To me a cycling shoe is way preferably than tottering around in a high heel shoe. I tried some prs. last week and realized I had forgotten what it was to wear true stilts.
Stilts! Love it!
Its a general issue, finding a lovingly swanky boot. Congs on being freshly pressed. Great post.
Thank you for your kind words (Freshly Pressed–eeeee!!!!!), and for empathizing with my plight. I’m hoping this issue is brought to light in the debates this evening. We shall see…
I broke my favorite pair of boots and haven’t found a replacement yet. I’m there with you, “trimming my split ends…”.
I’m sixty-one and still on my quest for fashionable, youthful – but comfortable – shoes. I am not sure they exist but I will let you know. I have very cute little heeled booties on today. My left little toe is crying.
Chuckling here….great post! Good luck in your quest for that perfect, chic, comfy boots! You deserve it!
Btw, enjoy running after your little ones……they grow up SO fast! 🙂
I own over 80 pairs of shoes and I’m not proud to admit but once I have children most of them will have to go to Goodwill because they are NOT kid proof
Nikilee30, I was you about 6 years ago. My co-workers actually came into my classroom to see what fabulous shoes I was wearing each day. It makes me sad to think of those days, but when I find a sippy cup in the depths of the couch cushions filled to the brim with stinking, curdled milk, it makes the shoe demise worth it…………………
P.S. I do love my children. Just not spoiled milk.
I can’t wait!
I’m seriously considering getting a pair of UGGs, something I never thought I would do (something about principle, but I seem to be forgetting my reasons for not getting them now). Not because they’re all the rage these days, but because everyone seems to swear by how comfortable they are. And I am ALL about the comfortable shoe. Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of the cute shoe/boot to go with the cute outfit, but not at the price of painful feet. I just can’t do it to myself, or my feet. It’s a shame, really, that the really cute shoes end up hurting. Having said that, Clark’s are really comfy shoes and if you shop from the European catalog, you’ll find they have cuter styles than the U.S. shops do. And THAT is a shame because American women like comfortable style just as much as European women do!
I feel your moral dilemma about the UGGs. That’s exactly why I haven’t bought a pair! Let me know if you go through with it and whether or not you suffer from nightmares of your feet trying to bite you…or maybe that’s just me…
I don’t know. I like looking on the web for my shoes! Payless has great shoes at great prices! Maybe that would work for you as well?
I used to shop at Payless ALL the time!! Thanks for the reminder. I lost fashion sense and brain cells after kids.
I think kids have enhanced mine! http://www.segmation.com
You got sole! I hope you find the perfect pair of boots soon.
This made me giggle! I love a good pun!
This is such a great post!! What woman doesn’t want to talk about shoes!!!! But, alas…what looks fashionable may not be practical as we get older, our lifestyle changes, or we have to actually stand and walk!!
I’m 5′ 2″ and I swear, I used to be taller when I was younger, and could wear heels! Really, spiked heels were fashionable when I was in 8th grade!! And I wore them! With seamed stockings!!!
But woe is me…I wear orthotics in my sneakers now, if I need to stand for more than an hour, or at least sandals with the right height heel for my back, and the right arch for my heels. Or else I’m in pain…so I’m not going to be any help to you, but I so enjoyed your post-down-memory-lane!!
I’m 5’1 with some “junk in the trunk” so a heel has always been a must to make me taller and leaner. But I just can’t rock the spike heels or wedges like I used to. I look at kids today and the same words my parents used to describe my shoes come out of MY mouth. It’s horrifying!!! Let’s not sell ourselves short, though: women are beautiful regardless of age. I just wish shoe designers would realize this and make something for US!!!
So true!!
I have a plague in my den given to me by a dear friend, that shows a teddy bear with his stuffing popping out, and it says, “The older you get…the more valuable you are…”
I love that!! Our wisdom is valuable, too!!
I’m in the “Baby Boomer” generation!! We’re a LARGE group! Companies should design and market for US!! You’re right on!!
I think I’m a generation behind you, but I love how shoes have brought us together 🙂
Women’s shoes can do that for sure!!
I wrote a blog today about a couple of awesome boot finds (okay so the blog was really about the jeans I had to buy to go with the boots, but it was still about boots) – I would suggest trying ShoeDazzle as a possible selection – they definitely have their fair share of boots with ridiculous heels – but also a handful of fun flat boots. I’ve had good luck with their shoes, and ordered my first (two) pairs of boots yesterday, which I ironically posted about before stumbling across this blog-so-bootiful. Try googling ShoeDazzle Bellona (they aren’t traditional colors, but that’s what makes them fun?) http://www.shoedazzle.com/products/BELLONA#420 Congrats on the FP!
This is no joke: I literally just pressed “submit” on my first order from ShoeDazzle an hour ago!!!!!!!!!! Great minds, great minds.
*so proud* I have been a member for over a year, and order religiously. so glad, and I hope the fit and style works for what you were looking for!
Jeffrey Campbell Lita boot…so high…so comfortable…so. damn. trendy.
Those remind me of Frankenstein. ‘Don’t care for those thick soles. What is the purpose? To look taller? Dead ‘give away.’
Congrats on FP! I giggled when I saw that WP decided to emphasize your “aging” tag.
If you’re not using those sweater clogs, could you pass them this way?
You know, I giggled, too, because I think a lot of my readers are under the impression that I’m my mom. But it’s cool. 🙂 Oh and as for the clogs, the Farmers’ Almanac is calling for a brutal winter, so I’ll get back to you in, like, April. P.S. Squish and the puppies totally made my Wednesday!!!
Try BCBG wedge! It’s only 2 inches. And you can walk in them!!! Don’t need to break them in. Super comfy. And yes congrats on FP!
Green tennis shoes (not real running shoes). That’s my suggestion. They’re very fun.
Definitely fun!
your blog is so cute and natural…by the way you can look stunning in a 2-3 inch peep toe heel..and flats are a superb alternative ..i have to shop a lot because of my nature of work…and about 3 pairs of right flats can help you pep up your shoe closet…if you want i would be happy to share my knowledge..:))
I basically need someone to dress me, so if you’re down with that, you’re hired! Please note I’m 5’1, petites are too snug because they’re made for girls who weigh as much as my leg, and your pay will come in the form of snarky jokes and witty sarcasm. When can you start? 🙂
right away..i’d love to help..but i need more details about your body type like for example i am a pear shape as i have a smaller torso and a wider bottom..i have a flat stomach but my legs are too thin..please tell which part you want to accentuate and which part you want to hide..
..also what do you keep in my when you shop..like for me apart from budget i look for draped or fitted clothes nothing oversized..
first we can start with what silhouettes you should wear and then we can move on to the colors that will suit your skin tone…:)))
Love this line: when I had kids, time stood still for me, and only moved for them. SO, so true.
Hope you find your fun shoes – however they may look. Kick your heels up with them!
Well, thank you! I’d rather be complimented on my writing than my footwear any day 😉
Loved your post! Good luck on your shoe hunt, don’t break a leg 😉
Thanks, Scarlett! I love your name, by the way, and wanted to name my gal Scarlett, but the husband preferred Ella. Eh, what’s he know?!
Thanks! But Ella is also nice, leaves open more possibilities for nicknames – I think.
Hey Frye Boots are back in style and although they aren’t considered sexy they could be considered edgy with tights and a skirt or stretch red jeans! My 20 year old daughter even rocks them!
Congrats on being FP’d!
Thanks so much for the fashion tip and the congrats. I probably need the former more than the latter 😉
That “block” looks like something they may find weighing down a body in the Hudson river!
Ahahaha! Yeah, I’m pretty sure a pair were featured in an episode of The Sopranos….
“Kimora Lee Simmons can suck it”! WhenCrazyMeetsExhaustion, you win! 🙂 So personal, yet so relevant! Congrats on Freshly!
Thanks so much, tsamac!!!!
I love sexy stylish flats, when the outfit does not call for a pair of heels. Flats are perfect for everyone one, no matter what age 😉
what are you crazy what ever is easy to move with and catch the children when needed is the best footware.
I’m most definitely crazy. I’m also exhausted.
If you find “the” boots, please share with the blogging world. I was just thinking today about the balance between giving of ourselves so much to our families as wives/moms, but also doing things that are just for ourselves. Buying fun shoes, or getting regular haircuts, or going on dates with my husband, are all strangely essential to my sanity and effectiveness as a homemaker! Don’t give up the search, because we both know it’s about more than just boots.
I totally agree. A happy Mama is a better Mama! Thank you so much for reading and commenting–hope you’ll be back 🙂
Hilarious – totally cracked me up – ya – let’s all be age appropriate where it counts! The rest of time we’ll wear fun shoes and eat cotton candy and dance like crazy ladies in our own kitchens to Top 40 songs. Congrats on the Freshly pressed.
I’m down for the dance party in the kitchen!!!
Good luck on your shoe hunt! I plan to stay child free in my high heals for as long as possible. 😛
Rock those heels, Mei!!
I am a total shoewhore so I get it and wish you the best in your shoe-quest!
“Shoewhore!” That’s what I woke up to this morning and I thank you for it 😉
Good Luck with the hunt!!!!Hope you find your “Fun shoes” before the “fun” part drains out.:)
Thanks 🙂 I think Shoedazzle may be my answer. I’ll know when my first shipment arrives!
Girl, you said it! Where did those lines in our foreheads come from?! I found a boot I want for the fall – a nice deep, thick brown leather Flat soled boot with a buckle across the back. I’ve decided skinny jeans are ok as long as their brightly colored and with the new boots I might be able to rock the cool mom thing! I’ll keep you posted..
Definitely keep me posted! I’m not stylish or ballsy enough to work the brightly colored denim. I’ll have to live vicariously through you!!!!
This, I think, has been the hardest part of becoming a mom. I didn’t PLAN to have kids, so when all of a sudden I was pregnant and then a MOM, I was lost. And now that I’m pregnant with number two, I’m SUPER lost. Because it’s not an accident anymore, so I have to at least TRY to look the part, right?
First, congrats on #2!!!! That sounds weird and I hope people know I’m talking about your second child… Second, you already have a great sense of humor and honesty about yourself, so I’m sure regardless of what you wear, you rock it! Good luck with your growing family, Mama!
Amen, sista! I dream of a shoe that can make me look sassy without the potential of falling flat on my face. A girl can dream.
Your blog is absolutely entertaining and I wish you the best of luck in finding the perfect pair of boots! When you become a mom, life gets hectic and you think about NOTHING but the kids, kudos to you!
You are so sweet–thank you much!
Man, some shoes are INSANE these days.
I bought fun shoes only once in my life (thereby ignoring my grandmother’s advice (which I always follow) that I should always invest in well-made, reasonably expensive, supportive shoes)….I wore them for a few hours and suffered pain and blisters for the next few days….I still have them, but haven’t worn them in about 15 years…
And that’s exactly why we should always heed the advice of our Grammas!!!
As a bodyworker I never understand why any woman wears heels, especially over 1.5 inches. They ruin the spine and cause a lot more pain and problems than bunions ever will. Thanks for the post.
Thanks for reading!!
Five years without buying any fun shoes? I feel the need to run immediately to my closet and hide all of my shoes lest we randomly meet each other. Five weeks may be a record for me! Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed! Great post.
Overwhelmed By Joy, you should definitely hide your shoes; I may steal them just to walk around my house in style. I used to be “that shoe lady;” alas, no more 🙂 Thanks so much for your kind words!
Congrats on being Freshly Pressed. You have iterated all of my fears about parenting in a single post. Children are like noisy little calendars. And 5 years is way too long. Couldn’t do it.
Don’t get me wrong; I do miss my fun shoes. But I’d walk barefoot for the rest of my life for my little ones 😉 Thank you for reading and for the congrats!!
Freshly Pressed, awesome! I have to say I LOVE heels and I buy them religiously…but I’m a teacher and I work around screaming elementary school kids all day, so I understand the need for practical shoes. I found that there is a huge selection for flat, functional and still totally sexy boots if you look in the right spots (and paired with the right age appropriate outfit of course!).
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your kind words and for reading! AND for teaching our little ones–that’s a pretty thankless job sometimes, says this high school English teacher! Good for you for educating our youth AND looking fab while doing it 😉
I had good shoe karma at DSW last week. And I can even walk in them. Cheers.
I’m off on a shopping spree today; I’ll check out DSW for sure!
When I read fun shoes I was thinking something else altogether:) The ones Kimora suggested would be perfect and no worries they never stay on long.lol As for boots I always end up at Kohls.
Ahahaha!!! Good point about those “fun shoes!” I’ll have to take my Christmas money to Kohls!! 🙂
Oh my goodness….The only shoes I have bought in the past year were a pair of sweater clogs and a pair of cheapo flip flops!!!
Okay, we need to shop together, STAT!!! (Although, I’ve been rocking those sweater clogs all winter…) 🙂
My family every time say that I am wasting my time here
at net, except I know I am getting know-how every day by reading such nice
articles or reviews.
Thank you?
So glad to hear that something awesome came out of your search-for-the-best-boots-personal-assessment. Small things like that sometimes really just makes you realize more important things. So happy to hear that you donated clothes and shoes to a local charity. Good luck on the boots hunt though. I hope you find the perfect one soon!
No reason to be a “hoarder.” I like the minimalist approach to your wardrobe. Might be inspired to take similar action.