One million years ago, I went to college. While there, I met some really rockin’ people, and today’s Oversharer just happens to be one of them! By the power invested in me, also known as Facebook, we reunited and have oooh’ed and awww’ed over photos of one another’s children and kept in touch via status updates. Who says Mark Zuckerturd isn’t good for something?! FBX Adventures‘ Brooke has always been HARlarious, and I was stoked when she offered a little somethin’ somethin’ for my Oversharing: I Ain’t Scarrred series. You should write something for it, too, because that’s what decent people do. Write for me. Obviously.
About 8 years ago, a few days after Christmas, my then boyfriend, now husband, was getting ready to leave for Wyoming, the middle of NO WHERE with no phone service. To say that I was upset was an understatement. We were both living at our parents’ ( you remember the year after you graduated college and were broke.) We never got a lot of “Alone Time.”
The night before he was to leave, we went for a drive. We were in the middle of nowhere. It was beautiful and the stars were out. To leave this a PG-13 post, let’s just say things got hot and heavy in the front seat of his truck. The truck he was supposed to drive cross country in the next day. A few minutes into our intimate moment, I noticed that Aunt Flo decided to visit early. I had somehow survived this embarrassing moment all through middle school and high school only to be mortified now.
There we were in the front seat of his truck. His truck with beige seats. There I was with Aunt Flo. There was that awkward moment of staring at him and trying to figure out how to tell the guy I dated for almost a year (don’t judge me) that his truck seat was done with. I was mortified. I did what any reasonable person would do…I cried, and cried and cried. We went back to his parents house and I scrubbed, and scrubbed and scrubbed until 2 am.
Needless to say, when I totaled his truck 5 months later (whole other story) those “marks’ were still there. He was kind enough to never mention them again.

Oh, noooo…. But really, who buys a truck with beige seats? The whole POINT of a truck is to get it dirty, right? This was his fault. 🙂
May I just say how much I LOVE these oversharing stories, Stephanie!!! This is so funny, and lord can I relate having had one too many Aunt Flo stories of my own. Thanks for sharing (overly but in an awesomely funny way!) and it was awesome to “meet” you, Brooke. 🙂
Beth!! Feel free to submit a story of your own! Doesn’t have to be about Aunt Flo, but at least you know it’s in good company if it is! xo
Cool! I would love to!!! That would be a blast!
YAY!! You can send all craziness to: I can’t wait!
Thank you Stephanie! I’ve already thought of two possibilities, and they made me blush just thinking of them, so perfect, right? Lol
Hilarious! And next time, Brooke (yes, I’m assuming there will be a next time), hydrogen peroxide will take blood out in a snap. You’re welcome.
Way to mark your territory, Brooke! 😉
She’s like the puppy her boyfriend never had 😉
Oh no! My cheeks are burning with embarrassment for you! That’s BRUTAL!!!
Here’s to that truck being totaled and that embarrassing story along with it! Though I’m thrilled that you pulled it out of the junk yard to share with us here ;)!