Our neighbor is an elementary school teacher and a few years ago, she told me how she had shared a live-streaming of bald eagle eggs hatching in their nest. Without ever leaving their seats, her students saw nature at its best. Those kids probably didn't realize how lucky they were to witness ... » Learn More about Take Your Students to Peru!
H&R Block Budget Challenge = $$ for your classroom
During my senior year of high school, I took a course called Independent Living. The class taught us things like how to balance a checkbook, a task I still struggle with (shut up), and how to manage money so we understood the steps in the Financial Order of Importance: Step 1: ... » Learn More about H&R Block Budget Challenge = $$ for your classroom
Winter: My Nemesis
One of my favorite winter activities is enjoying the untouched beauty of the first fallen snow...from within a warm house while wearing fuzzy slippers and sipping hot cocoa. Winter is not my friend. If she weren't so cold or last so dang long, maybe I'd reconsider, but seeing as how she sticks ... » Learn More about Winter: My Nemesis
Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
It was about 2am, and I was in the middle of one of those dreams so vivid you swear it's real life. Surround sound, bright colors, and voices so clear and articulate you wake up looking for the people who were just in your brain. The best part of that kind of dreaming is suspending reality for a ... » Learn More about Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Do You Know What Dexing Is?
She had a lot of friends, guys thought she was pretty. She earned good grades which kept her parents off her back, and like most other 16-year-old's, was looking forward to the day Dad handed over the keys to the Toyota with a "be careful" and a smile. She wasn't thinking about college yet; that was ... » Learn More about Do You Know What Dexing Is?