My husband kisses me every day.
He reaches for me in his sleep.
He is patient when I am not.
You won’t find him drinking at the table
Rolling dice and staying out ’til three
You won’t ever find him be unfaithful
You will find him, you’ll find him next to me
My husband puts up with my irrational fear of thunderstorms.
He works himself to exhaustion for our family.
He couldn’t pick Kim Kardashian out of a line-up, but he can solve a quadratic equation in .4 seconds. (I’ve no idea what a quadratic equation is or why I like that about him).
You won’t find him tryna chase the devil
For money, fame, for power, out of greed
You won’t ever find him where the rest go
You will find him, you’ll find him next to me
My husband doesn’t ogle over other women.
He is patient when I am not. That’s worth repeating.
He does silly things like puts random crap in our son’s t-shirt pocket because “who wears a pocket t-shirt with nothing in the pocket?!”
When the money’s spent and all my friends have vanished
And I can’t seem to find no help or love for free
I know there’s no need for me to panic
Cause I’ll find him, I’ll find him next to me
My husband is honest and true.
He makes me a better woman, mother, and person.
He supported my decision to have a VBAC and stood up for me when others said I was crazy.
When the skies are grey and all the doors are closing
And the rising pressure makes it hard to breathe
When all I need’s a hand to stop the tears from falling
I will find him, I’ll find him next to me
My husband makes me laugh every day.
He scoops up our kids and smothers them with kisses, and when they try to wriggle away, he holds them tighter because he knows the day will soon come where they’re not “scoopable” any more.
He has integrity. And a great smile.
When the end has come and buildings falling down fast
When we’ve spoilt the land and dried up all the sea
When everyone has lost their heads around us
You will find him, you’ll find him next to me
My husband isn’t the only fabulous father out there.
I asked some of my Facebook pals to weigh in on why their husbands deserve the best Father’s Day EVAH and this is what you lovelies had to say:
Happy Father’s Day to all of you amazing Dads out there! May your day be filled with golf, landscaping, and whatever else boring crap you enjoy.
Are we friends? We should be! Click HERE to find my crazy on Facebook!
Next To Me lyrics found here
Well you know all about my amazing man, probably more than he wants you to know… so let’s raise a glass to these amazing men. I’m going to have to fill mine with wine. The whole time I was stood talking to MY Dad today, Mr G was fondling my butt. And there wasn’t a damned thing I could say or do, because I was worried my Dad would punch him if I said anything. I am his baby girl after all…
Happy Fathers Day Mr Crazy!
That was beautiful! Brought a tear to my eye.
Thanks so much! I hope you’re feeling more like your bad word, funny Mama self soon!
Nicely done Steph! Loved it!!
Thanks, Penny!! Your FB comment was one of my faves <3
That was a perfect mixture of sweetness and funny! Yes, they do deserve at least one day a year for praise and appreciation! 😉
I agree: ONE day 😉
Cheers to the Dads who are right there with the moms doing an excellent job! Nice post Stephanie.
Thanks so much, Vernette!!!!!! Hope you and yours are doing well 🙂
That was beautiful!!!!
Stop. You’re beautiful.
I so so so so so love this!!! I bet your husband cried a river when he read this! 🙂
If cried a river means kissed me on my cheek and thanked me. Which I’ll totally take 😉
I love your post, it’s wonderful having a good man. I know we all joke, especially me, about the annoying habits and silliness of our hubbies…but in the it is an honor to have a good man for a husband.
Thanks, Karen! I definitely joke, too, but at the end of the day, the men know we love them. Probably. Hopefully.
I don’t know what I loved about this post the most: the beauty of your words, the awesome comments from Facebook, or Nicole Louise’s comment at the end. 🙂
Sounds like you and I lucked out in the husband department. Mine is, quite simply, amazing. And I’m a lucky, lucky gal. 🙂
Definitely the awesome comments from my FB pals. I like them 🙂 My husband’s not bad either…
Hope Mr. Ryan enjoyed his Father’s Day. 😉
Your title captured my attention because when I hear that song I think about my wonderful husband too! For many of the same reasons you listed for your husband. Sounds like you have a keeper and a man worthy of praising. 🙂
Amen, Crystal!
What a sweet post! It’s so inspiring…maybe I should stop using my Father’s Day posts as an excuse to poke fun at my dad and hubby and instead start being sweet! Naaaaaah! 🙂 Love it, Steph. Great job!
Bahahaha! I like to think that poking fun at someone is just another way to say “I love you.” Not many share that sentiment, so don’t tell anyone you heard it here. 🙂
I just LOVE that song! And I love the way you wove it into your praise. Just lovely.
It is a great song; I thought of my husband the first time I heard it and have been trying to find a way to work it into a post. Thanks so much, Cheryl!!!
Lovely! You are changing minds and hearts better than Dr. Phil! 😉
Steph, you’ve got a winner!
I could relate to many of these blessings. But, the one I loved the most was that your hubby reaches for you in his sleep. My guy does this, too. It makes me feel SO SECURE! I’m kind of like a sponge–I just want to soak up all of his love! 🙂
🙂 🙂
Your post choked me up a bit, and Mom Rants and Comfy Pants got the tears flowing. Cheers to the good ones. There are so many.
Penny is a good lady. 🙂
This is beautiful–love, love, LOVE it. Thanks for opening hearts up everywhere! <3