March is in the books, pals. Today, the first day of April, means I am officially done with BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo challenge. It was fun, and I’m glad I gave it a whirl, but at times, it really hurt my brain.
Here are a few of the things I’ve learned from participating:
- Less is ultimately more.
- Despite invading inboxes and clogging Facebook feeds for a full month, some of those closest to me continue to ignore the fact that I have a blog, have been published elsewhere on the web, and have even experienced a little monetary success with my writing. Kinda hurts my heart.
- On the flip-side, I have AH-mazing readers and supporters who were by my side for the full 31-days. You read, you commented, you pimped out what you liked most, and for that, I thank you. You keep me writing.
- I’ve yet to figure out the best time of day or day of the week to publish as to maximize exposure. This was one of my personal goals during NaBloPoMo and I failed. I’m over it.
- A half a dozen people, some with whom I speak every day, others I haven’t seen in years, have contacted me to let me know they’ve started writing/blogging because they were inspired by my crazy. If that’s not reason enough to keep writing, I don’t know what is!
- Link-ups and themed writings are great remedies for a brain fart.
- My Oversharing series seems to be a hit! Weeeee! Speaking of which…
tune in tomorrow when Kerry from House TalkN stops by to Overshare. You may recognize Kerry’s funny from “her” best-selling book, I Just Want to Pee Alone, but tomorrow she will be dishing about the time she was naked. At the YMCA.
Yee-haw!!! You did it! I’m so proud of you! I was going to say that yesterday and then I forgot! I don’t know how you posted everyday! I think after 10 days I would have quit and made up some excuse about a serious injury to both of my hands. Also, don’t feel bad about the ones closest to you not reading…my family and friends quit reading months ago (except for my Mom)! She thinks I border on the cat’s meow and slightly crazy! Keep doing what you’re doing…you’re doing phenomenal!! (I love the pic also!!)
Awww, thanks, Melissa!! I was surprised I stuck to it, to be honest! Maybe we should be thankful that some of our fam and friends opt out of reading our blogs? We can complain about them without them knowing? 😉
I need to sooo be honest with myself and take a challenge like this too. Maybe it would make me sit and write! Drink a glass of wine and write! lol
It really was a great experience! I didn’t always stick to the theme (risk was this month’s), but I made it work as best I could by timing myself when writing. There were days that I had ZERO to say and almost felt bad overwhelming friends’ inboxes, but overall, awesome practice for any writer!
I loved all your posts and I think you bring out the best in people. Makes them wanna bring their A game! As for those who don’t join in the fun, their loss!!
You’re so super, Penny Diamond 😉
It’s been a great month of reading Stephanie and I so feel you on those closest to you ignoring your blog, I was complaining to my sister about that just yesterday. She ignored me even then.
Thank you for your unwavering support, Vernette! I’m sorry to hear that your peeps have shunned your blog, too! Hey–we’ve got each other! Should I break out into song now because I kinda want to…
Bravo, it takes a lot of creativity, craziness and commitment to pull this off.
Is this your First Official Comment on my blog?! Me likes!
Thanks for always reading, kind sir!
Awesome and I have signed up for a few months now (because I blog daily anyways), but never did their actual daily blog topics. But know what you mean about craziness. I loved reading so many of your posts last month and really just have to say congrats for sticking with it!! 🙂
Thanks so much, Janine! I don’t know how YOU do it! Sometimes you post TWICE a day and you get around to a trillion other blogs. I’m in awe of you, woman!
Good for you! It is good to stretch every once in a while…makes us grow. You are phenomenal. Those closest to me don’t read my blog either. If they do, they don’t comment. Very irksome, but whatever. Bottom line is I do it because I love it and if I was the only one who got to see what I’ve accomplished I think I would still be okay with it because the creative outlet is enough, ya know?
Aww, thanks for your kind words, Christine. And I know exactly what you mean about having that outlet–thank goodness for writing!! So glad we found one another in the ‘hood and online!
I don’t know what you’re talking about Willis I have told you numerous times that I’m very proud of you and will always do anything to help or support you so you better not be talking about me! But yes the more you write about how to have sex with your husband the less I will read. Pirates lost today so I’m goin to cry myself to sleep now take care bye bye then.
Not you, dummy! You’re one of the people who started writing after my blog! But for the record, I’ve had to hear more than enough of your weirdness and TMI-stories, so you can just shut your piehole about mine.
What shocks me most isn’t that you did it, but that you did it so well! I enjoyed getting to read more of you, and will be kind of disappointed you won’t be in my inbox every day. 🙂
(that sounded dirty, didn’t it??)
It definitely sounded a little dirty. Ain’t no harm in that 😉
Thank you for your kind words; I appreciate them more than you know! Mama’s tired!
Isn’t it amazing how our blogging friends do not mesh with our “real life” friends? I have been through the acceptance process of realizing that my real life friends get me in person, and don’t care to follow/support/read/ and quite frankly respect much of my efforts in writing. It’s been an interesting lesson to learn. Two different worlds. So unusual. But I’ll take my precious blogging friends!! Congrats on a great month, my new blogging friend! I can’t even remember how I found you- but you infiltrated my inbox in a timely manner apparently- I couldn’t STOP reading. LOL
Chris, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the fact that you know what I’m talking about with the real vs. blogging friends! I thought it was just me, but so many of you have said you experience the same sort of divide, so maybe I should just be grateful I have blog friends/readers and stop worrying! Thank you for reading and commenting–you’re swell!!
I have NO earthly idea how the hell you did that! You amaze me! If I attempted that it wouldn’t be good for anyone. Posts about toe nail clippings, and choosing tampons would ensue. Hope you didn’t actually post about that and I just missed it. Seriously, you rock and I’m not at all surprised your writing is such a huge success! I can’t quite figure out a good time or day to post for more exposure either, so I’m sticking with random. 😉
Even if you were to write about nail clippings and tampons, I would read it because you would make even that “stuff” beautiful! You’re a talented lady, and I appreciate your loyalty to my crazy! THANK YOU!
I think it is amazing that you took on this challenge and nailed it! Way to go!! I know it was difficult but i for one loved having you in my inbox every day. i mean that in the most apporpriate way, you know;)
Thanks so much, Vicky! I appreciate your kindness and possibly inappropriate innuendos 😉
Congrats on finishing the month, Steph! I know it’s not easy.
And I also haven’t figured out the best time of day to post. :\ I think blogfans are just crazy and unpredictable.
Thanks, Jill!! You were right about it being a bit addicting; each day I wake up and want to post something new, but now that the challenge is over, I’m not sure I’ll actually do it! Thanks for your encouragement throughout the month and beyond!
Crazy and unpredictable–I can get with that 😉
Woohoo! Super proud of you, Steph! You are like the energizer bunny–you just keep going and going! I couldn’t last five consecutive days much less thirty days. As for those closest to you ignoring your HUGE accomplishments in recent months, don’t let it get to you. Some people just don’t know how to be happy for others!
Meanwhile, the rest of your blogging buddies will watch you take over the blogosphere. And, hopefully rake in some big bucks along the way! 😉
You’re well, Anka. Thanks so much for your kind words and loyalty–they mean the world to me!
P.S. That pic was taken waaaaaay before kids. So that glow just may have been from some fun lovin’ 🙂
Oh, I forgot to mention that I adore the photo of you and your hubby! You look like a young girl. Shall we attribute this glow in your face to some fun lovin’?