Turns out, I kinda like this vlogging thang. It’s definitely not because I want the world to hear my manly voice or because I want to worry about covering the massive zit that has taken up residence on my chin. It’s not because it’s easy to find a minute where the kids are quiet or the husband isn’t around to judge me while I talk at my computer. It is, however, quite convenient: it takes a lot less time and effort to spout off my ideas in a vlog rather than attempt to put them together in a cohesive post where I have to worry about editing stuff. I love writing, but I think I’m going to kick off a summer vlog tour or something.
Speaking of tours, as in BOOK TOURS, remember the time I won Scary Mommy’s Book Tour contest?! ‘Cause I did. And I vlogged about it. TWICE!
Once here, in our hotel room before the par-tay:
And today, in my kids’ hot-as-Satan’s-crotch bathroom where I once again refused to do more than one take, so I apologize for the length (almost 5 minutes–SORRY!!!) and the stream of consciousness way I ramble:
I would love to promise you that I’ll get better at these vlogs or at least try to add some fancy ย effects, but let’s be honest: ain’t gonna do it. <— Say that like Ross Perot or get out.
Our local news station sent some adorable interns to photograph our fun; you can see those pics by clicking HERE.
Some of my personal faves are below.

Thank you to everyone who voted, came to Station Square this weekend, reads my blog, follows WhenCrazyMeetsExhaustion on Facebook, and generally puts up with my ramblings. Especially my husband who is so wonderful about the fact that I am addicted to blogging despite the enormous amount of time it takes. He’s tops in my book, and you ain’t half bad neither.
Cute vlog. ๐ I thought it was odd that you were doing it in a bathroom, but I totally understand that may be the only place to get away from it all!! ๐ Our home would be our laundry room. I’m enjoying them. I do also enjoy reading blog posts though too because then I don’t have to WAIT to hear what is going on in your world. ๐
Good point, Crystal! I’ll keep that in mind ๐
STEPH–I didn’t think you could be any funnier, but seriously, hearing you say things–just any things and all things–on the vlogs made me literally laugh out loud. You are hilarious!! And Meno Mama–I love her, too. She has always been so supportive of me and mah little blog, so I was so glad to hear your shout out. What a fun post. Thanks!! Oh–and Jill–I agree. So sweet and talented. I can’t get enough of this post!
Ohmygoodness–you’re so sweet!! Thanks, Shay!!! xo
They don’t suck! Funny stuff
Thanks, Ellen! I like the “easy” appeal; writing is so much more laborious for me!
I voted- so you’re welcome! ๐
Love your vlogs- I’m just starting to do them some too- so you’re making it seem less scary!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please let me know when you post a vlog so I can take a peek!!!
OMG!!!! I love love love your vlogs, the Scary Mommy thing sounds awesome, and you gals are GORGEOUS!!! Oh, how I wish I could’ve joined you!
(By the way, I thought I saw shots of red liquid on the table with you guys, but I soon realized they were candles. HA!).
Please keep the vlogs coming. They are so much fun to watch!!!
Shots. That’s what we forgot. Coulda been the perfect weekend…
My husband’s not crazy about the vlogs! Says he misses my writing. Hmmm… ๐
Hi, I popped over from the SITS Facebook page….but I think I may have “met” you before. Anyway, I’m way too chicken to vlog, so goononyou!
Don’t be chicken! Obviously you can ramble on and on about random crap and people will watch. Or I’ve heard… ๐
THANK YOU FOR MORE VLOGS!!!!! It’s nice to know that you’ve been heard! ๐ Seriously, though…very funny stuff. Looking forward to (hopefully) many more! And, much love and many prayers for strength, healing, and comfort for your blogger friend.
You will ALWAYS be heard!!! xo
I’m so glad you girls had such a great time. And the vlogs ~ you have found your calling girlfriend. Didn’t think you could be any cuter!!! And Marcia is amazing. Love everything about her. You really just made my day!!
I need direction for the vlogs, Penny. I tend to…..ramble. SURPRISE! At least I can edit myself in my writing. NOW I’m beginning to see why my husband says he prefers to read me. Hmm…RUDE! ๐
Oh my gosh, you are most adorable vlogger EVER! I am so happy for you that you had that amazing experience. The photos are fantastic, too! You must still be floating! And Satan’s crotch gave me the giggles…
You are dominating the vlog scene! Step aside, ladies, Stephanie is bringing the laughs this summer! You are such a treasure and I’m still reeling over such a fun weekend. Thanks, friend!
You’re so good to me, Meredith! We’ll chat soon and rehash the whole thang!
I just LOVE watching you in person stephanie!! It’s so cool to see the gal behind the words, ya know? You’re so cute and beautiful and well said all at the same time!!! Your weekend sounds amazing… SO AMAZING!!!! Wish I could have been there with you girls… I probably would totally spoon you if we shared a room. Just sayin’ ๐
Ok, I with the majority on this and you are truly rocking the Vlog. Watched all of them so far and seriously you do need to do more of these. And congrats again and so glad you had a great time this past weekend. Totally deserved it!! ๐
It was a really great time–thanks so much, Janine!!!
I love the vlogs!! i love seeing your sweet smile and listeing to you unscripted, unedited. It’s like hanging out with a good friend and cup of coffee. (I really mean a margarita but I was trying to be grown up.) And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you won and got to have a fab night with fab women. It’s bloggers, writers, women like you that inspire us little people to keep writing. Thank you for sharing (and over sharing;) So very very happy i met you.
Vicky, as the hipsters say, don’t get it twisted: I am but a little person in this whole scheme of blogging. But I love that you make me feel like a rock star ๐ THANK YOU!
More. Vlogs. Please.
One a side note: Your outfit was awesome…love the chevron and yellow!
Vernette!! My husband hates the vlogs! He says my talent is writing and he would rather read me! He’s bent my confidence, but didn’t break it ๐
THANK YOU!! I get to dress up, like, twice a year and that was fun!
ok glad it’s just bent and not broken ๐ because your vlogs are awesome.
Ummm – speaking of being behind on blog reading! Gah! You are awesome!! Love the vlogs and had a fantastic time!
Ha! How did I miss this one. DANG! You are on to me!! Next time we shack up….. naked. Butt naked! Love you lady!! xoxo