It’s no secret that readers leave my blog covered in residual sarcasm and tongue-in-cheek humor, some of which is completely inappropriate and off-color. It’s how we do ’round these parts.
But this weekend, I came across a new blog, courtesy of my blogging buddy Mama G. who does her hilarious thang over at Frazzled Shell, that made me want to set the sarcastic ‘tude to the side and really focus on–are you ready for this?–what’s in my heart.
Need a minute to come to terms with the fact that I have a heart? I’ll wait…
The Happy Wive’s Club, founded by Fawn Weaver, is comprised of over 100,000 ladies from more than 100 countries. The goal of HWC is to promote happiness, specifically the kind that results from being in a strong marriage. Did you know that there are still couples who enjoy being married? They, like, spend time with one another and take their vows seriously. Whoa.
I consider myself a feminist and Taylor Swift can bite me so I was a bit leery of HWC at first. I was not about to join something that made me feel like I was supposed to worship my husband as a deity or stop voicing my opinions because “it’s not my place.” I was pleasantly surprised to learn that this club isn’t about rank. It’s not about “knowing your place.” It’s about teamwork. It’s about being equals and loving life together.
Happy Wive’s Club is basically a sunny spot on the Internet that promotes counting our blessings, one in particular that we–especially ME–often take for granted: the husband. I promise it’s not like a bad 1950’s stereotype; they’re too legit to quit, and that’s why I joined.
There are zero rules to join or be part of the club; there is only inspiration and warm and fuzzies. And I’m a sucker for a good quote, and there are a lot of those, too. The blogging HWC ladies maintain a running list of the reasons they love their spouse; sometimes the lists are the posts themselves, other times, they’re just a few additions at the end of an unrelated post. I anticipate having difficulty remembering where I left off on my list, so there’s a possibility mine may look like the following, but I’m going to try!
In honor of today’s Project Optimism and in honor of the man who didn’t vomit when I asked to look at my placenta after delivering our daughter (what?! I didn’t ask to take a bite of it–calm down), I present to you the beginnings of a list that I hope will become a recurring thread of happy woven into the otherwise snarky fabric of my blog.
1. My husband takes the kids with him to the grocery store while I tutor from our home on Sundays. If you have kids under the age of five, you understand why this is #1 on my list.
2. The hubs buys me fresh flowers so regularly that our son has begun asking if I need “new flowers.”
3. When long hours at work keep him, my husband turns down invitations to golf on the weekends because he has missed us.
Even though it seems like this post is sponsored by the Happy Wives Club, I assure you it’s not. I just like what I see and wanted you to know about it. If you’re interested, check them out:
Happy Monday, pals!
Husband? Aint nobody got time for dat! Do one about your brother! And mother!
It’s the Happy Wives Club, not the Happy Sisters Club! Although I will say I almost peed my pants when you drove past waving like a lunatic. Ahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
That was my Forrest Gump/Steve Buscemi in Billy Madison wave…you can always start a sister club who’s stopping ya!?
I seriously take my husband for granted sometimes . . . sometimes I think he takes me for granted, too. It’s a give and take kind of thing. I’ve learned, though, that if I want him to change then changing myself is a better approach to the silent treatment or “holding out” on him in the bedroom. (That’s not to say I haven’t TOTALLY done both!!)
I am off to check out HWC – I may just join you on this journey!! 😉
PS – did you see I wrote about you today?
Ahahahaha!!! I think we’ve all been there, done that, Janene!!! But you’re right, and to quote the late, great Michael Jackson, “if you want to make a change, let’s start with the man in the mirror!”
I am so behind in my reading today–but I’m comin’ to check ya out now! THANK YOU!!
Wow!!! I am really impressed with #3!!! Now that’s true love!!
He’s not too shabby, eh? 😉 I’m actually on your blog right now catching up. A GRANDMA?! SAY WHAT?!
OMG I’m FAMOUS! (Sort of… 😉 ) Eeeek!
You’re absolutely right, it’s not about being a poster girl for a downtrodden, put upon wife, chained to the kitchen sink and catering to every whim. We are women with amazing husbands, who do their best for us, appreciate us, love us, treat us as equals when we want and delicate flowers when we don’t, and unblock our toilets when we stupidly put unblended cabbage soup down them. (Yes, yes I did). Of course this should be celebrated and praised. Same as with kids, if you praise good behaviour – you get more of the same 😀
I have to check my last post every time I link up or my numbering would look very similar! You reminded me too, I forgot to link up today 🙂
Your placenta? This is fine as long as you wanted to look at your daughter first…? You DID want to see the baby first, right? 😉
You described the HWC so much better than I did, with fancy words and stuff. I shoulda just had you write it 😉
Of course I wanted to see my gal! But she had a broken clavicle so while they fixed her up, I feasted my eyes upon…my insides? Sounds so much grosser than it really was 😉
Fancy words!!! Like cabbage? I can be quite eloquent and non-sweary when sober 😉
Awwwww bless her 🙁 but still… I’ve had four and not looked at it. Think I’ll have to go for number 5 now, just to see what it looks like… 😀
You better slow your roll, woman! We’ve talked about you and #5!! 😉
Oh and yes, cabbage. Definitely cabbage.
Awesome, happy post! I don’t know your husband but I love him too.
I’m sure Tom would fit into a few of these categories, right? Like day drinking after your show? 🙂
Oh man I feel so left out…*sigh* all selfishness aside…it’s nice to know that there are women celebrating men. I’m guilty of saying that my brother is the only good guy I know…sadly I always forget my brother-in-law when I say this. My brother is now a husband and his wife really is blessed and so is my sister.
Happy Wives Club is a major win for the good guys. Some of us ladies need to be reminded that they are out there and to keep the faith.
Great point, Vernette! Big points for the good guys–literally! I’m wondering if there will be another baby boom because of HWC. I should do some research on this… 😉
My brother is available if you’re interested!
HA! You’re such a big sister! 😀
Yay! Finally a group of women who do NOT undermine the institution of marriage. I can’t wait to check out this blog. It sounds like these ladies don’t endorse the doormat wife. Rather, they esteem the wife as an equal helpmate/partner. I’m soooo on board with this ‘Happy Wives Club!’
Welcome to the Club!! 🙂
Oh how I love that you are doing this. It seems that the backlash of our feminist endeavors (intended or not) is that we are afraid to say that we love our husbands and love being married to them. It’s silly, really. So in the spirit of sisterly support I will tell you I LOVE my husband and I LOVE being married to him. He’s a good man. A good father. And although I dont’ sit and bat my eyelashes at him or think he is perfect, I wouldn’t want to walk through this crazy life with anyone else. Good for you girl!
Thank ya kindly 🙂
All wives need to do is run to the door when their husband arrives home from work. Give him a big hug and yell “dad’s home.” Then have one of the kids bring him a beer and the newspaper. It’s that simple, really. Edith Bunker had it right. HA!
4. My husband’s sense of humor makes me laugh and laugh and laugh and…
Sounds like a great group. My husband can get on my last nerve like nobody’s business, but he’s mine and I can’t imagine life without him. All I have to do is say, “you and the boy need a guy’s day” and he is on it!! I say, “I think I’m low on wine” and he’s out the door. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this with us Steph. BTW, your brother sounds like a hoot!
Penny at Green Moms and Kids
Sounds like you’ve got a good guy there, Penny!! And you’re right: my brother is a hoot. He actually started his own blog about losing weight if you’re interested:
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