Happy Monday, pals!
I’m feeling especially cheery and optimistic this morning which isn’t how I expected to be feeling after my blog was tampered with last week. (Side note: my email subscriptions to many blogs–maybe YOURS!–were severed as a result. I’ve not been ignoring you; I’m making my rounds to re-subscribe. Sigh.)
But that’s not what I’m focusing on now. I’m focusing on the warm sunshine streaming in through my semi-clean windows, my lazy dog hanging out by my feet, and the fact that I remembered to wash my daughter’s blankie while she is at the babysitter’s, thereby successfully thwarting World War III: The Diva Wants What the Diva Wants.
Maybe I’m on cloud nine because I celebrated the impending arrival of a gal pal’s baby girl this past Saturday with some of the people I love most in this world.
Perhaps I’m walkin’ on sunshine because my husband is as giddy as a school girl at the idea of attending an upcoming Rolling Stones concert. For whatever reason, he enjoys watching Mick Jagger strut across the stage like a broken chicken.
I can’t put my finger on what is responsible for the extra pep in my flip-flopped step, but I know having beat the Laundry Odds has something to do with it.
Laundry Odds? you ask.
Laundry Odds, she echos.
She done lost her mind you conclude.
Well, duh, she answers.
Get a load of this:
Laundry Odds, beaten.
Be sure to stop by tomorrow when another funny Mama Overshares a story on a rather serious subject: explosive diarrhea. If you’ve ever said, I’m going to poop my pants. Why is the nearest restroom 20 miles away? then tomorrow is for you!!*
*If you’ve never said that, how nice for you and your colon. Read about it anyway.**
**Why just read about it?! Be about it! Check out my Oversharing page for details about how you can contribute your story and make the rest of us feel normal.
Oh crap, you were hacked??? Noooooo… I had another blogger have her page taken over by some stationery site. I think she got it fixed, but still. And I picked this week to come out of the blogging anonymity closet? Oh, maybe I should have stayed!
Oooh! You’re coming out of the closet?! Did I miss it? Because all of my WordPress subscriptions were screwed up, I’m going around trying to resubscribe 🙁 BOOO! Anyhoo–I wasn’t necessarily “hacked,” but the company that hosts me screwed stuff up BADLY and it was a big ol’ mess and many phone calls before they owned up to it and fixed it. Bright side: I’m back in action…sorta 😉
I’m in a good mood today, too! I attribute it to the warm, sunny weather…not the laundry. HA!
The sun definitely helps!!
That should have said “blogging friend”. I do not own any bloggers. Yet.
HA!!!!! I was actually hoping you did purchase a blogger; I want to read all about it 😉
Glad to hear you’re in a good mood Stephanie and that you have tamed the laundry giant! Can ya teach me? And Sadder But Wiser….”I do not own any bloggers.” That was hilarious!
Can’t wait for tomorrow’s post (wink)!
It was a stroke of good luck, Penny. I have zero laundry skillz.
Tomorrow will be GREAT!
Glad you woke up in a good mood. Come over and spread some of that cheer here because I woke up with a hangover (just don’t talk too loud….). Ya did make me smile though—- Mick Jagger as a broken chicken—-brilliant!
I will gladly trade you: hangover for piles of laundry? 😉
Good for you! I have the worst laundry luck. And the dirty laundry has completely taken over every bedroom in my house. Before I had my son, I never let dirty laundry pile up. How does one toddler get so much crap so dirty?
SERIOUSLY!!!!! I try to do one load a day and while I keep up with the washing and drying pretty well, the folding and returning to drawers part doesn’t happen as easily…
Sounds like everything’s coming up roses! Funny how a little sunshine can do that.
Gotta love some sunshine!!
P.S. I lost all of my connections/subscriptions to WP bloggers 🙁 I’m making my rounds–don’t think I forgot about you! NEVA!!!
I was just telling someone the other day about my friend who found a whole corn dog in the washing machine. Apparently one of her kids put it in their pocket at lunch. I still crack up every time I think about it…how does a corn dog stay intact in the washing machine!!?? Glad you’re having a great Monday!
A corn dog?! She takes the cake!
Those “broken chicken” moves are what make him the 2nd greatest musical entertainer of all time (I have to give #1 to Michael Jackson even though I prefer the music played by the stones).
It’s all about the little things… 🙂
What is that blob that survived your washing machine??
HA!!! That, my friend, is a tissue. Some may refer to it as a Kleenex. Whatever the name, I made it my bitch and had to write about it. 😉
HA! Wow, I’ve never had one survive the wash. Usually I open the washer and wonder who sprinkled confetti inside while I wasn’t looking!
RIGHT?! That’s why I was so excited and just had to share…brag? Let’s go with share. 😉
It’s a miracle! I can’t believe that wad of paper didn’t crumble in the washing machine!
Also, you may find this hard to believe, but I’m a HUGE fan of the Rolling Stones. My husband and I saw them in concert a few years back. And let me tell you, no one has moves like Mick Jagger! 🙂
Anka, I’ll give you that one. Despite his age and the fact that he spent the better part of a decade high out of his mind, he CAN move. My husband and I saw them a few years back, too, and I will say–one hell of a live show!
So I believe that being hacked is a sign of your awesomeness. I feel that the number of robots who currenlty read and comment on my blog means I’m big in the robot world. I’ve never been big in anyone’s world so I’m counting it as a success- see, optimism at its finest;)
Bahahaha! Spam is fun, isn’t it?! Especially when it’s like, “I have read what you have written and it is a shame you do not have a button for me to donate…” Shut up, robot, and stay away from my shiz.
Thanks, Vicky!