Political Correctness burst onto the scene because society decided we should tidy up our language and try really, really hard to make nice with everyone. We didn’t want to offend people by referring to them with such derogatory titles such as “Secretary.” YIKES. Much like No Child Left Behind, the intention of PC was good, but the clear idiocy with which it has been implemented (and currently maintained) is not so good.
Domestic Engineer.
Sanitation Director.
Vehicular Operators.
Instead of increasing our understanding and appreciation for everyone’s contribution, we’ve instead chosen to clutter up their titles with pretty words and vague descriptions. Listen, I know it’s not easy to appreciate everyone and everything; for instance, I am having a very difficult time coming up with an example that proves even Paris Hilton makes a difference. I’m sure she does. In her own way. Like, when I watched her learn how to operate a gas pump on The Simple Life, I thought she was destined for greatest as an Manual Oil Dispenser. PC = Paris Contributes?
Anyway, from now on, the lovely lady who rings up my groceries shall be known as a Grocer Extraordinaire. I can deal with that, but if we’re fancying up our language as to appease the masses, someone please explain why words like “fag” and “nigger” are still in such heavy rotation. Why do so many people use and accept these horrible terms? I can’t call a woman (or a man) a homemaker because there’s a negative connotation behind it, but it’s perfectly permissible to throw around the N-word like nobody’s business. Really?! And apparently, now this is okay:
Spoiler alert: I’m not black. Nor am I gay (although Scarlett Johansson just may be the one to turn me. It’s like she was built in a secret lab for the sole purpose of distracting me with her beauty. And making me feel inferior in a swimsuit).
Despite being a middle-class, straight, married-with-kids white woman, I am sickened by the pure ignorance, close-mindedness, and sheer evil of the kind of people who make and flaunt things like this bumper sticker. This driver might as well trade in his Chevy Suburban for a horse and white hood, and ride into towns waving a flaming torch. I can’t think of a better way to spread hate. And what baffles me most is that we live continue to live under the pretense of political correctness.
College? Not any more: Institute of Higher Learning.
Mailman? What are you, crazy?! Letter Carrier.
Our tolerance is but superficial and our acceptance stretches only so far. It’s frowned upon if I refer to the guy who made my lunch as anything but a Sandwich Artist, yet there are morons people who proudly display their racism on their cars and I’m just supposed to sit back and resist the urge to rear-end them?! PC = Pure Crap.
This isn’t about race. It’s not even about words. It’s about the human experience. It’s about treating one another with the respect we all deserve for the simple reason that we are all people. It’s about understanding that while you and I may have similar hobbies, live in the same neighborhood, or go to the same church, we will never bond over a tasteless joke about Muslims or Jews or “retards.” I have a sense of humor, but I also have a sense of what’s right. And if you don’t, then I’m afraid that’s where our similarities end. PC = Peeps be Confused.
While we’re on the topic of role models, let me just throw this out there: as long as Rush Limbaugh has a voice, literally and figuratively, I’m pretty sure this whole PC thing ain’t gonna work. I’m supposed to call the lady who seats me at a restaurant a Hostess, but Mr. Limbaugh, on a much bigger platform mind you, can publicly label a woman a slut. There’s just something wrong with that. There is also something wrong with the fact that a female who is assertive, intelligent, opinionated, and/or hard-working is typecast a bitch. If that’s what makes a woman a bitch, then please capitalize the “B” for me because I am proud to say that I fit the mold. How dare a society, one that protects and enables drug addicts by means of our seriously screwed up health care system, force my daughter to grow up in a world that will make her feel less-than for having a thought in her head and a word on her tongue. PC = Pretty Contemptible.
The bottom line is this: we can call things whatever we want, but at the end of the day, it all comes down to respect and kindness. Even if you didn’t vote for Obama, would you think, say, or promote something as vile as that damn bumper sticker? I kind of feel like if you were offended by the sticker, it speaks to your moral fortitude. If, however, you saw the sticker, fist-bumped your pals, and uploaded a picture of it to your Facebook page with the caption: DAMN RIGHT, I think you are part of the problem. And if I’ve offended you with that, good. At least we know where we stand. PC = Point Communicated.
You, my friend, are awesome. I adore your Positively Commading rhetorical skills – seriously awe-inspiring.
I was just thinking this morning that it was time for a new blog post. Clearly, you heard my thoughts. PC=Please Cynthia
I agree wholeheartedly! That bumper sticker sickens me. And unfortunately, I am surrounded by an entire community of upper-middle-class families who think this type of “personal expression” is perfectly acceptable. Consequently, I seem to be in a constant state of disbelief and disgust and am hoping I can find a place to move where my children aren’t constantly exposed to these types of messages. This is a great post- I’m going to share on Facebook and see how many people unfriend me 😉
Ugh. I feel for you and your kids that you’re surrounded by hateful people like this. And I love that you quoted “personal expression;” there’s a difference between expression and hatred and at least YOU get it!
Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Stephanie! BTW: great name 😉
First of all, standing ovation. Why do some people feel the need to jump on these ridiculous bandwagons? Say NO to these Participating Cowards!!
Oooh! Well played, Penny 😉