All classic movies have’em. They’re unforgettable, they’re repeated in social contexts, and they make for awesome one-liners when you can’t think of anything else to say:
“Here’s lookin’ at you, kid.” —Casablanca
“Go ahead, make my day.” —Dirty Harry
“There’s no crying in baseball!” —A League of Their Own
“Heeeeeey you guuuuuys!” —The Goonies
Okay, so maybe that last one doesn’t exactly fall under classic, but it is timeless in its own right.
My family (mostly my brother) is a movie quote fanatic. There is no circumstance or situation in life that he can’t sum up in a single quote. His talent really shines when he is able to dupe my dad into having a thirty minute conversation based solely on movie quotes. Good times.
In keeping with the theme of quotes, I’m sharing a bunch from a fun question and answer session that we I Just Want to Be Alone authors participated in. These ladies are witty, funny, and smart. Hey, come to think of it, so is the book I Just Want to Be Alone. That can’t just be a coincidence…

Q: What is your biggest daily accomplishment?
- Honestly, every single day I want to jump in the air and click my heels together that I managed to feed the boys something they liked and is good for them. I’m like “by some miracle, they got fed and fed well again tonight.” Other days, I really feel like my biggest accomplishment is showering and making myself look presentable. –Andrea C. The Underachiever’s Guide to Being a Domestic Goddess
- Making it until bedtime. — Leanne Shirtliffe,
- Surviving. – Deva Dalporto, MyLifeSuckers
- I wasn’t aware I was required to accomplish things on the daily. – Nicole Leigh Shaw,
- Not killing or divorcing the Hubs. We work together. From home. All day. All alone. Just the two of us. There are days the sound of his breathing irritates me and I know the feeling is mutual. -Jen, PIWTPITT
Q: If you could only have one food and one beverage for one full month, what would it be?
- I would pass on food, if I could double up on Diet Coke. — Stacey Hatton, NurseMommyLaughs
- Cupcakes and cosmos for my indulgent side. Flavored seltzer and pasta if I’m being a little more practical and want to end the month coherent and under 300 lb. – Meredith – From Meredith to Mommy
- Burritos. Can someone please send just one Mexican to the UK so I can get a decent one every now and again? – Lynn, The Nomad Mom Diary
- Hot pizza and cold beer. And I’ll eat the cheese off your piece if you don’t want it. -Bethany Meyer, I Love Them the Most When They’re Sleeping
- This question is evil. – Amy Flory,
Q: When was the last time you cried?
- At almost 9-months pregnant with my third baby, when was the last time I DIDN’T cry? It’s like puberty with all body hair and no period. –ME!
- A few days ago, when my toddler told me she really, really, REALLY loves me. I got all misty, then she asked me what “I love you” means. — Robyn,
- I spilled milk the other day. Ellen, Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms
- I never cry, but I cried twice in the same day last week. Once because I had my first Internet troll and again watching “Undercover Boss.” Don’t judge. Those employees all have such sad stories. Anyway, I think I’m good for a year now, at least. -Abby, Abby Has Issues
- Yesterday, while reading a comment from Stephanie from When Crazy Meets Exhaustion on a post about my childhood home. I’m crying again just thinking about it. Amy Flory, <–I was not aware of this until I read Amy’s answer. I’ll buy her a beer at BlogU to make up for it.
Q: What’s the best gift you’ve given? Received?
- Somebody gave me some exceptional sperm. I should see my ideal children, is that what you meant? -Magnolia Ripkin
- I’m a horrible present giver – no creativity at all. My Hubby on the other hand, always gets me something meaningful, proving that he actually DOES listen to my rantings. Kathy, kissing the frog
- I’m not sure about the best gift I have given, but every year at Christmas instead of getting our kids a gift, my sister in law has them all over for a movie night/campout/sleepover. And that is pretty amazing for me…I mean, them. Katie-Somewhat Sane Mom
Q: What’s the biggest thing you’ve ever lost?
- My sanity. — Leanne Shirtliffe,
- My virginity. – Deva Dalporto, MyLifeSuckers
- My big, spectacular breasts. Thanks, kids! – Kim Bongiorno, Let Me Start By Saying
- Dang it- I was going to say virginity. My ability to hold my bladder while jumping on a trampoline. Rebecca Frugalista Blog
- Oh god, sorry to be a downer, but my son to cancer. 🙁 Kathy, kissing the frog <–Find her, hug her xo
Q: What was the last good deed you did?
- I offered to pay for a woman’s prescription Not because I’m a good person, but because she was holding up the line because her card kept getting declined and I needed to get home. – Deva Dalporto, MyLifeSuckers
- I’m the motherfucking PTO president, because I care about my children — and because you get a reserved parking spot. The other day when someone was parked in my spot, I didn’t key their car or slash their tires. – Jen, PIWTPITT
- I’m watching a friend’s kid right now. Kind of. – Amy Flory,
Q: What was the last thing you splurged on?
- My daughter’s orthodontia. – Nicole Leigh Shaw,
- My daughter’s orthodontia. And Nicole Leigh Shaw and I don’t have the same daughter. – Ellen, Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms
- A badass minivan. – Jen, PIWTPITT
- I bought myself a Nespresso machine. I said it was for the family. I lied. Rebecca Frugalista Blog
- An iPad Mini for my son’s birthday. To avoid having a party at Bounce U. -Bethany Meyer, I Love Them the Most When They’re Sleeping
Q: What do you think of Garden Gnomes?
- Ha! I actually have a little travel gnome named “Uncle June” (after the Sopranos) that is in quite a few of my blog posts. It’s a joke because real gnomes can be creepy, but he goes with me whenever I travel for work and gets his picture taken. People ask me, “Is Uncle June going with you?” so I kind of have to keep him around. (He’s really a quiet companion.) –Abby Heugel, Abby Has Issues
- Why? What have you heard? –Ellen Williams, Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms
- Hilarious, mostly because my mom hates them so naturally I give her one for every gift-giving occasion and she feels obligated to put them in her yard. Joke’s on me, though – she lives next door now. — Robyn,
- What the frig is that? – Magnolia Ripkin
- It makes me think of Gnomeo and Juliet which is a really annoying movie my son watched over and over so I’m not a big fan. -Kristen, Life On Peanut Layne
Took forever to format this beast, so rather than link to the individual ladies above, I’m slapping down ALL the authors below so you can find your favorites!
People I Want to Punch in the Throat
My Husband Ate All My Ice Cream
The Underachiever’s Guide to Being a Domestic Goddess
Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms
When Crazy Meets Exhaustion <—That’s ME! Weeeeee!
I Love Them The Most When They’re Sleeping
649.133: Girls, the Care and Raising Of
For more hilarity and sneak peeks into the book and the authors, come back here and check out my Facebook page! You’ll never miss a post if you subscribe to the blog by email. Just throwin’ that out there…
Those answers are just a sneak peek at the funny these broads can weave. And yes, your comment did make me cry, but in the very best way!
Happy tears are good tears, and I totally believe you about those ladies. I’m still pinching myself that I’m a part of this book!
Goonies is too a classic! Ellen
I knew I liked you, Ellen 🙂
Coming back because I didn’t want to neglect Kathy (Kissing Frog) and her precious heart breaking answer about losing her son…
Oh my heart…
Every time I think of her, I tear up… and then I pray for her.
I do the same, Chris. xo
Thank you, Chris. I think some people will be surprised that I can be funny, too. 😉
So fun! What a great idea! Nicole’s daily accomplishments line made me laugh out loud. Can’t wait to read the book!
I hope the book makes you laugh out loud, too!! Thanks for reading, lady!
I LOVE YOU LADIES! I cannot wait to get my hands on this book!!!