A little over a month ago, I received an email from an editor at Page Street Publishing Co.. She asked if I was already working with an agent (bahahahahaha!) and if not, would I be interested in talking with her company about writing a book. I laughed and hovered over the DELETE button because SPAM, right?!
Did I have an agent? I have an over-protective mom who’s always telling me what to do, does that count?!
Then I remembered the time I declined an invitation to go to the White House to meet First Lady Michelle Obama. Yes, seriously. I was all, “Thanks, but no thanks” because the logistics of the whole trip made me weepy. When I told my husband I had declined, his head exploded: “ARE YOU NUTS?! If you’re invited to the White House, YOU GO TO THE WHITE HOUSE.” So I went to the White House and sat 10-feet away from Mrs. Obama and listened as she empowered women and moms and writers and got weepy again, but in the best way. That trip will forever remain one of the most incredible experiences of my life.
My point? I learned how saying yes can open some unexpected and wonderful doors. So I did some research, chatted with a few writer pals, and whaddya know?! Page Street Publishing, Co. is a real damn company! So that worked out nicely. And the owner is from the Pittsburgh area, so…kismet? You betcha.
I said yes: I responded with interest, yet a host of reservations because I’m cynical by nature, but after our first call (I had A CALL, you guys! *pops collar*), I was allllll in! I was let’s hit the ground running! I was let’s get fired up! I WAS READY!
Except Page Street wasn’t.
Guess if they’re investing money in me (and OMG they are–I’m getting a PAYCHECK for WRITING!! *vomits*), it’s only fair I’d have to prove I can deliver. SO. For the past few weeks, I’ve been writing like a mad woman. Early mornings, late nights, forcing my husband to listen to my ramblings as he’s trying to fall asleep. He loves it, trust me.
Finally, I submitted the three required essays for review (after, of course, bothering two of my smartest friends to read/review/revise: Jen + Beth = perfection) and they were ACCEPTED.
The essays, not Jen and Beth.
What does all this mean?
It means I’m writing a book.
Holy chocolate covered Oreo, I’m writing a book.
Like, a publishing company wants me to write a book, then people will apparently read this book, and then I’ll have written a book.
*breathes into paper bag*
When editors gave me the choice between writing about my experiences with Motherhood or education, I chose the latter. Readers can expect to live vicariously through some of my favorite teaching memories, laugh and gasp at horrifyingly hilarious moments like the time I said a four-letter-word at a school-wide assembly, and maybe even glean something useful. The book will be a compilation of essays and a few other surprises, and I am so excited I could burst!!!!
via GIPHY Actual footage of me almost bursting.
I am all kinds of humbled by Page Street Publishing. They don’t even know what they’ve gotten themselves into, ’cause I’m loyal like a German Shepard and now love them forever and ever amen. I’m gonna make them soups and homemade cookies and stuff. I’m gonna hold them close to my bosom and always remember them as the people who chose me, and who made this one HUGE dream a freakin’ reality for me.
Okay. Let’s do this.
Can’t wait to read. I laugh all the time reading your stuff!!!! #GoMrsJ
BRITT!!!! You make my heart happy. Thank you <3
Very Very Exciting! Congratulations! Think back to when “you needed a hobby” and decided to “start a blog” for something to do. Now look at you! An AUTHOR! Oh my! Very proud of you!
I was thinking about that, too: a hobby turned dream come true. Very exciting stuff! THANK YOU!
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! CONGRATULATIONS! Where can I pre-order my copy?
Thank you thank you!!! xoxoxo I’ll absolutely let you know when and where you can pre-order! TEEHEE!