A year ago, I emceed a local women’s conference and met some incredible ladies. Ivette García Dávila was among them.
Ivette and I bonded instantly when she asked complete strangers if they had a charger for her breast pump (I did not), but I metaphorically fist-bumped her for pumping whilst conferencing. We briefly talked about her sweet girl who was back home sans boob in California before Ivette made a quick exit for the restroom where she milked herself in a stall.
I’ve been there, girl. I. Have. Been. There.
In the brief moments we spent together, Ivette and I bonded over our common love of chatting up other Moms about their pregnancies, birth stories, parenting experiences–basically the path they’ve walked since becoming a Mother. We talked about the always present possibility of others passing judgement, and decided we don’t give an eff. Because to communicate honestly is to create a community, and it’s SUCH an important community. It’s so beautiful how Motherhood manages to bring us together, no matter how short a time or expansive the distance between us.
A few weeks after the conference, I was excited to see Ivette’s name pop up in my inbox. She was all, “It was so great meeting you! I’m working on this thing, you’ll love it!” and I was all, “Awesome! Tell me more!”
The thing Ivette was working on? She was right: I love it.
Her podcast, I’m the One Pushing, is fanfriggintastic. It’s Ivette having all those honest conversations about Motherhood, spilled out in poignant vulnerability, with other Moms who share the belief sharing is caring. Also? Wine. In her first episode, Ivette drinks a spicy Cab Franc with rockstar mamas Sally Jaye and Sarah Roberts from the band Ladies Gun Club. They talk about getting knocked up, breastfeeding while on tour, and getting your guts taken out during a C-section while a dude named Kale watches.
As I ran walked another brutal mile on the treadmill, recalling the time my guts were taken out during an emergency C-section that bore my son, I fell more in love with the podcast. I related to everything the ladies were talking about! Not only is I’m the One Pushing a refreshing and entertaining look at Motherhood in her stripped down glory, but it kept my ass on the treadmill for an extra 20 minutes.
Ivette, you complete me.
Give a listen HERE (it’s freeeeeee!!! <— yell that like Oprah) and let me know what you think. Oh, and not that I’m bragging because I’m friends with a writer/director gal who is friends with people in Hollywood (yes I am), but in an upcoming episode, Ivette just may be having a conversation with none other than talented actress and holistic mama Sydney Poitier. Why yes, thank you for asking, that is Academy Award winning actor Sir Sidney Poitier’s daughter!
If you don’t have access to iTunes, no worry. Click HERE to listen from your good ol’ PC…like me!
Upcoming new episodes, don’t miss’em:
Conversation w/ Alexandra Barreto 9/15
Conversation w/ Sydney Poitier 9/29
Nice to have a community of people you can all related to, share war stories, and learn from one another.