As in 64 degrees.
There was residual snow on the ground, yet we broke out the sandbox and rocked short sleeves. It was the perfect preview of spring.
The neighborhood kids were out.
People were washing their cars in their driveways.
Front doors that had sealed off its inhabitants from the outside world for the last few months were finally opened.
My son was in his glory practicing his golf and baseball skills with his hero, Dad, in the yard.
The dogs ran like crazy and are now relaxing at my feet.
Did I mention it was 64 degrees?
AND I downloaded a copy of I Just Want to Pee Alone, the fall-down-funny anthology penned by so many of my favorite bloggers.
I was going to write more about my springtastic day, but I’ve got some reading to do!

Wasn’t it wonderful!! We had 63 degrees after 6 inches of snow on Tuesday. Now they are calling for snow again in a couple of days. But one day of beautiful, wonderful spring!! I called a friend and took a long walk this afternoon. Visiting from Harvest of Friends.
Us, too, Betty! Schools were closed on Wednesday and then we were running around in short-sleeves on Sunday! CRAZY!! And NO MORE SNOW! I want daffodils and swimming pools!!
P.S. How funny is your blog’s name?! A gut and a butt! Bahahahahahaha!!! Thanks for stopping by my crazy 🙂
It’s amazing what some sun can do, huh? I often take it for granted because it always seems to be warm here (no I don’t live in hell although it feels like it at times;) But when I stop to embrace and bask in it, i realize how a little Vitamin D can fix a whole lot of ailments.
Ain’t that the truth?!! It’s been cloudy and rainy ever since, but that one day was enough to tide me over until spring 🙂