She’s now big enough to understand we don’t eat yellow snow, and she’s no longer wearing bibs. These things may seem inconsequential to you, dear reader, but they about ripped my heart out the other day. Let me explain.
As I was cleaning out the pantry, I realized it had been at least a month since we’d used any of the bibs in our high end bib organizer:

So I did what I normally do when I’m cleaning: I stopped immediately and sat down to sort through memories.
There was her baby’s first Christmas bib!
That adorable turkey Thanksgiving bib!
Waaaaaaaaaaaa her first birthday bib!!!!!
And I sat, a puddle of tears, remembering when each of my three children hit their last firsts. Sitting up, talking, walking, self-feeding. (Those last two didn’t come as easily to my youngest, holy cannoli no one warned me about how having a sick kid eats away at your soul.) I was equal parts sad and grateful recalling their last firsts: sad that we’ll never again experience those things with our kids, and grateful because WE MADE IT! One to three babies in less than five years was no joke, you guys. From waddling around pregnant with amateur notions of the mother I would be, to choosing the best baby carrier for nursing my third because, quite honestly, there were no hands left for her–it has been a long haul. Any parent will tell you those first days are daunting; those first weeks are long; those first months make you think you’re losing it and force you to reevaluate your entire life.
But then they grow out of their bibs. And those adorable little socks that look like shoes. And the baby carrier that made them an extension of you for just a while longer.
Suddenly, you kinda know what you’re doing. You’ve heeded the advice to relax and are minding your own business cleaning out the pantry when BOOM! Sweet memories knock you upside the head and you can’t help, if only for a moment, wishing your belly was again swelling with little baby kicks, your kids anxiously anticipating the arrival of another sibling.
As if on cue, your husband schedules a vasectomy, your oldest breaks a window practicing his golf swing, and your girls have disappeared to undoubtedly bathe their Barbies in shampoo like you’ve asked them not to 100 times. So, maybe this no bibs thing is OK…
This is a sponsored post; I was compensated by Nakturnal, but all sappy memories and opinions are my own.
I LOVED carrying/wearing my babies, did you? Comment below to win a $50 gift card for baby/kid stuffs, and share this post for more chances to win! A random weeeener will be chosen on January 1, 2017 (OMG, 2017!)
Yes–I remember it had a hole so you could nurse and grocery shop at the same time.
Making milk, buying milk all at the same time. GENIUS 😉
Yes I wore my baby because it was so much easier to get work done around the house!
YES! I loved carrying my babies and vacuuming 🙂
Yes, I wore all 4 of my kids. It was great to have my hands free.
Entering on rafflecopter as Mami2jcn
I can’t imagine ever having your hands free with FOUR kids!! 🙂
I wore my son because it allowed me to do so much work around the house. Plus it helped create an even more special bond between us.
Especially that first month, the “10th month of pregnancy,” loved those little nuggets up against my skin!
I hope I win the gift card. I like winning things.
There’s no fine print, but I think you may be exempt from winning 😉
Yes, I wore my daughter because it was much easier to do my activities at home. She liked it too. Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing giveaway. Happy holidays.
Thanks for reading/entering! GOOD LUCK!
I didnt really with the first but, definitely have with the second I would never get anything done if I didn’t 🙂
1 to 2 was difficult for us. Hope your transition has been smooth! xo
I loved wearing all my boys. My youngest is 9 months but crawling and sitting and so I don’t wear him every day but still often. You are right about having no hands… this first year with three has been insane!
Ahhhh!! Three babies!! Congrats 🙂
yes! its the best way to get things done and have your baby close
Love the baby-Mama skin to skin! Good luck 🙂
YES! I had twins so when I was out by myself it was easier to wear one of them and push a single stroller. Taking out my double stroller was to big for me sometimes.
Twins! You’re my hero 🙂
I didn’t with my first two because I didn’t know about babywearing! With my last two, I was all about it!
I have done both and it really depended on what I was doing at that time or that day
Not yet! My baby will be due next year!
I did use a carry on to feel more bonded with my baby.