I’m no big deal. It’s not like The Today Show is calling me; I’m not signing copies of anything that I’ve written (which would include to-do and grocery lists), BUT earlier this week, I did get an email from Ms. Jill Smokler. You may know her by her street name, Scary Mommy.
A few short years ago, I was stalking her website and laughing my head off because WEEEEE! I wasn’t the only crazy one! And then a few months ago, she published my rant about that friggin’ Caillou on the same website that I had been lusting after for so long! And then a few days ago, the email.
Breathing steadily into a paper bag, I opened her message and was thrilled to learn that her second book, Motherhood Comes Naturally (and other vicious lies) debuted this week. While her title may make her seem unapproachable like other scary things, grizzly bears and herpes, I swear Jill is super sweet. And not at all infectious. She’s also human and was a bit nervous about how her second book would be received. I jumped on the chance to help one of my Mommy heroes…and snag YOU some free stuff!
Amanda from Questionable Choices in Parenting and I have teamed up to bring you the Motherhood Comes Naturally (and other vicious lies) Giveaway! Four of you will win autographed copies of Jill’s new book! You can throw your hat in the ring a few different times–see the entry rules below. Up your chances by entering each day on my blog or Amanda’s (and while you’re over there, feel free to read my latest guest post HERE!) The giveaway closes next Saturday, April 20, at midnight Eastern Standard Time.
Good luck, pals!
a Rafflecopter giveaway <—–Click this link for the Giveaway!
I would love for you to follow me, just not too closely. That’s creepy.
Please let me win, please let me win, please let me win!
No wine, just win 😉
So I clicked on the first entry- and there wasn’t a place to click to follow it. Hmm… I WANT THAT BOOK!!! Help me paleeze!!! 😉
Chris, I just tried this morning. I think we’re good to go now! Please let me know if you still have a problem; I’ll enter you!!
You’re the best!! And I’m most definitely not infectious… that I know of. 🙂
No, no, lady–YOU’RE the best!
Just signed up!!!
I hope you win! 🙂
Saw her on the Today Show the other day with Kathie Lee and….wait for it…..Billy Ray Cyrus? But I would love a copy and I’m dern excited. Thanks Steph!
BILLY RAY CYRUS?! Well there’s a blast from the past. Hopefully Jill didn’t have to hang out with him in the green room!