I hope you got your Julie Andrews on and sang that title. Otherwise, I just don’t think you’re in the holiday spirit. Grab yourself a festive drink and come back when you’re ready to burst with holiday happiness.
In keeping with the joy of the season (and trying to block out a recent rant), I’ve been feeling Oprah-esque lately. The only problem is that I’m a 5’1 white lady with next to nothing in my bank account. But it’s the thought that counts, AND the fact that I am willing to yell just about anything to make it more exciting, à la my girl Ms. Winfrey. Check this out:
“We’re having CHICKEN NUGGETS FOR LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!”
See there? That’s lunch done right. Let me try it on you:
“I have nothing to really give away, but THIS IS SOME GREAT STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Are you jumping up and down, wetting yourselves? Well done.
Now then, these are a few of my favorite things that I would merrily bestow upon all of my readers, but I can’t because I WENT OVER OUR CHRISTMAS BUDGET AND MY HUSBAND IS GOING TO FREAK!!!!
1. I have massive amounts of hair. I used to get a discount at the salon because I would dry it myself. Needless to say, I rarely styled it and looked homeless much of the time. I needed help, and I got it from my homeschooling, work-from-home, Mom-of-two, lots-of-hyphens gal pal Rebecca! She introduced me to Lilla Rose clips. Not only are these bad boys classy looking (huge upgrade from the elastic ponytail holder), but they’re inexpensive AND…drum roll please…hold ALL OF MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!! This has never been done before in the history of hair holder thingies. I’ll let you be the judge; check out her site if you’re so inclined. Prefer Facebook? She’s got you covered: click here! While it’s true Independent Lilla Rose Consultant Rebecca Robinson is sponsoring this review, it’s also true that if I were unhappy with the courtesy clip she sent me, I would never peddle it for her. Take my word for it: you’ll love these things!
2. My dogs also have a lot of hair. When the weather is right for open windows and doors, dog hair tumble weeds go sailing by on a gentle breeze. And I want to cry. I’m a busy lady; I can’t keep up with the floors that entertain 2 toddlers, 2 mutts, and a messy loving husband. Enter: the cleaning lady. (I will not say ” cleaning person” until I actually witness a cleaning man.) A double bonus? I’m compelled to tidy up before she gets here so she doesn’t judge my mess. As a result, I have a clean and uncluttered home…for ten minutes. But it’s sooo worth it!
3. Three words: Hang-up Home Organizer. The company Thirty-One sells these bad boys and not only are they purty, but they’re incredibly functional. No one is paying me to love this thing, I just love it. It’s organized my crazy into one place, and there are even more pockets behind Brady’s Potty Chart (which we no longer need, thank the Maker):
4. Chocolate. Of any kind. Preferably with peanut butter in, on, or around it.
5. The look on a child’s face when his mind has been blown by an awesome gift.
6. Writing. It’s the cheapest and best form of therapy, and when the beautiful Anka over at Keeping It Real asked me to come up with a little somethin’ somethin’ for her holiday guest post, I was thrilled! Honored! Ecstatic! Check back a few days after Christmas for our collaborative fun. In the meantime, go enjoy Christmas Eve with those you love and know that I’ll be sending merry wishes your way!
I love the gift receipt on the back of the box. That makes the “He really likes it!” moment all the sweeter! “I’m not sure he’s going to like it….” “HE LIKES IT!”
Merry Christmas!
That was a “Just in case he doesn’t like it” precaution 😉 Merry Christmas to you and yours–here’s hoping Squish is feeling better.
Loved it…plain and simple… I’m 54 and spending Christmas with just me and my grumpy hubby so needed this funny quirky story… Merry Christmas!
I hope you and the grumpy hubby have a fabulous Christmas!!!!!!
It’s official! I LOVE YOU! Your ode to “Noir and Chianti,” just made my day a whole lot brighter. Raising a glass to you and your beautiful family. The blue box is being sent via cyber space. Hope you like it! 🙂
I may have to try those clips. I’m so glad that I’m not the only one who looks like a homeless person due to my thick uncontrollable hair. My daughter looks like an orphan, but that’s just because she doesn’t like me to brush it.
🙂 I truly was pleasantly surprised by these clips. Some of them were a bit “much” for my taste (I think one was an eagle?), but overall, pretty nice! I hope you like them, too!!
While I dont have much Christmas spirit this year…I’ve decided to keep the email in my inbox over the festive season…because everytime I see the subject, I cannot help but sing it to myself.
Thank you for that little pick me up!
All the best to you.
Here’s to you and your family *CHEERS* !!
Vernette, I’m sorry to hear about the miss spirit in your holiday 🙁 Here’s hoping singing a few lines will brighten you day and Christmas!
Did you get a blue box from Tiffany’s under the Christmas tree? 🙂
HA!!! Negative 😉