You may have heard about this new book, The Mother of All Meltdowns. If you haven’t, allow me:
Some of the sweetest bloggers evah contributed stories of their meltdowns. Not their kids’, but their own. And it is fan-frickin’-tastic. I can say that because I didn’t experience having my breast milk confiscated at the airport or my kid painting his walls with his own feces. And now that it’s in writing, I’m doomed.
But I’m laughing in the meantime, and you will be, too, when you grab your copy of the book! It’s currently available for download and in print from Amazon as well as on Barnes and Noble for Nook or in paperback. You can also order it at your neighborhood bookstore, which you should.
Since I’m pals with some of the ladies who helped this anthology come to fruition, I wanted to help pimp their hard work, but was too lazy to write a review. That’s when I decided I’d like to put one of the authors on the spot and basically have her do all my work. Lucky duck Jennifer Barbour was the first to raise her hand (truth be told, I think someone threatened to take away her bacon if she didn’t play nicely), so below is the good sport taking a break from her blog, Another Jennifer, to hang on my blog. I asked her a few really important questions, like can I rename the book to The Day I Lost My Shit?, and she was kind enough to put on pretty earrings to answer them. ENJOY!
Congrats to all the Mamas who are a part of this anthology! Ya done good, ladies! xo
Join their community of moms:
- Follow on Twitter: @MOAMtheBook
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- Like us on Facebook: https://www. themotherofallmeltdowns - Repin us on Pinterest: http://www. mother-of-all-meltdowns - Visit the official Mother of all Meltdowns website and blog: http://
Thanks for having me on the blog today, Steph. I’m glad you liked the earrings and the book. I think you might owe me some bacon for doing all the work. 🙂
LOVED the earrings 😉 And thank YOU for being such a good sport and giving us something new to watch!! xo
Awesome vlog! Thanks for sharing & promoting the book, Stephanie! XO
Anything for you, Mama!! xo
Thanks, Marcia! 🙂
Loved the questions, loved the vlog!! Happy birthday Stephanie! Jennifer definitely deserves some bacon!
Thank you for the birthday wishes, Michelle! And you’re right: Jennifer has earned her some bacon 😉
Bacon can be delivered at any time, Stephanie. I’ll be sitting here waiting.
So much fun!! Love seeing the other authors IRL (well, kind of!).
Jennifer was a great sport to get in front of the camera for my annoying self 😉
It was a lot of fun!
LOL – You are both awesome! My favorite improvised review to date! Thank you Steph for putting a unique spin on the tour and to my pal Jennifer who is always a great sport! 🙂
CRYSTAL you little baby factory you! I need names, weights, details, woman!!! Congrats xo (And you’re welcome–it was fun!)
I had to laugh when I saw the questions. They were great!
BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!!!!!! First of all- Stephanie can take ALL RIGHTS to the book if she so pleases, because she is that THAT AWESOME and I’m guessing Stephanie could probably write her own “How I Lost My Shit” book, with perhaps sequels. Just sayin’… 😉 If there are issues with the title- just change Shit to Shiz. Right? That’s a cool word these days right? lol
Jennifer… I think you should quit everything and just be a professional vlogger. NAILED it girl!!!
Love love love you both!!! XO
I’ll work on that, Chris. Now if you could just help me get those millions of viewers to help support my professional vlogging career….
🙂 🙂
This is amazing and I’m laughing out loud. I totally bribed Crystal. I admit it. And I look forward to “The Day I Lost My Shit” as a potential sequel. With Stephanie, of course.
Of course. And I’m glad I’m not the only one who bribed Crystal. 🙂
Of course 😉
Here, here on the timeouts! And I love that you changed the title by putting a pink sticky on the book!!! 3 is worse than age 2!! Those earrings ARE purty! We will have teens together, so we can help each other!!!
I guess I should wear more dangly earrings. I don’t do so very often, but when I do I get compliments. I don’t want to think about the teen years yet, but I’m glad I have a support system. Lots of hangouts required for that time period I’m sure!
Bacon for everyone!! Awesome interview, Jennifer!
Wait. Does that mean I have to share my bacon? I hope Stephanie has a lot!
It’s turkey bacon, so at least it’s healthy?
WAIT! Don’t leave!
I’m so leaving now…
Love this video interview with Jennifer! And that mom who wanted to throttle the idiot in airport security who wanted to confiscate breastmilk? That was ME!! Thanks for the shout out and awesome review!
Loved your story, Nicole. Not sure how you stayed so calm. 🙂
That was awesome! The next time I want to be in a book, I’m bringing sticky notes into Barnes and Noble and adding my name and chapter in myself – brilliant!
I’m pretty sure it’s legal. Probably.
I love these questions! Jennifer, you did a great job with your vlog! I’m totally anticipating more meltdowns when my kids get older. *sigh*
Thanks for encouraging me to do the vlog, Ginny Marie!
Great interview Steph! All of these lovely ladies make me laugh- and glad mine are grown and gone!
Ha! Now you can just sit back and laugh at all of us having meltdowns. I’m sure you’ve got some great stories of your own. 🙂
Awesome vlog!!! I think I am going to start putting sticky notes in my favorite books and pretend I wrote them….
I think it’s a good strategy. And cheaper than self-publishing, right?
LOVE the vlog! Love getting to hear your voice and was laughing at the answers. I feel very lucky to be among the woman that got to do this awesome book with you. 🙂
I feel lucky too, AnnMarie. What a great community we’ve created! 🙂
Books and bacon! My favorites!
Love this book and love your fun review of it–and all these cool ladies. Keep being a rockstar, my friend.