If you've been following my craziness for a while, you know my son is going to preschool for the first time this year. The first day wasn't necessarily a cake walk, but I thought it would get easier. WRONG! Brady bawled the first day; the second day he bawled just the same. He couldn't get into my ... » Learn More about Mama Knows Best
Pre-School, Day 1
I had to write about this because so many of you parents can relate. Also, I'm hoping a sense of humor can sustain the entire human race, not to mention those of us who had to send our perfect little angels off to school for the first time. *Sob* Part I: The Drop Off Despite Zach and I telling ... » Learn More about Pre-School, Day 1
How to REALLY Raise Your Kids.
Despite the multitude of "How to Raise Your Child" lists we have all come across in our Pinteresting endeavors, it's evident that the parents who should be reading them are not. I don't mean to sound judgmental, but if people this DUMB insist on procreating, then we're all screwed. Please do take a ... » Learn More about How to REALLY Raise Your Kids.
Hungry, Anyone?
I took a short hiatus from blogging not by choice, but by necessity. Why? The Family Vacation. Five adults + two kids = renting a van so big that the elderly automatically assume we are kidnappers, but hey, it gets us (and all of our crap) where we are going. Once there, it became instantly clear ... » Learn More about Hungry, Anyone?
I don't do well with numbers. For many years, I swore I was dyslexic mostly just to mask how ridiculously awful I am at math. The other day I bought a coffee and the smart ass clerk rung me up at "103 pennies." I started to sweat. Yes, that's how bad it is. (I blushed for a second, but did whip out ... » Learn More about Numbers