What do you get when you combine hilarious, intelligent women and their unabashed penchant for honesty? The answer: You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth and Other Things You’ll Only Hear From Your Friends In The Powder Room. This book is the culmination of centuries of feminine observations and experiences, finally shared without fear of society “putting a woman in her place” or of us feeling pressure to apologize for being real.
Lopsided boobs? Aren’t they all after a while?!
Women masturbate. And our grandmothers are no different.
Anyone else obsessed with online shopping? *Raises hand*
Think a first date ending with your gentleman caller taking IT out and placing IT on his leg only happens to Elaine on Seinfeld? Think again and BUY THIS BOOK!
You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth is fun humor, but it’s also empowerment. It’s truth and it’s solidarity. And I think that’s why I love it so much. I’m sick of hearing about Man Caves and The Old Boys’ Club and golf. I want more ladies In the Powder Room dishing about the realness of life. And I want every woman everywhere to celebrate it ALL! That’s exactly what Leslie Marinelli has given us with this book: a celebration of women being women. Sure some of the stuff isn’t exactly balloons and confetti-appropriate, but it’s life. A life that my grandmother’s generation wasn’t fortunate enough to discuss with their gal pals over coffee and the kind of laughter that made their sides ache. So kudos to Leslie for throwing a bunch of talented ladies together for the sake of sharing what used to be off-limits. It all just makes my heart so happy.
I want to make your heart happy, too, so I’m giving away a copy of the book signed by FOUR of the authors: Meredith of Mom of the Year, Stephanie of Binkies and Briefcases, and Ellen and Erin of Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms. All’s ya gotta do is enter this here Rafflecopter giveaway, mmmkay? (Note: rarely does Rafflecopter format correctly for me; I know it’s me and not Rafflecopter, but let’s just pretend this is out of my control. If you don’t see the damn box below, click the link instead, would ya? Thank you kindly.)
I know your life will be full of butterflies and rainbows (and, spoiler alert: a few tears; Bethany Thies and Liz Dawes saw to that), but here is what a few of the co-authors have to say about why you need You Have Lipstick On Your Teeth:
This book was like coming home. Coming home and finding all of my most hilarious friends drinking my booze, trying on my clothes (ahem, Meredith!) and talking about their gimpy boobs! Even though I finished the book months ago, it is still on my nightstand…it’s my whoopy blanket! –Kerry, HouseTalkN
Two reasons: I am now using all the books I bought for the signing as endtable, and would like to upgrade to something classier like a plastic crate. Please buy them so I can clear out and make the space. Also, the dress-buying problem may be semi-real and I need the cash to pay back Target. –Meredith, Mom of the Year
People should buy this book because sometimes, you just *need* to know that this kind of stuff is happening to other people out there, not just you. And believe me, when it’s happening to other people, it’s a lot funnier. –Robyn, Hollow Tree Ventures
This book is special because it celebrates the commonality of our spirit, and the beauty of everyday life. You will love this collection of stories, unless of course you don’t like to laugh and you don’t like to read. WARNING: There will be tears, both from your eye sockets and maybe your downstairs if your pelvic floor is weak like mine. –Amy, Funny is Family
You need this book in your life because it is the ultimate Girls Night Out conversation in literary form. Topics range from “My Vagina Is Like a Flower–a Cauliflower” to “The Last Nice Jewish Boy in Boston” to “Confessions of a Craft Hater.” If your GNO conversations aren’t like this, you need new friends. You can’t buy new friends, but you can buy this book to tide you over until you get some. –Ellen, Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms
Be sure to enter the giveaway before October 1st, which is when the winner will be chosen!
Thanks for the contest. Smart funny IS the best funny. ๐
Thank YOU for entering!
This sounds like a book I need! Nothing beats laughing with your gal pals until your cheeks hurt and others look at you funny. I get that from your blog and share it with my pals regularly if they don’t already follow you themselves.
Well how sweet are you?! I kinda wanna pinch your little cheeks right now.
OH yeah baby!!! Some of my favorite bloggers/friends are in this AWESOMENESS!!! I hope I get it!!! Pick ME rafflecopter!!! ๐
Me, too, Chris! I feel like I really know these girls just from blogging! Isn’t it fun?!!!!
Do you hate me for entering even though I already bought it on my Kindle? Am I disqualified? Because I would LOVE a signed “real” book. I love this book. And you. That is all.
I could never hate you. EVER!
Woo hoo! I’m signed up with hopes of winning an awesome signed book!!! I love smart, funny ladies! Can’t wait to read it!!
Good luck, Beth! It’s a GREAT book…maybe a Christmas present for my girls book…hmmmm… ๐
Oh please let it be meeeeee! I want a signed copy baaaaadly! LOL
Hahaha! May the force be with you. The Rafflecopter force that is!
I feel good. I think one of those books is coming my way. What a fine Christmas gift for a female.
Uh, we own one of those books already. It’s on my desk.
Would love a SIGNED copy! and I agree Smart funny is the best funny and why I love YOU so much!
Awww, THANK YOU Christine ๐ You know how to make a girl’s day ๐ I’m just buying you a copy now ๐
FOUR autographs? Way to upstage me. ๐
HA! I think Super Leslie is like four ladies all in one anyway ๐
Hope I win! Need some humorous reading to get me through nighttime nursing!
Oh, Mama!! Love that little guy! GOOD LUCK!
I’ll be getting this. Looks like a good time!
Emily, it really is! I wouldn’t have written about it if I didn’t truly love it. You will laugh out loud and then cry and then be like, “OMG, me, TOOOOOO!” It’s an experience, truly!
This is why we love you! Thank you!
I’ve been needing a new book to read and this sounds hilarious! A nice change up from the books I normally read.
Same here, Jennica! I usually read historical fiction or stuff about babies and parenting! This book is a real breath of fresh, hilarious air!
I adore the title of this post! I am in such awe of my co-authors, and I don’t know why they aren’t paparazzi-camped-outside-their-homes famous yet. Thank you for writing this fabulous review. YOU make my heart happy!
Are you feeling all warm and fuzzy or is that just me? ๐
I can never get my girlfriends to do a book club. Maybe this book would convince them!
SUCH a great idea, Shannen!! Do it! This will definitely get them excited about book club!
As a full time working, first time Mom to a 16 month old crazy boy, I’d love to have a funny bathroom break book! LOL
I love you so much. Also, I was reading and wondering who the four authors were you were going to get to sign the books and then I was like, “That’s me!” So thanks for making me feel special. ๐
I love you Stephanie! You are the Heinz Ketchup in my Chipped Ham BBQ sammich. Thank you for writing such a thoughtful review and being the kind of girlfriend that we could totally share our most embarrassing moments with, knowing that you would laugh WITH and not AT us. YOU, my dear, are a keeper.
So much great buzz about this! Can’t wait to see/read the book!!! Way to go ladies!
Steph! I love you! Thanks for doing this and we are all over that signed copy!
The feeling is quite mutual ๐
Smart humor is the BEST kind of humor. And, smart people are hot. Unless they’re the people I wrote about in You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth…. ๐
Yeah, the people you wrote about should probably be banished to their planet. GAH!
Would love a good girls might out with you and this crew. Can this be a prize!!!???
Just so happens I’m for sale! For the low, low price of babysit my kids every Saturday for the next five years and feed me wine after I birth this baby, I can be your girls’ night out pal!!! xo
Yes.. Smart is the best funny. I love this book and am so proud to have been included.
Thanks for your great review.
I loved your essay, Janie!! Girlfriends make the world go ’round ๐
I’m still not caught up on the Pee Alone book so I’m adding this one to my must read list.
Girl, hurry up!!! (or not…the more you have to read, the less housework you have to do. That’s not how it really works, but just pretend).
Thanks for the contest! would love to win this book!!
Good luck, Erin!!!
Thanks for the awesome review, Stephanie! I now have a girl crush on you.
Oh Julie, the crush is returned ten fold. YOU FUNNY!!!
Thanks so much for this great review and contest of our book! You rock!
Thank YOU for writing the dang thing–perfection!
Now this sounds like my kind of book! I could do with some laughs right now.
You’ll have your laughs and eat them, too! …….. that didn’t work out quite right here.
Would love to read this book! Always looking for some laughs.
You’ll get those laughs here, lady–promise!
I really hope I win!
Mucha luck, lady!
Love this blog, love this book, love these ladies!
Natalie for President!!!!!!!
This book sounds awesome! Smart really is the best kind of humour… no matter what my boys say after farting!
Bahahahahaha!! Boys are so gross…but farts are hilarious ๐