My dream job, to write for Saturday Night Live, was sadly never realized. It probably has something to do with the fact that I’ve never lived in NYC, applied for the job, nor have any professional comedic writing experience. Let’s not dwell, okay?
Imagine my sheer surprise when Tina Fey contacted me this weekend and asked if we could collaborate on a project!!!!!!!!!!!!
You got me, that didn’t happen. But this did:
I applied to be a contributor for a Chicago-based website, Families in the Loop and my crazy was accepted! FITL’s tagline, “Where Parents Let Loose,” makes me feel right at home, especially because the hilarious Karen at Baby Sideburns just published an article called, “Help, My Daughter Broke Her Vagina.” Perfection.
Turns out a few of the bloggers I already love and follow are part of the FITL family, too. You’ll find the incomparable Julie DeNeen, who helped give my blog a much needed make-over (and is available to lend a hand if you need it!), and Stephanie Sprenger’s honest accounts of Mommyhood among the FITL contributors. I’m submitting my first piece this week and I am honored to be in such talented company.
I’ve also hooked up with a little coffee company, Cape Java, to write for its blog and work as one of its affiliates. If you’re a Keurig lover like myself, you can click the button on my left sidebar for a great deal on coffee or brewers. I’m a tiny bit obsessed with Gloria Jeans hazelnut, so I was more than pleased to jump on board with Cape Java. The fact that their prices are the best I’ve found doesn’t hurt either!
I may not be writing witty one-liners for the likes of “Weekend Update’s” Seth Meyers, but I am super excited for these new opportunities! Sharing more writing, meeting new people, and being proud of an accomplishment other than teaching someone to use the potty or a fork (not at the same time)–now that’s a kick ass Project Optimism Monday!
If you love the idea of starting your week with some happy, why not participate in Project Optimism?! Click here for more details! And if you link back to me, I’ll be sure that the lovely Anita adds you to her Project Optimism blogroll over at My Life is the Best Life.
Happy Monday, pals!
Congrats!!! You’re really getting around!!! I can’t wait to see your first post on Families in the Loop!
And I love me some Tina Fey. Give it a few years and you’ll be writing for SNL. 😉
I like to spread myself out, Dani. In a non-prostitute kinda way 😉 It’s either SNL or riding your coattails to fame–you’ll let me write a chapter in your next book, right? 😉 Congrats again to you!!!!!
You real fancy, Girl!!! Proud of you Mamma!!!
Thanks, lady! Just one more step in the Amanda-Stephanie plot to take over the world.
Thanks, Julie! I was excited to see your name listed among the mom and dad bloggers! Weeee!!
Congratulations, so pleased for you
Thanks so much, Jane!
Oh WOW!!! Congrats Stephanie…I’m so excited for you. And the coffee link was the whipped cream on top of all this awesome.
Thanks so much, Vernette!! Yes, I’m VERY excited for some discounted coffee!!!!!
Let’s just declare this the “Year of Stephanie!” You are on a roll lady! I’m soooo proud of you! I would expect nothing less from such a stellar mommy blogger. Oh, and the Keuring deal, just kicks it up a notch. I’m drinking a Starbuck’s Sumatra coffee as we speak! 🙂
That means a lot coming from you, Anka–thank you!! Enjoy that Sumatra 😉
Wow – sounds like you are really getting your writing out there. Well done you.
Now you need to write a post about how to do it!
I’m so far out of the how-to loop, you don’t even know! My only recommendations: baby steps and don’t accept the answer NO!
Congrats! Keep hustlin’ girl!
Same to you, lady–we’ll take over SNL or die tryin’ 😉
Awesome! I’m so excited you are a part of FITL! Thanks for the shout-out, friend! I think it is a great group of writers. That Tina Fey collaboration bit made me snort. Someday we’ll get there…maybe? 🙂
Whoot! This is awesome! Congrats to you and your accomplishment. Isn’t it funny how we feel like “real writers” when something exists off the blog page? So silly!! You ARE a real writer and a giften one at that. congrats again!
Well, shucks! Thanks, Vicky 🙂
Awesome Stephanie! Keep trying for that SNL job! I don’t know if you know this but I am obsessed with SNL. I have been a faithful watcher since I was 4 years old….seriously! I even wrote a post about how I think I launched Jimmy Fallon’s career! Anyway, keep doing what you’re doing! You are amazing!
We’re kindred spirits!!! SNL or bust! (thank you for your kind words and for Jimmy Fallon’s career!) 🙂
Your article Project Optimism: Pennsylvania Dreamin’ write very well, thank you share!