What’s shakin’ party people?!
For those of you who are just joining us, each Monday here at WhenCrazyMeetsExhaustion is dedicated to something positive and optimistic because, let’s face it, there are too many reasons to hate the beginning of the week. We try to offset the road rage post-weekend blues with a smile and a laugh. Hence Project Optimism. Click here for more details and an invitation to participate.
Now, back to the regularly scheduled optimism…
Remember just last week when I was telling you about how I participated in my best gal pal’s daughter’s birth three years ago AND I was going to get to be a part of her son’s birth this week?! Well it happened! Sorta. Here’s the deal:
All last week, my BFF was calling and texting about contractions, saying she was feeling uncomfortable. Since she had been through the whole pushing-out-a-human once before, I knew it wasn’t “go time” until she said so. But I would be lying if I said I didn’t get super excited with each text message! BABIES! SNUGGLES!
On Friday morning, she made her way to the hospital thinking that her water had broken. Lo and behold, she was simply peeing herself slowly. Eh. Such is life.
Back home, all she wanted was a pizza delivered to her pregnant doorstep for lunch. Upon hearing the devastating news that there would be a two-hour wait, she had an epic meltdown. Hormones are FUN. Fortunately, she cried herself into a nice long nap.
When she woke, she kept texting me that she was really uncomfortable and wanted the epidural immediately. We giggled because we knew it would soon be time, but DAMN! We had no idea…
Around 7pm, she and her husband went back to the hospital. I received confirmation that they were admitted, so I grabbed a bag full of goodies (my camera, snacks, etc.) for the trip. Before I was out the door, my phone rang. It was her husband with my pal in the background in audible excruciating pain.
Pal’s Husband: Uh… She’s 9 centimeters and we’re going to do this?
I imagine his face looked something like this:
Me: Is there time for an epidural?!
Pal, in background: AHHHHH!! OOOOHHHHH!!!! BAHHHHHH!!!!
P.H.’s: Uh, no?
I imagine her face looked like this:
I still thought I had a shot. 50 minutes, give or take, to the hospital. I could do it. Roads were a bit icy. I could do it slowly?
I got in the car, drove about 15 miles, and somehow heard my phone DING over my attempt to match Adele note for note. Text message. From P.H. It was a PICTURE OF THE BABY! From the time my girl got to the hospital, was admitted in a room, and pushed her little nugget out, only 26 minutes had passed.
My first thought? Her poor hooha.
My second thought? I MISSED IT!!!
I bawled my eyes out the whole way home, continued crying once I arrived home, and then pulled myself together because this was so not about me. Beautiful, healthy, sweet baby Dylan became part of our family at 8pm on Friday, February 8, 2013. And if that’s not cause for a celebration of optimism, well I just don’t know what is.

Did you know that this week is Random Acts of Kindness Week? According to this Vancouver Suns article it is! What better way to kick off your Monday, the week leading up to Valentine’s Day, the last couple of days I can eat chocolate until Easter (AKA: Lent) than to be nice to someone without expecting a thing in return? Let’s make this Project Optimism Day the best yet! Oooh Project Optimism Day, me likes. Can we get that on a calendar somewhere??
“Matching Adele Note for Note” had me laughing…that’s me to a T! Congrats to your friend–for the baby–but mostly for doing it without the epidural!!! No really mostly for the baby. I am having some real issues that I was not expecting about letting go of the “babies in my life” phase. Must. Be. Strong.
I know, right?! I’ve always wanted a natural birth in water, but after hearing all of the gory details, I’m cool. Good luck fighting the baby urge, Mama. I will resist the urge to say you could add a boy to the brood…Dang. I have no willpower.
Aw, sorry you missed baby number two coming into the world. Dylan is scrumptious and so advanced. Yoga already? But, I gotta say the image that will stick with me on this glorious Monday will be your friend having a meltdown about the two hour wait for pizza. You don’t mess with a pregnant woman and her FOOD!
Especially my girl and her pizza!!!! Pregnant or not, you just don’t!!!
Ahhhhh, sorry you missed it!!!! Holy cow, I can’t believe it took 26 minutes! I had 3 shift changes, pushed for 2 hours, and even then they needed to use a vacuum!!!
P.S. “…somehow heard my phone DING over my attempt to match Adele note for note” had me in stitches!
I was definitely bummed I missed it, but seriously–who woulda thunk it? 26 minutes?! Your birth story sounds a lot like my first except replace “vacuum” with “c-section.” Blah.
So…did she ever actually get the pizza?
Hello, husband 🙂 Nope, no pizza. And way to pick up on the really important parts of the story 😉
Oh man! I missed my BFF’s first baby. Devestated. Her family didn’t even remember to call me! I called a day later and they were like, “OH, she had it. Didn’t someone call you?” I politely told them know but did lots of obsene hand gestures through the phone line. Made sure I was there for the subsequent 2- even pushed a family member out of the way to bathe baby #2;)
In the end though, I think I love #1 the most because although I missed his arrival, he had my heart the moment he laid in my arms… 2 days later;)
Congrats new BFF auntie!
Thanks, Vicky! Sorry to hear that you missed you friend’s kids’ births–sounds like you’re making up for lost time, though!
I don’t care if I’m not pregnant I think I would have a meltdown too if I heard there was a two hour wait for a pizza! Also, with my first child I thought my water broke because I woke to a wet bed…I went to the hospital and they told me that I had just peed the bed because my water had not broke. As I started to put my clothes on completely embarrassed that I went to the hospital because I peed my bed there was a big splash…apparently I had been having a slow leak and it had not been pee after all…Yeah!!! It’s always a great day when you have a baby and you didn’t pee the bed!
You know, I had the same thoughts about the ridiculous wait for pizza! And that was your first pregnancy; I’d love to hear about the other two!! I do have a page dedicated to birth stories if you wanted to share… 😉
“she was simply peeing herself slowly”
I almost peed myself quickly reading that one. Got to love pregnancy and the way it just robs you of all dignity.
The wee bab is gorgeous. Have a snuggle or two for me. (Love snuggling babies. Love handing them back!)
Pregnancy robs us of our dignity, and then the kids grow up and erase any remnants of it completely. Jerks. Lucky they’re cute… 🙂
I really like what you guys are up too. This type of clever
work and exposure! Keep up the wonderful works guys I’ve included you
guys to my personal blogroll.