It has been two months since my almost-three-year-old was introduced to Huggies Pull-Ups, and while I can’t say she is 100% potty trained, we have made incredible strides in the bathroom using department.
Before Pull-Ups:
Me: Do you want to use the potty?
Ella: No.
Me: But if you pee on the potty, you’ll get M&Ms.
Ella: I just want M&Ms.
So there we had it. The kid just wanted chocolate and I can’t say that I blamed her. Then something happened.
After Pull-Ups:
Ella: Am I wearing a diaper or a Pull-Up?
Me: A Pull-Up.
Ella: I have to go to the potty!!!!!
Turns out, she loves her Disney princess “panties” so much that she doesn’t want to make a mess of them. She asks me each time before pees or poos what she was wearing, and if the answer is a Pull-Up, she makes every effort to get to the toilet. In that respect, we’re winning.
Fortunately for other Disney-lovin’ kiddos out there, Pull-Ups has partnered with The First Years, a company that makes fancy potty training systems and adorable seats, some of which feature Disney’s most famous characters. My Ella, of course, has a princess potty seat (she refused to eliminate via her brother’s Disney Cars potty seat…), so potty training just got even more personal. If you buy a potty training system (customized to your little one’s pooping pleasure), you’ll get a free pack of Pull-Ups!
That’s not to say she doesn’t have a few accidents now and again, but progress has undeniably been made. We made use of the resources found at the Big Kid Academy, mostly to celebrate the first flush, but as I mentioned in a previous post, Ella wasn’t at all interested in a big to-do when it came time for her deposit. She is normally very comfortable celebrating herself (what toddler isn’t?), but I think because her big brother does his business without a three-ring circus reaction, she wanted the same. So while the resources were great, they weren’t for my gal. What IS fantastic about the Big Kid Academy is the resources for ME! Advice for potty training on the go and nighttime training have been particularly helpful for me when working with both of my kiddos. Pull-Ups Facebook page and Twitter stream have also proven helpful, as other parents weigh in with their advice, and their epic fails. It’s good to know there are other parents out there who have a sense of humor about pooping on carpets.
We’ve just welcomed a new baby into our home, and life has been a little chaotic as a result. I’m afraid of pushing Ella to the point of no return by replacing the Pull-Ups with regular undies for fear that she will rebel and regress completely. So, for now, we’re sticking with princesses on her behind and working the “don’t poop in your pretty Pull-Up” angle. I’m confident that when she is ready, complete potty training will be a cinch.*
*Sleep deprivation has me feeling woozy and unrealistically optimistic.
#StartPottyTraining #Sponsored and #MC
I love the title of this post! The important part, I think, is that she’s able to recognize when she has to go to the bathroom, and knows how to hold it to get to a toilet instead of just letting it loose. If the princess diaper is what motivates her, cool enough… maybe when it is time for her to “graduate” to regular undies, you can find some with princesses on them also so that she’ll continue to not want to mess them up!
You’re absolutely right: if she can recognize the feeling, the battle is half-won! And I’ve already stocked up on princess undies, trust me!!!!! 🙂 🙂
We love our princess pull-ups here too! I love Ella’s reasoning 🙂
Thank you for the lovin’, Mama 🙂
Oh the power of princesses! =) That’s awesome about the potty system. That’s what really clicked for my kiddos…the pull-ups combined with the cute seat = success!! (eventually!)
“Eventually.” Exactly 🙂 🙂 THANK YOU, Ashley!
Mad props to you for continuing the potty training push AND generating new blog content the same week you birth a baby. YOU ARE A MACHINE.
Yet my husband won’t let me wear the pretty mask and cape I bought for myself… 🙂 Thanks, lady! xo
My niece’s daughter won’t pee or poop on Dora. She is in big girl undies now and her mom makes sure to try and always buy Dora undies to minimize accidents. She won’t be three until June, but is almost fully trained and rarely has accidents. Kudos to you for finding what works!
Brilliant!!!!!! 🙂 🙂
Oh, man, we are STILL going through this. Mine doesn’t seem to care if poop gets all over those themes undies/pull UPS though. I’ve been hesitant to use a training potty as I’m concerned about transitioning to the real potty, but maybe I’ll just have to buckle and try it at this point. Congrats on #3 by the way!!!!!
My gal is transitioning into the regular potty on her own, BUT I think it’s because she sees big Brother using the big potty, ya know? The portable potties are great for when I know she’ll sit in the living room watching a show and maybe poop during the viewing!! Hahaha!
Thank you for the baby congrats, too!