I’m sitting at my computer today, one eye on the screen, the other on my kids, and I can’t help but melt over a conversation they are having at the breakfast table:
Boy: You should put your milk in the refrigerator if you’re done drinking it.
Girl: Otay.
Boy: You listen very well! I bet mom and dad are so proud of you!
Girl: Yesh!
Okay, so it wasn’t a conversation that would change the course of history, but seriously–how adorable?! There are times that I just can’t bare the reality that one day, my babies will leave me for college or, worse?, marriage. I know my daughter will keep in touch because that’s how we girls roll, but the home-wrecker lovely woman who becomes my son’s wife will own his heart and then what?! I’ll tell ya what…
It’s the year 2045. Me and my 12 cats spend a lot of time playing online http://www.cheekybingo.com/ with my friends across the pond. My husband is still around, but he’s mostly outside yelling at the neighborhood kids to keep off our lawn. Every time my cell beeps with a new alert, I rush to it, hoping for a new picture of my beautiful grandchild or an “I love you” message from one of my offspring. Alas, it is my husband, who refuses to leave his perch at the front yard, requesting I bring him a Rolling Rock.
When the kids do call or–even better, visit!!–the time together is never enough. I listen as they discuss promotions at work, the World Series teams (Pittsburgh Pirates go all the way!), and plans for upcoming vacations. In the blink of my Computer Vision Syndromed eye (Web MD says it’s a real thing), I am transported back to the day I overheard the milk conversation. I see their smiling faces, I feel their chubby hands in mine; I hear their sweet voices babbling about which they like better, peanut butter or jelly.
I want to pull my kids into my lap and just hold them close because, despite their age and size, they will always be my babies.
Today, after the milk conversation, my son told me “no” about 234, 923 times when I asked him to brush his teeth, and then my daughter attached herself to my lower extremities preventing all movement. It was a trying morning, but I decided to hang on to the sweet exchange between two little people who will eventually grow into two big people and leave me with a crazy ass husband and way too many cats.
Keepin’ it real: I was compensated for the shout-out to CheekyBingo.
That picture!!!! So sweet <3
Thanks! They’re so grown up now 🙁
That picture of your babies is so adorable. When the kids were little, I lived for moments like that. There just isn’t anything like motherhood!! 12 cats??? Yikes!!
Penny at Green Moms and Kids
Thanks, Penny! I’d like to add another kid or two before I start hoarding cats 😉
I dread the day that that lovely young women comes to take my little boy away from me. Mini Monster 1 and I have already had the chat where she promised to stay with me forever. Her words – so sweet and yet so accusatory at the same time – were
‘I promise I won’t leave you ever mummy. Not like the way you left your mummy.’
Oh wow! Out of the mouths of babes!
Yep, I hear you, sister!! Savour every precious second with your kiddos! It seems like only yesterday when my now teenaged boys were babies!!!
Hey!!! My Of Mice and Men lady!! Great to have ya 😉 And a mom of teenage boys?! You’re officially my hero!
Awwwwwwwwww 🙂
You’re my Bingo partner, right? 😉
1) Your kids are totes adorbs, as the kids say. Maybe not your kids. Hopefully, they aren’t talking like texts yet.
2) Welcome to Families in the Loop. That group is, also as the kids say, cray cray.
3) Why is it with Moms and theirs son’s wives? Boys aren’t taken. We choose to leave. (I promise. This is meant to make you feel better. It’s more about Joseph Campbell Hero’s Journey kind of thing than some nefarious plot by young harlots.)
I already loved you because of the unapologetic way you hate Caillou, and now you tell me I’m part of a group that’s “cray cray?!” A student just called me “cray” a few weeks ago, so I have a feeling I’ll fit right in!
I hear you about the Hero’s Journey; I choose to ignore you 😉
Thanks for the welcome and for stopping by my little corner of the world!
Oh, and yes, I birthed the kiddos in the photo 😉
Loved your story! Both of your kids look so cute in that pic – wonder what the true story is? I’m sure you’ll tell us all about it. =D LOL
I’m stopping by to say hi from one of the weekend blog hops – have a wonderful week – Dr Seuss Day is coming up on the 2nd so get planning for a fun week rhyming and acting silly!
Thanks! Tina ‘the book lady’ & Jewelry Shoppe owner
Tina “the book lady!” It’s great to have you stop by my site; the English teacher in me is honored!! The rest of me is just as excited 😉 And don’t you worry, we’re all over Dr. Seuss Day in this house!
Seriously cute, and so true! I told my son the other day that he was only allowed to marry an orphan someday. Fingers crossed!
Jen, you son is absolute perfection. That hat! Those eyes! Ahhh! I’m crossing my fingers for you, too 😉