2009, Motherhood Expectations:
I will have this baby naturally, no medication. I will nurse this baby with no issues because that’s the most natural thing for breasts to do. I will nurture and love this baby and not feel guilty when I have to leave him and return to work three months later.

2011, Motherhood Expectations:
I will not allow my previous emergency c-section to thwart my plans for an all-natural VBAC. I will once again attempt to breastfeed, but understand that it doesn’t always work out, and that is OK. I will love and nurture this baby while working from home, and try not to feel guilty when I have to tell my toddler, “Mommy can’t right now.”

2014, Motherhood Expectations:
Imma need that epidural after I hit 5 centimeters because VBAC = ouch. If the baby takes my boob, great. If not, formula it is. I will love and nurture this baby as I continue to lose my marbles while working from home and parenting at the same time. I will continue to believe that I have the best of both worlds, and not be afraid to admit it’s worth it, but it’s hard. I will ask for help when I need it, keep a sense of humor about things, and not feel guilty when I need some “me time.” Oh, and I’ll finally hire a professional to take some amazing belly shots. ‘Cause ya know what? This is (probably) my last time on the Baby-Go-Round and I want to remember every detail. The good, the bad, the smelly.

Motherhood doesn’t always turn out the way we planned, but so what? Breathe, laugh, love. And repeat.
Check out the links below from the other moms to find stories that resonate with you!
Awestruck and Anticipation by Brandi at Mama Knows It All
Motherhood and Expectation by Laila at Only Laila
Motherhood As Told By Selfies by Thien-Kim at I’m Not The Nanny
Motherhood and Expectation by Vaneese at Mommy Works A Lot
Motherhood and Expectation by Jessica at A Parent In America
Motherhood and Expectations by Stephanie at When Crazy Meets Exhaustion
My Motherhood Journey In Photos by Joyce at Mommy Talk Show
Expecting Motherhood: The Pregnancy Principle by Makeba at MelisaSource
I love the more recent expectations in all their accepting reality. Also, you are insanely gorgeous.
I love how things change with each baby! I’ve only had the experience once, so I don’t know what to expect the next time. This post reminds me that THINGS CHANGE and sometimes don’t go as planned! Thanks for sharing your story!
Thank you for your honesty about this. I know I had “some” ideas about what I wanted regarding delivery, but when that pain hit that went out the window. And sometimes I think moms feel like we have failed if things don’t go according to plan.