When I texted my best gal pal, “Have to take subway to concert, pray for me,” she thought I was taking sandwiches to the Rolling Stones Fifty & Counting show. Not so much.
What has two thumbs and had never been on a subway until this past weekend? This country bumpkin. That whole thumb thing works better in person, but you get the point.ย I was nervous as I don’t like people all up in my grill, yo. But it worked out and the concert? Well, the concert was quite possibly the best EVER. My husband is so proud of me right now.
Let me rewind and start at the beginning.
If I would have agreed, our first born would have been named Mick Jagger. You see, my husband has a very unhealthy obsession with the Stones. I like the band. Great music. The English teacher dork in me loves the lyrics to “Sympathy for the Devil,” and “Gimme Shelter” gives me chills. That said, I would choose Justin Timberlake over a Stones concert 9 times out of 10.
Shut up.
So the hubs and I traveled the expanse of our great state and found ourselves only a little bit lost in Philadelphia. When we asked the concierge if we should take a taxi or drive to the Wells Fargo Center, he kinda looked at us like we were pathetic tourists. Spot on, good sir.
“How about the subway?”
I immediately crapped my pants.
When I read about all of the weirdos in New York City that always find their way next to my blogging buddy Jill whilst in close quarters on the train (subway? same thing?), I panic. And it’s not even me getting rubbed up on by random strangers. So when the news was dropped that my honky tonk self would have to man up and board the train, my blood pressure spiked and I chugged my beer in hopes of obtaining a necessary buzz. My husband assured me that I was completely insane, and millions of people ride the subway every day and live to tell the tale. I think he would have said the same thing if we had to walk across an alligator pit with fresh fish dangling from ropes around our necks to get to Mick, but whatever.
Once at the concert, I knew we were in for a treat. Everyone around us could have made/birthed us from their loins, which would have been totally cool had they not started stripping. One Grandma showed everyone her ta-ta’s and then began taking requests:
“Wanna see’em now?!!!! In a minute? You there in the back–you wanna peek?!”
Woman, put your shirt on and your teeth in. Damn.
The lights dimmed, the music swelled, and I won’t lie: I got goosebumps. The Stones are meant to be experienced live, not on a CD. We’re super lucky, too–this is the second time we’ve seen them in concert and, dare I say, this show was even better than the first. I understood less of what Keith Richards said and Charlie Watts still looked confused (I’m on a stage right now, aren’t I?) this time around, but the music. Oh, the music. If you tell anyone I said this, I’ll deny it, but I think I *kinda* get why the ladies love Mick. I mean, he’s gross and I want to feed him, but he exudes talent and confidence. And his moves! Like none other! (Except JT). I mean, I wouldn’t throw my panties at him (Mick, Justin would totally get my granny panties), but dude works it. They all work it.
A live choir intro to “Can’t Always Get What You Want?” Check!
Special guest appearance? Check! (even if it was Aaron Neville…)
The incomparable Lisa Fischer on back-up? Check!
Mick Taylor on stage with the Stones again? Check!
Coming in a close third to the incredible music was the free contact high courtesy of the balding gentlemen in front of us. They were generous and offered to share, but we politely declined and then enjoyed the spectacle that was one of them falling forward, over four rows of seats, never to be seen again. Sure we’re going to hell, but at least we can say we didn’t inhale.
The second best part of our trip to Philly? Like I really have to tell you what traveling sans kids does for a couple. Silly.
I love this — I think your (brief) description of Mick Jagger’s looks was my favorite part. ๐
He’s kind of a mess but a talented rock-on kind of mess ๐
Lol! So proud of you! You survived the subway!
Thanks for the shout out ๐ proud to have the distinction of having weirdos find their way to me.
I thought of you as my face rode way too closely to strangers’ asses and vice versa. Don’t know how you city folk do it!
Love your concert reviews!!! The pictures make the story!
The pics for this concert are on my FB page. This post only got my victory face ๐
The first time I saw the Stones was just pure magic. After the opening act and the intermission, the football stadium went black. Everyone screamed for at least a full minute. Once we all shut up, through the darkness we heard the first two notes of “Brown Sugar.” (Still pitch black.) Everyone screamed for another minute, maybe even two. Silence. Then, still dark, the next six notes (count the riff in your head; you’ll get it). Then, BOOM, all the lights came on. There he was! Keith! In the flesh! We all went bananas as he continued to play, and the rest of the band joined in. Can you IMAGINE being able to drive almost 70,000 people crazy with nothing but two notes? The power that Keith has… Just wow.
I imagine this is part of the reason women find him appealing: wicked talented and his skillful foreplay.
So glad you had fun and Zach and Brady are twins! Hilar!
They are, aren’t they?!
Your Hubs must be in Heaven right now – good thing he didn’t inhale!! Sounds like a wonderful time, even WITH the subway. Loved the play by play!!
Hahahaha!! Thanks, lady! ๐
Haha you made me laugh about the subway ….I was scared to death the first time I rode one in NY City…no one told me the cars Sometime PULL over to another track and sit…and SIT in the dark until several other trains go by….with no air on…just Dark/stinky/Weird people we held my first grand baby close and out purses too….the Yankee game was a lot of fun, until I remembered, I had to go Back on that subway……about the Stones…I love them but my husband, no so much…..he said they are too old, it i think Mick can still Sing and Move. Just fine….glad you guys had a good time….
I don’t think I could live the big city life, even though I’m totally envious of it. There is a Starbucks within walking distance regardless of where you are. MIND. BLOWN. ๐
Tell your husband he should see Mick in concert–you can’t call the man “too old” after you see him move!
This makes you a subway warrior now. Did you emerge smelling like BO and pee?
Don’t answer that.
And you and the hubs are too cute, but he really WOULD make a cute couple with Mick too. Congrats for getting away to Philly for a date night, and congrats for taking it away from the kids! It was much deserved, I’m sure.
Oh, and remind me when I owe you my post. Much like your husband says, I’m a mess.
I did feel a little like a warrior, which explains why I found the steps that Rocky ran up and sat down on them and had a beer.
I don’t think we set a date for your post, did we? Can you get it to me by the first week of July? Too soon? You tell me!!
“Spot on, good sir.” Hilarious. As was all of it!
“Spot on, good sir.”? I love you. Also, you are beyond adorable and if I didn’t like you so much, I would be totally hate on you a bit and be terrified to hang out with you! Yay for the night out with your hubby!
You’re so silly. And blind.
So so cool.
Shortest comment ever.
Short is good. Like us ๐
Would you say his “moves” were like Jagger?
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
I was actually singing that to my husband at one point during the concert. I believe his response was something like, “Please stop yelling in my ear.” I can’t be sure. It was really loud.