Maybe two years ago, I emailed this lady named Ann Imig about her “little” show, Listen To Your Mother. At the time, I wasn’t all too familiar with the ins and outs of the performances; all I knew is that I wanted to be a part of them. In some capacity, I wanted to be Listen To Your Mother. Ann was very kind about my pushy request to “bring the show to Pittsburgh,” and patiently referred me to the extensive application process.
Fast-forward a few months and I’m pregnant with my third, and Listen To Your Mother has begun to slip a few notches on my Bucket List.
Then, in a twist of fate, one of my favorite bloggers and local gals, Jen Hicks of Real Life Parenting, contacted me on a sunny September afternoon and was all, “I’m bringing Listen To Your Mother to Pittsburgh! Do you want to be a part of it?”
DID I WANT TO BE A PART OF IT?! Hell-to-the-yeah I wanted to be a part of it!
Jen recruited me and the hilariously adorable heart-of-gold Amanda Mushro of Questionable Choices in Parenting (who was part of last year’s DC cast!) to be her directors. We are now what you should henceforth refer to as Pittsburgh’s Triple Threat. The rest is in the books.
Or not, because we’re just starting. And we’re not the least bit threatening–it just sounded good.
Anyway, we need YOU.
We are beyond humbled to bring Listen To Your Mother to the Steel City, BUT without our local guys and dolls auditioning, the show cannot go on. So please, please, PLEASE click HERE or the graphic below for a brief overview of the show and information about auditions. (HINT: Clear your schedule for Saturday, January 31st, mmmkay?)
We can’t wait to give Pittsburgh a microphone, and what better topic than motherhood? You don’t need to be a mother; you just need a story about motherhood/mothering and a propensity to share it. Head on over to the Listen To Your Mother Pittsburgh site, and check back there for updates as they happen! We’re incredibly excited about this opportunity for our city and her people–we hope you will be a part of it!
I’m emailing about Baltimore and DC and if they both blow me off, I’m so coming to Pittusburgh!!
Screw Baltimore and DC–in the nicest way possible, of course. Come to the ‘burgh, baby!!!
I. Cannot. Wait!! I’m so excited that we’re doing this together … we ARE a Terrific Trio! And I love “Pittsburgh’s Triple Threat”! 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂
Pirates would be a better topic than motherhood.
Maybe we’ll get some of the Pirates’ mothers to be a part of the show, huh? HUH? Good idea, right?!
I am so proud of you ladies! ROCK IT!!!
THANK YOU, Meredith!!! We’re suuuuper excited! Grateful to have your support, friend! xo
That’s a great idea, Steph! And your brother cracks me up!
He’s not too shabby, right?!
Congrats – you are a perfect choice. It will be a great show!
Awe, shucks. Thanks, Kathy 🙂