I have been crazy busy lately (or suffering from migraines, thank you baby in the belly…), so I haven’t been able to write as often as I would like. It makes me sad to think of my lonely little blog just sitting here, waiting to be filled with my sarcasm and curse words. So today, I’ve opted to recycle a post I published over a year ago. You don’t mind, do you? It’s not very nice to cop a ‘tude just because I’m re-posting stuff, you know that, right? So be cool, man. Be cool.
I find it very amusing (so much so that I giggle to myself on the regular) how drastically life has changed since I popped out 2 kids. I anticipated feeling “changed” after I got married, but nope, nothing. Except for my last name and the feeling of obligation to give the hubby a heads up if I want to spend $100+, things pretty much remained the same.
And then THEY came.

Before them, living on the edge used to mean taking chances–bungee jumping, skydiving, and other crazy things I’ve honestly never done but would have at least considered (probably not) before having kids. Or at the very least, having 1 too many glasses of wine and drunk dialing old boyfriends.
Living on the edge meant owning 46 pairs of heels just because I could. Living on the edge meant risking a new do-it-yourself-hair color because reddish-purple was an appropriate hue for a young gal with no children. I’ve always been somewhat of a party animal. Try to keep up.
This morning, I saw an opportunity to recapture some of my crazy youth and I seized it:

Yeah, that’s right: an open basement door that, for the past 3 years, has served as a familial Mason-Dixon Line for the sole purpose of tiny people’s safety. But not today. I resisted my initial instinct to sprint to it and throw my body across the threshold while screaming, “THE DOOR IS AJAR!!!!!!!!!” Nope. I saw that the bad boy was open and I said to myself, “Self, live large today. Go nuts. Shake what your mama gave ya. Carpe effin’ diem. Leave it OPEN.”
And because the kids are with grandma today I’m a bad ass who gets her kicks from taking risks, that door will remain open until the kids come home indefinitely.
Go big or go home I always say.
Originally published on WhenCrazyMeetsExhaustion on July 2, 2012.
I hope you’re feeling better soon, although I had never read this post and it’s funny because it’s so freakin true!!!! You are wild my friend. Wild.
I had no idea you were suffering from migraines – I’d never know it to look at you! You look fab, girl! Anyway, I am going to bet that baby #3 is sucking all the sarcasm right outa ya, and this one will have that great sarcastic sense of humor too! I hope you find some relief from those awful migraines : /
Well thanks, Lisa! They’ve been hitting me hard, so I’m glad to hear I’m not showing any signs of wear and tear ๐
I do tend to get a little wild and crazy ๐
I know exactly what you mean–keep living on the edge my friend! At least until that new little one starts schootching on the floor. Then it’s back to business!
I was thinking that, too, Meredith; I’ve only got a few more months to really live it up! ๐
BAHHAHAHAH! I saw that open door and yelled, “CLOSE IT BEFORE SOMEONE GETS HURT!” in my head. What HAPPENED to us??! ๐
Kids. Kids happened to us!! ๐
I do you the same thing with safety locks! We are such crazy parents. Who knew?
Pretty cheap way to get our kicks, though, right?!
“Familial Mason Dixon Line.” Ha! I have an idea. You should republish all of the posts from before I read your blog. Because that seems easier than for me to click through your archives.
Hope the noggin is feeling better. That baby’s going to need a timeout immediately after birth if he/she doesn’t shape up.
I think I like your idea of recycling more; that would mean my writing and zero thinking. Good plan!
Yeah, this baby is grounded the first months of his/her life.
My basement is my “mom cave” during Halloween season. Nobody under four feet tall allowed. Also, “reddish-purple was an appropriate hue for a young gal with no children”? Ahem. ๐
You’re clearly a pinkish hue which is…shit. Foot in mouth. Busted.
Oh how I missed your writing! So sorry about the migraines. My sister got them only early in her pregnancy and then they went away. I hope the same for you.
Thanks so much, lady!! Much appreciated to hear that my crazy was missed. AND that your sister’s migraines subsided!
Enjoyed reading this just as much the second time around. Feel better soon Stephanie.
Thanks, lady! I feel a bit guilty recycling, but something’s gotta give ๐
You are indeed one wild and crazy awesome risk taker! Whoot!
(sorry about your migraines!)