Dear WordPress,
It’s time. My self-hosted site is all but ready, so this will be my last post as a Presser. I have appreciated the free hosting, and will always remember being Freshly Pressed with the fondest of memories. Thank you for introducing me to so many talented bloggers, whom I pray will continue to follow me even though I won’t pop up in their Reader any more. Thank you for the daily post prompts, most of which I ignored, yet always appreciated. Thank you for the online support which was–if we’re being honest–less than stellar, but helpful about 33.3% of the time. And finally, thank you for a platform on which to voice my opinions, admit my transgressions, and vent about the crazy in my life.
Check back in a few days ( when I will *hopefully* be up and running and better than ever! Or, more likely, up and running and confused as hell because I have absolutely no business self-hosting as I am technologically challenged yet ignorantly optimistic. It’s a gift I have: ignoring reality with a smile. It’s how I’ve survived the latest hike in the Social Security tax that has kicked our family budget in the face.
Until next time, pals!!
P.S. I have it on good authority that you can copy and paste my URL into your Reader list, so really, this shouldn’t be goodbye.
P.P.S. I’m “in the running” for Circle of Moms Top 25 Funny Moms. By in the running, I mean there is a better chance of The Kardashians being canceled than me actually placing in the Top 25. At any rate, I have this here fancy button and if you choose to click it and vote for me, I wouldn’t be mad at ya. I might still be listed under “Pending” because I was a late addition. It’s like they forgot to invite me and then felt bad so gave me a sympathy invite. So, I’m back in junior high. It’s cool.
I cannot believe you are leaving WordPress! Anyway, I expect nothing less than the superb and clever word craft from you. Good luck with the new site.
Believe it, sir! And you best come by my new place. And bring a bottle of wine 😉
Sad to see you leave WordPress but excited that you are self hosting! I was going to update my Blogroll and add you on, but I’ll wait until you are officially on your new site. 🙂
Can’t wait to see your new site! I’m sure it will be fabulous! Maybe you could teach me a thing or two about widgets. Will you be able to leave comments on our sites for Project Optimism if your no longer a WP member? I sure hope we’ll still be able to see your gravatar! 🙂
Oops! I meant “if you’re no longer.” The kids are next to me screaming in my ear. I don’t work well with extraneous noise!
Good luck! I’ll be back.