You see this little nugget? She’s about to turn the big 0-2.
I have mixed emotions about this milestone. Technically, she hasn’t been a baby for the past year but mind your own business, BabyCenter, with your emails telling me she’s a toddler about to embark upon the Terrible Twos. Who asked you anyway?!
As I was saying, the mixed emotions mostly stem from her being my last child–my baby–but also from the bittersweet memories of how we rang in her first birthday: with a three-night stay at Children’s Hospital courtesy of a nasty stomach bug.
All of the wiping, the burning messes. She screamed and writhed during each diaper change, and eventually stopped eating because she realized whatever went into her little body came out in a painful hurry. Our pediatrician told us to create a barrier between what probably felt like an acid spill and the delicate skin on her bottom, and suggested we use Butt Paste.
Seeing as how I had been diapering two other bottoms for five years prior to this adorable duckling, I had heard of Butt Paste, but I honestly thought, “Really? Butt Paste? You don’t have some magical pediatric secret weapon? You can’t do any better??” Turns out, I’m a Doubting Thomas because The Paste o’ Butt worked wonders! The best part was that the All Natural Boudreaux’s is…well, all natural. Simple, effective ingredients meant we felt confident that what we were lathering all over our baby’s sensitive skin was safe and would work. We were right.
Though our hospital stay was a mere few days, and what followed only lasted 7 months, it all felt like two lifetimes plus infinity. More than once, I caught myself fearing the worst but hoping for the best, which has become my parenting mantra. Our fears are sometimes completely irrational and maybe even unfounded, but they still have me throwing up more Hail Mary’s than a Super Bowl highlight reel.
I got lucky; someone heard my prayers and with the help of nutritional, occupational, and physical therapists, and Butt Paste, we came out of that dark tunnel virtually unscathed. Once her bottom felt better, my girl trusted food again. Once she was willing to eat, we were officially on the road to recovery. Just as I credit certain individuals with my child’s progress, I know Boudreaux’s Butt Paste has made a world of difference, too. Butt Paste isn’t just a thing for us; it’s part of what fixed our daughter, and you can’t put a price tag on that.
I’m a #ButtPasteMom 4 Lyfe and you should be, too. I love this stuff so much, I’m sharing the wealth. Click HERE to join in the Facebook fun and enter for a chance to win a bunch of Butt Paste products.

The Butt Paste sounds interesting. It sounds perfect for my niece! lol. I would absolutely have my sister check this out. Thank you for sharing!
Definitely check it out–it’s fantastic!