“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Huggies and Target. I received samples and a promotional item to facilitate my review.”
One of my favorite parts of having a baby in the house is the adorable sound effects.
Raspberries and slobber.
Squeals and giggles.
The unmistakable grunting as she unloads in her diaper, onesie, blanket and, if she is serious about entertaining me, my husband’s lap.

Okay so that last sound isn’t exactly one of my favorites, but it comes with the territory. In case you haven’t heard: babies poop. A. Lot. And sometimes, that poop defies gravity and prayer and finds its way out of the diaper and up your baby’s back. And it usually happens in the middle of the night or at a really fancy restaurant, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
But you could always try, and switch from whatever diapers you’re currently using to Huggies Little Snugglers.
I’m not going to lie: my eye twitches every time I look at the price of diapers. If I sat down and tried to figure out how much money my husband and I have spent on diapers for all three of our kids, I would probably be so confused by the math that I would quit and eat some ice cream instead. But the point is this: they’re expensive! Diapers, not ice cream.
To save some money, I bought more “cost efficient” diapers, AKA: cheap ones that were rough and didn’t fit around my baby’s chubby legs or waist, and left a gap so wide that it invited that back poop to the party. So, yeah. I switched diapers.

What have I learned since switching?
Huggies Little Snugglers are soooooo soft! Like, I would use them as pillows soft. I used to feel like I was wrestling the top of a cardboard box closed instead of diapering my baby, but not with Huggies Little Snugglers. Not only that, but they fit my gal like a glove. A glove made to catch waste, but a glove nonetheless. I’m also a big fan of the wetness indicator. My older kids have adopted the phrase, “When the line is blue, there may be poo,”and although I think they just like saying ‘poo,’ I do appreciate the heads up the blue line gives me during change time. Sometimes a quick peek in the baby’s onesie is enough to give me peace of mind because, let’s be honest, parents: we always think we smell something, and sometimes it’s us.

Another great feature of Huggies Little Snugglers is the umbilical cord cut-out. It lets the little ones’ bellybuttons breathe, and it also allows for adequate grossing out of older siblings. Or maybe that’s just what we do around here.
My girl was almost 10 pounds when she was born, so she didn’t fit into the newborn size very long, but fortunately, we’re rocking out the size 1, and because Huggies Little Snugglers are available up to size 3 (16-28 pounds), I can keep her in the soft, cottony feel longer. For less money, too: $11.99 for a Jumbo Pack and $22.99 for a Big Pack? I can get with that.
The adorable sound effects may be among my favorite parts about having a baby, but the Necessary trips to Target are up there with the coos and toothless grins. Fortunately, Huggies understands a mom’s love affair with Target and decided that when you create a Target Baby Registry and include Huggies Little Snugglers and Natural Care Wipes, you can upload the link on the Huggies Register Your Wish Page to be entered to win a year supply of free diapers.
A year! Of free! Diapers!
Do you know how much money that is?! Me neither. Ice cream?

A YEAR OF FREE DIAPERS? My kids can wipe their own asses and everything and this is exciting to me.