“DOMA is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment.”
My reaction to the ruling was a cross between DUH and AMEN. On one hand, I’m irritated that it took this long (or was even necessary in the first place) to allow two people of the same-sex to have the equal rights as a couple.
On the other hand, YAY!!!!!!
The “holier than thou” folk will conveniently ignore forget that the template for Christianity is tolerance and forgiveness, and when they begin casting their stones, they’ll say it’s in the name of Jesus. I have to wonder if any of these people actually know a homosexual. Like, really know one. Not in passing, not from Modern Family, but have had conversations about work or aspirations or shared a joke with a gay or lesbian. When I was in college, I took a class on learning and behavioral disabilities. I learned to always put the person before the disability: I do not have autistic students; I have students who have autism. It just makes sense to put the person first.
I can’t look a man in the face and tell him that he is not worthy of love. Of equality. I can’t shrug off a woman’s tears because she has been denied the right to be with her dying spouse in a hospital room.
Not many things in life are black or white; often, we’re left in an area of greyed doubt and wish-washy deliberation. But when it comes to human rights, there is nothing clearer or more emphatic. The human comes first.
I’m bracing myself for the inevitable “free but not equal” backlash, but for today, I am thankful for a 5-4 majority ruling in the name of progress and equality.
Thank you, Justices Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Thank you.
It took long enough. I have my beliefs has a Christian, but they do not include trying to force my lifestyle on anyone or hating them because they have different beliefs than me. If only more people could learn to live and let live.
Can you please put that on a banner and have an airplane fly it across America?
YES, YES, YES!!! People only seem to really understand something once it hits their backyard. It’s so much easier to judge someone from across the street when it has nothing to do with you. Once it is YOUR child, or sister, or parent, or friend that is gay…than it is now a part of your life and much harder to judge. YAAAAY for today! My dog is gay as fuck and so I bought him a rainbow sweater and he wears that thing LOUD and PROUD!!!
The dog comment put me over the top! Bahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t believe Clarence Thomas. If he was on the Supreme Court 46 years ago, would he have voted against interracial marriage, too? No, because he’s IN ONE. How in the HELL is this ANY DIFFERENT??
Totally agree. I feel like the war against homosexuality is today’s version of the Civil Rights Movement and for him to turn a blind eye to this is just…wrong. My guess is that the Bible told him to do it.
Duh-men all the way! It did allow me to sort of my clean up Twitter feed though – unfollowed a few people whose hate/intolerance was showing. Ain’t nobody got time for that! 🙂
GREAT idea, Tracy! Didn’t even think to use this as an opportunity to do some “housekeeping.”
Yes! I <3 this post!! I just found you today, and I already love you 🙂
The comment from Tracy about cleaning up the Twitter–um, yah. That too. I had several ppl on my personal facebook page that I had to move on from because I just can't / won't have that energy and negativity around me. I can NOT sit quietly by while someone lambastes other humans for being human, and then follows that up with their "Christian" faith bullshit talk.
I'm so excited by today's decision from the SCOTUS. I just wish I could be there next year when my best friend and her wife check the "Married filing Jointly" box!!
Hellooooo, Jen! So nice of you to drop by and love me already. You’re my kind of gal 😉
Hug your gal pal and her wife for me!
“I learned to always put the person before the disability” <<– Best thing I've ever read. My sister has spina bifida, and when I was growing up and a new friend came over, they would always ask me afterwards why I never told them. And I was always surprised. I guess I never thought about it.
I had goosebumps watching all of the stuff on the news today about the Supreme Court ruling. Like you, I'm all "WOO HOO!" but I'm also really angry this ever even became an issue, you know? It shouldn't matter who you love. We're all equal. ALL. OF. US.
I loved this post.
And I'm celebrating with you today!!!! xo
Cheers, lady!!!!
I completely agree with you! Actually, what I can’t believe is that this law was implemented in the first place. Without a doubt, marriage has been and always will be a state law issue and to simply say that the Constitution is silent on the issue of marriage does not give the Federal government the right to define it. I’m so happy for my friends and colleagues but I agree it took too long.
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