It’s not classy, but it’s what I said when I opened my e-mail today.
My inbox was flooded with messages from WordPress letting me know that someone had liked my post or had followed my blog or had left a comment about my writing. And I cannot tell you how unbelievably happy that made me! I called my mom and tried (again) to explain what a blog is and what it means to be Freshly Pressed. She listened quietly, and then asked how I was dealing with the stinkbugs that are taking over the world…
Okay, so my mom doesn’t get it, but YOU do. And for that, this wanna-be-writer thanks you!
I also want to take a minute to acknowledge a few of the other blogs I’ve been following for almost a year who have, in some way, inspired me. On that note, a special shout out goes to Cece at Familymill who nominated me for the Inspiring Blog Award. Ta-da!!!
In keeping with the expectations of this award, I’ve listed the blogs that I want to recognize below; these are the peeps (in no particular order) who have struck a chord with me and for very different reasons. Despite these blogs’ varying writing style and purposes, they have one thing in common: I always feel happy after reading them. *Cue the sappy music and hug it out.
1. The Honest Toddler. Oh how I wish I would’ve come up with this idea. Genius. Anyway, even if you don’t have kids, this is a MUST READ. I promise that you will laugh out loud each time you read this toddler’s deep thoughts. And if you don’t, you’re dead inside.
2. Becoming Cliche. LOVE this lady’s passion for animals, her family, and Moonpies. She will not disappoint. Neither will her original artwork!
3. ShittyDad. He writes about his wife’s “night farts.” Enough said.
4. I Have to Sit Down: A co-worker recommended Simcha’s blog when I was struggling as a new mom of two under two. I was tired, cranky, and didn’t like myself very much. She has, like, 34.5 kids (she’s always pregnant) and her words helped me to understand that there is no perfect Mama. She’s a staunch Catholic and I don’t always agree with what she writes, but I’ve gotta give her credit and respect for standing firm in a world that can be so shaky.
5. Pinterest. So it’s not necessarily a blog. Oh well. I loooooooooove me some Pinterest.
I was going to skip the state-7-things-about-yourself rule, but since I’ve gained so many new amazing readers who are kind enough to spend their time reading my writing, I figured now is a good time for formal introductions:
1. I love hyperbole and sarcasm. Some people don’t understand it and mistake it for brusqueness. I’ve learned to deal with it.
2. I love my kids more than life, but I admit they make me absolutely insane.
3. I won’t go a day without eating something chocolate.
4. Once, at a school-wide assembly, I stumbled over my speech and ended up saying a four-letter word that begins with “c” and rhymes with punt (I’m blushing as I write this) in a microphone, while standing on the stage, under a hot spotlight. To say that I was humiliated and wanted to cry is the biggest understatement of the century.
5. Educate, don’t hate. Just sayin’.
6. My BFF allowed me to participate in the birth of her daughter because I was so bummed about having a c-section with my son. I am absolutely in love with the whole process and miracle of pregnancy and child-birth. The end result ain’t so bad neither. (Personal plug: check out my Birth Stories and Conversations with a Toddler pages–please contact me if you want to contribute something! How fun!)
7. I am currently watching the Presidential Debate and can’t stop staring at Mitt Romney’s upper lip sweat.
Welp, that’s me. Nice to meet ya!
I had the same experience last week- Holly Balls is right!!
I just creeped on you and I am in love. Stalking you forever.
This makes me happy. The feeling is mutual.
Wow, I am speechless. Not many blogger scan pull off “Holy Balls.” And you did this with such style. I am very impressed.
I like to keep it classy, what can I say? 😉
I’m so happy for you!!!Reading this made me smile…. 😀
lol at Mitt Rom’s lip sweat…
Thank you so much for your kind words 🙂