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I don’t know about you, but when I tell people I blog, they look at me weird. It’s a mix between confusion and sympathy. Like they’re thinking, “Poor child. She mustn’t have any friends.” Just the other day I was at my annual eye appointment having dry air shot into my pupils, and my doctor asked what I was up to since having the kids. I started to explain my blog and how I use it to connect with like-minded people and she said, “Everything is electronic now. That used to be called Happy Hour.”
In another conversation she told me that she doesn’t have “high academic hopes” for her daughter, so she and her husband are just praying the girl “marries well.” So, yeah, I’ll be getting a new eye doctor.
Anyway, is blogging the new “bookworm?” What’s with the stigma? Have any of you felt like you were under scrutiny for blogging?!
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Lady, sometimes I wonder how you do it ALL? You are amaaaaazing juggling the blog front and the home front. Betcha hubby misses seeing his lovely wife! 🙂
I can say the same for you! You’re a Superwoman!!
I like “blogging is the new bookworm.” Bookworms rule. (So do gamers. And when they come together, they make gorgeous kids.)
Hahaha! Judging by your kids, I would have to agree 😉
Following you from MTMmixer. following your through facebook and twitter.
Thanks for the follows! I returned the favor!
Well if this is the new Happy Hour then…..Cheers! “clink, clink”
Pinkies up!!