Even before she was born, I knew I wanted my daughter’s middle name to be Faith. Faith is a pretty name, but it is so much more than a moniker to me; it’s what I had in my heart when I endeavored to deliver Ella via VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean section. P.S. if the “V” word made you scrunch up your nose and shudder, just stop reading now). Despite a rocky experience with my son and my family’s fear that a VBAC wasn’t possible or smart, I knew it would work out. I don’t know how I knew it, I just did. I had Faith.
I want to have that same kind of faith in our country.
In the wake of Obama’s earth shattering admission that he understands the need for and advocates for equal rights and fair treatment for everyone (including gays and lesbians–GASP!!!!!!!), some people are reeling at the idea that these heathens will be able to–BRACE YOURSELVES–publicly and legally love one another. There goes the neighborhood.
Wouldn’t life be so much easier if we could just throw everyone under a definitive figurative umbrella for the sake of labeling them? All gays and lesbians are thieves–lock your doors! All heterosexuals who oppose same-sex marriage are liars–don’t trust them! Here’s the problem, though: some gays and lesbians are actually good people. Some heterosexuals who oppose legalizing same-sex marriage are pretty decent people, too. As a result, I just can’t find it in my heart to write them off based on such a small component of what makes them whole. Unfortunately, not everyone shares my opinion. I don’t know why, either; I have all the answers.
I think the larger issue is about people. Period. I’m a church-going gal who believes in God; but I’m also a gal who believes God is the only One who should judge us. To those who are spewing Bible verses in response to a man marrying a man, I say to you: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I bet some of you Holier Than Thou-ists are sporting tattoos (Leviticus 19:23-28 23), indulged in 1 Tequila shot too many (Proverbs 23:29-35), or even experience an impure thought (Song of Solomon 2:7). Oh, and you were born, so according to the Good Book, you’re a sinner just like a woman loving another woman is.
Still, those of us with tramp stamps aren’t bad folks. I don’t think I have a one-way ticket to Hell because I can’t remember the latter half of my 21st birthday. A bad person is someone who harms children; takes advantage of the elderly or handicapped; purposely misleads and deceives other people for personal gain. A bad person is someone who judges another based on something superficial like hair color or religious affiliation. A bad person is someone who tries to play God and cast down judgment on anyone who is a sinner, blatantly ignoring the fact that he is the worst kind. (Luke 6:42). A bad person is that asshole who continually parks in the Expectant Mothers/with Young Children spot when it’s pouring rain because she’s just too damn lazy to walk the extra 20 feet to the Red Box. It’s cool–I was hoping my kids could catch pneumonia today anyway.
America is full of a tragic past that includes events like The Salem Witch Trials, slavery, and denying a person’s rights because he is a she. I can only hope that, as in times passed, we will come to our senses and learn from our mistakes. Just because a group of people is different or doesn’t represent what we consider “normal” at this point, by following the Bible’s most literal message of acceptance and kindness, I think we can get to a place where the majority will value and respect the relationship between two people regardless of gender. We’re not perfect, but I want to have faith that experience has taught us something and humanity is making progress.
I want to have faith in America like I have faith in my vajayjay.

Well said, especially the parts where you used scripture to back up your ideas, thereby destroying the haters’ arguments.
Thank you! I just checked out your blog and laughed until I peed, so I think I’ll have to follow you 😉
LOL! I don’t do laundry.