Disclosure: I have received information and materials from JOHNSON & JOHNSON CONSUMER, Inc., McNeil Nutritionals, LLC Subsidiary the makers of LACTAID®. The opinions stated are my own. This is a sponsored post and I was compensated by POPSUGAR to write it.
Last year when all of my stomach issues came to a head, or to a toilet as it were, my husband was convinced I was lactose intolerant. Always a milk drinker, I didn’t want to hear that noise. Also, ice cream.
After extensive testing and blood work, I learned that I am not lactose intolerant (SO THERE), but I also learned that as a girl ages and has babies, her body changes. My body had been saying no more milk, please, and I didn’t have my listening ears on. Between acknowledging my stomach, like the rest of me, was getting older, learning what’s really in my food, and working with my wellness coach Susan, I had to admit that milk was no longer my friend.
Because 1 in 5 Americans suffer from some form of dairy intolerance, and there are 5 people in my house, I decided to make a change. On behalf of my digestion and my kids’ overall health, I began looking into alternatives.
Enter: LACTAID® Milk Products.
As any chef will tell you, unveiling new recipes to picky food critics can be daunting. What if they hate it? Will they ever trust your judgment again? Will they tell everyone to stay away from your kitchen and refuse what you serve them from now on?! Yeah, it’s basically the same for parents with young kids. I’m no dummy, so we tried the LACTAID® Ice Cream first.
The verdict? This stuff is GOOD! If you don’t believe me, ask a kitchen’s toughest critic, a four-year-old:
Trust me, if she didn’t like it, you’d be able to hear her through your screen.
Okay, fine, not sold because it’s chocolate ice cream and all little kids like chocolate ice cream? I’m on it:
I put LACTAID® Milk in my kids’ morning cereal and waited patiently. Then I waited some more. I watched as they devoured their breakfast with nary a complaint or suspicious sideways glance in my direction. TA-DA!
Though someone was a little upset when she was told she couldn’t have thirds…
Because LACTAID® Milk Products are made from real milk, just without that rude lactose that messes with our tummies, those of us who used to head straight to the bathroom or curl up into the fetal position after a glass of milk can enjoy LACTAID® without repercussions. I’m also confident my kids are getting the nutritional benefits without the possible side-effects from regular milk.
Aaaaand, ice cream. We don’t even have to break up!
For tips on how you can incorporate LACTAID® Milk Products into your current cooking repertoire (with nary a discerning appetite noticing because LACTAID® is made with real milk thankyouverymuch), check out the LACTAID® recipe page HERE.
Your two-cents here: