If money were as bountiful as my three-year-old’s dinner-time tantrums, I would pay someone to perform the tedious tasks otherwise assigned as Mom’s Responsibilities. Someone else can do the meal planning, shopping, and cooking. It’d be awesome if that someone else would also do the dishes, but I’m not trying to be greedy.
As much as I actually enjoy cleaning (I’m weird, what can I say?), I’ve come to realize I’m not as good at it as I used to be. Or, more accurately, there’s more mess than I can handle. Between two old dogs that are currently shedding their summer coats, three children and one husband who aren’t against bringing the outside in via the bottoms of their shoes, and the general chaos of life, my house is a hot mess on any given day. I keep up with the necessities, but fall short when it comes to the nooks and crannies.
Take, for instance, the bane of my existence: the sliding glass door in our kitchen. This door, while great for providing beautiful panoramic views of our back yard and neighborhood, is also home to dog snot and slobber, children’s handprints, and remnants of stickers that I TOLD YOU NOT TO PUT THERE.

What’s more is the only thing that gets that glass sparkling are cleaners that could potentially harm my slobberers and handprinters. I’m not risking my pets’ and kids’ health for clean windows, ya know? So I’ve been lax on that door and it’s officially driving me insane.
Then the Universe called and was like, “Oh hey, try this Aquavert stuff” and I was all, “Nope. You no-rinsing, EPA-certified hippy cleaners don’t do the trick and you leave my glass streaky. I’ll pass.”
Then the Universe blew my mind with these stats:
- Aquavert kills 99.99% of germs and bacteria
- There are only THREE ingredients in Aquavert: water + salt + electricity
- ELECTRICITY?! Yes. Don’t believe me? Read this.
- Aquavert is 120 times more powerful than bleach
- Aquavert-cleaned sliding glass doors do not pose a threat to pets and children
Oh and here’s a friendly reminder—COLD AND FLU SEASON IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER.
So I bathed my house in Aquavert.
Kitchen counters.
Bathroom sinks.
Sliding glass doors.
My kids’ soccer shin guards. Okay, that one was a lie but I’m super tempted. You ever smell those things after a game?!
I digress.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that I didn’t have to spray half a bottle of Aquavert for it to actually work. Streaks were non-existent, too. And it smelled like…nothing. No floral poop spray-ish scent, which I appreciate. I prefer the shin guard stink to some of the other cleaners’ scents!
Another fun fact about Aquavert: before cleaning my kids’ toothpaste-riddled sinks (that look like the above photo after ONE USE, omg…), I’d always have to wet them down before scrubbing with a cleaner. Maybe I’m just a moron, but spraying only the product on the hardened toothpaste never worked. Now I get to skip the “wet down the mess” step with Aquavert, as it literally does it all in one step, saving precious minutes of my life I can use to pick up dirty socks. MOM SCORE.

You need you some Aquavert in your life. Click HERE to grab what will become the only cleaner you’ll ever need. Unless you have stinky shin guards in your house, too, then you’ll need a priest or something because OMG WHAT TAKES THE STENCH OUT OF THOSE THINGS?!
Happy cleaning!
P.S. My 3yo would like you to know that she helped make this door shine. Then promptly tried to draw on it with Sharpie. Let’s focus on the good, shall we?

This is a sponsored post, but this Aquavert stuff is the real deal. Honest.
Your two-cents here: