Based on’s most popular search terms, today I will discuss how to “gently guide your husband to play with your boobs.”
No, I won’t.
But I will ask that you please check out my post over at A Different Kind of Hero, my baby BROTHER’S blog! He began writing at the same time he began leading a healthier lifestyle. He’s lost a ton of weight, taught me a few things about nutrition, and inspired a bunch of people with his commitment. Because he’s super busy with work right now, he asked if I would write a little somethin’ somethin’ so his readers don’t forget about him. Never one to disappoint or miss an opportunity to pick on him, I was elated at the invitation. Click HERE for the fun.
Totally off topic…
Those of you who have your blogs on WordPress (or are self-hosted on WordPress), I just learned this yesterday: if you installed the Social Media Widget plugin (those purty icons for your side-bar that allow your readers to follow you on Facebook, Pinterest, etc.), they are spammy–literally! WordPress yanked the entire plugin because there was spam secretly hidden in the code which has affected hundreds and thousands of sites. Do yourself a favor and remove the plugin if you have it…as I did. *Sob* My site is getting a make-over in a few weeks, and the follow icons will return then. For now, you can find/follow me by clicking the wonky icons below:
Due to The Best Life’s most popular search terms, I will never post about body hair again.
People are so gross!!!!
Nicely done!! I left a comment over on his blog but I would love to by a fly on the wall during your Sunday dinners. I imagine some pretty interesting and funny conversations!!
Oh, Penny. You have no idea. Throw in my two crazy kids and husband, and you’ve got yourself a real circus!
Thanks for the tip! I have to check which widget I have.
Here’s hoping you don’t have it!! It’s a real pain!
Aw, I loved your post! And I’m so impressed he’s taking the whole weight loss thing so seriously…even if he is spinning. HA!
Haha!! Seriously, I giggle every time I imagine him on that damn bike. Priceless.
Thanks for reading 😉
Is this a good time to get sentimental and tell you I’d follow you anywhere- spammy or not? 😉
Oh, Vicky, you’re my favorite! 🙂
I came over to find out about the boobs, you tease! 😉
Bahahaha! I’m all about that attention-getting opening line, eh? 😉
I’m on my way over to have a read. You’re such a nice sister.
You’re too kind, Cheryl!!!