Most of the writers I know pour over their words like a surgeon about to open up a heart; our writing means that much to us. Which is why it’s not always easy to press publish or, scarier yet, share our word babies with three strange ladies who are staring at you, probably swiping at the tears splashing on our cheeks.
We can’t help it; we’re criers.
Yet that’s exactly what almost 40 women (and 1 man!) did ’round these parts over the past month. When word got out that Listen To Your Mother was coming to Pittsburgh, we knew our city would respond, but we weren’t prepared for just how stunning the response would be.
There is such untapped talent in the ‘burgh, you guys. These parents ache and laugh and observe and write, but until now, didn’t really have an outlet through which to share those aches and laughs and observations and writings. Which is why we knew Listen To Your Mother would be well-received. Amanda, Jen, and I were blown away by our city’s enthusiasm and passion.
Choosing a cast of only 11 was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do, but even in the face of disappointment, those who weren’t cast this year stepped up and reminded how Pittsburgh does. On the heels of our “unfortunately, only 11…” emails, SO many of our Pittsburgh pals responded with,
“I’m bummed, but how can I help?”
“That stinks, but let me know if I can lend a hand to the show.”
“I appreciated the chance to tell my story.”
And THAT is Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh knows Listen To Your Mother isn’t about the individual; it’s about the community. And we want everyone to know how very, very grateful we are to have had the chance to hear all the stories our articulate neighbors dropped on us over the three-day auditions. It was our pleasure and certainly our honor to host such ridiculous talent, and we hope to see those faces at the show on May 8, cheering on Pittsburgh’s 2015 inaugural Listen To Your Mother cast.
Click HERE for a full cast list and to learn more about our chosen charity, Women’s Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh.
Oh, and tickets will be on sale soon so check back here or at the LTYM Pittsburgh site for deets. (that’s what the cool kids call details)
YES! I loved hearing the voices of so many people in Pittsburgh and the response has been amazing! This is going to be such a fantastic show for years to come!
I’m a little excited.
I still have a smile plastered on my face thinking about this amazing cast!!! 😀
Do you think they know I want to be BFFs with them, or should I saddle up slowly? 🙂