I’m going to start things off with a healthy dose of TMI: I got my first period the summer after fourth grade.
I was at Seaworld with the effing Girl Scouts and thought I shat my pants. I was mortified and didn’t want to tell my troop leader because, helloooo?! I thought I soiled myself. I stuffed some toilet paper in my undies and carried on, pretending to adore being splashed in the mouth with whale piss.
That evening, all the girls got to call home and I ‘fessed up to my mom:
I think I crapped myself.
But it can’t be crap. It keeps…coming.
Is this bad? Am I dying?
Audible sobs. You got your period! And I’m not even there! What are you going to do?! Aren’t you swimming tomorrow? Do you know how to use a tampon? Should you ask someone to—
Audible deep breath. Okay, tell your troop leader to get you some pads. The ones with wings. And welcome to Womanhood.ย
And so began my monthly journeys, most of which led me straight to the bathroom doubled over in the kind of pain that ended with vomiting. My boobs didn’t get bigger, my figure didn’t get sexier; I got zits and cramps. So far, Womanhood sucked.
To control the cramping, which was forcing me to miss at least one day of school a month, our family doctor recommended I go on a low dose of birth control. The look on my dad’s face upon hearing my name in the same sentence as birth control will forever be emblazoned into my mind.
My aunt actually called my mom “concerned” that I would take advantage of being on the pill. For those curious cats out there, of all the pill’s possible side-effects, “you’ll turn into a big fat whore” is not among them.
So there I was, not yet in middle school, menstruating like a sophomore in college, responsibly prepared for sex, but only interested in The New Kids on the Block.
Fast forward almost 20 years (holy hell! TWENTY?!), and after two kids, I’m left with a serious case of PMSS, or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome on Steroids. Here’s a brief rundown of the psychotic manner with which I conduct myself when under the influence of PMSS:
I put my kid’s sippy cup in the refrigerator and it fell over. I cried.
My already low threshold for stupid completely disappears.
In a rush to clean up, I grabbed for a toy and missed. I grabbed again. Missed again. Had this happened a week prior, I would have laughed. While suffering with PMSS? I picked up that sonofabitch and threw it outside.
I don’t care if my kids see me cry, but I HATE, I LOATHE this sudden burst of anger that hits me and that they bear witness to. I feel out of control for a split second, and that just ain’t me.
For the record, I have never taken out my anger on a person, especially my children. I do, however, have a patched hole in my wall that would love to chat…
If you’re on Facebook and have “liked” my WhenCrazyMeetsExhaustion page, you may have seen my plea for help or the outpouring admissions that so many others suffer with these intense and sometimes frightening symptoms. Some of you suggested cutting out caffeine during PMSS, others suggest regular exercise. I was surprised to see the number of ladies who recommended Prozac, Xanax, and other prescription drugs for relief. I’m a bit ignorant of meds like these; I thought they treated only severe depression and anxiety. That’s what leads me to:
Is this PMSS more serious than I understand?
Should we suck it up and drink decaf?
I try to bring levity to dark situations, but it’s only funny until it’s scary, and I don’t want to get to that point.
OK, the first period story? Poor you! So sad! As for the PMSS, I am in your boat, woman. I think you probably read my post on PMS where I mentioned the fact that I am a raving lunatic once a month. Seriously, what’s up with this? Why don’t we mamas get a break? Love your posts- always. I am always giggling while I read them. xo
Oh, and one more thing. There is an actual thing called PMDD that is more serious that PMS, and the treatment for that is the above mentioned anti-depressants. So there you go, on an actual serious note. I have also heard a B complex vitamin is helpful. And I know it’s not always funny- it isn’t always funny to me either, especially the “losing control” bit. Let me know if you find something that works…
You surely didn’t have to come back on the serious tip ๐ But the B complex Vitamin will be part of my morning routine starting NOW!
I know about the PMDD, but I didn’t want to diagnose myself and possibly MISdiagnose another woman, ya know? I’m not a doctor; just one hormonally imbalanced whackjob. ๐
My sister has PMDD and swears by the B vitamin! I can attest to the difference it has made. I used to be frightened of her for like 3 days a month, now she’s just crabby.
A step down from frightening? That’s reason enough for me to try it! Thanks, Mama!
Yes, ma’am—I read yours and I cried sympathetic tears because I FEEL YOU! I think we should be able to birth all the babies we want and then transfer our ovaries to our husbands. Only fair.
Told you a bit on fb…. Here is the overshare…. Turned 40, Carrie Underwood song comes on radio, have to pull over on the HIGHWAY because I am bawling!!! The bawling goes away… Thank gosh, because this isn’t me….. Happens again another later and again and again…. Eases up a bit for a month or two and then comes barreling back with 2 – 3 days of “can’t get out of bed depression”…. Call in sick to work, etc. start calling family and saying “something is wrong with me….” 41 comes and goes with anger, crying spells, and depression…. Nothing I can t handle… In comes 42 and then the serious crazy comes…. Start a period of trial and error meds that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy…. But have to take something because the anger, depression and hysterical crying are off the charts….. Primrose oil and yoga isn’t going to cut it. Now 43, am on 4 different crazy pills and still having blood test to figure out what is going on because….. Wait for it…… I have gained no less then 35 pounds in the last 5 months. But enough about me….. Looking forward to some holistic options because I will try anything…. Sorry, but I think I forgot the sweats… Those are particular lovely…. Anyway, you make me laugh on a daily basis and that means a lot!
Tiffany, you asked for help and that’s brave. I hope we both find something that will work so we can get back to laughing!
Thank you for your kind words about my crazy; if I can make one person feel better with a giggle, that means the world to me!
Hang in there, lady!
I laughed but honestly only because I can totally sympathize and feel your pain, I suffered with PMS which consisted of god awful someone please kill me type cramps, headaches, etc. for 21 years before I ended up having to have a hysterectomy (cancer related) unfortunately they left one of my ovaries, and therefore I still suffer from PMS which has progressed to PMSS there is actually a condition called PMDD (premenstral disforic disorder) which is basically P!S on steroids …. The mood swings are scary and outrageous. You may talk to your doctor and sometimes they will indeed prescribe something… In my experience no caffeine during PMS only leads to worse mood swings because you are also suffering from caffeine withdraw. Anyway I am sending hugs and good thoughts your way and know you aren’t the only one going through this
Me no like ๐ I’m sad you’ve had such a rough go of it, PMDD/PMSS is a real bitch. I’m definitely going to talk to my doc and I’ll share whatever I learn here.
Thanks for reading, lady, and I hope all is well since the hysterectomy. xo
What a great post! I feel you on the first period story. When it happened to me, my grandmother was visiting from 2 hours away. I went to the bathroom, pulled down my pants, looked in my panties, and SCREAMED!!!!!!!! I thought I was going to die. My grandmother sat in the other room, all the way down the hall, and told my mom I’d started my period. “I was thinking it was about time,” she said. Boy was I thrilled that she knew before I even pulled up my underwear. Sigh.
As far as hormones today goes, all I know to say is that we’re all animals–which I never really knew until I was a nursing mama. I needed food and water in, husband out and off of me, and cried because people left the room. I’m not sure my hormones have ever recovered from the first baby, and she’s 7…
Thanks for the post! Loved it.
I needed food and water in, husband out and off of me, and cried because people left the room.
Okay, we need that on a business card please!
Your PMSS is my XPMS. Allow me to introduce them: http://thesadderbutwisergirl.com/2012/10/15/xpms-extreme-pretty-miserable-syndrome/
Listen, I’ll be your friend but our PMSes need to part ways.
I had crazy cramps that also led to 1 day absence from school every month. By miracle that went away after I gave birth to my first child. The mood swings though is still there but slightly bearable except to the husband so I was told ๐
You know what’s weird? After I had my kids, the cramps went away, BUT the mood swings got WORSE. The only thing that has seemed to regulate my crazy is birth control, and BC has side effects, too. AHHHHH!
OK Steph! Let me just assure you that you are not alone, as I’m sure you’ve already seen from responses! I have a hole in the wall of our old house that would love to talk with the hole in your wall ; ) I have had and still have A LOT of these irrational moments for which I have sought therapy. As far as medications go, you would need to be on the anti-depressants all the time in order for them to be effective for you. You have to allow them to build up in your system. Xanax is considered an addictive medication, but is widely prescribed – prescribed legitamtely is questionable, but it is prescribed a lot. It’s what we call a “fast mover” at the pharmacy! Anyway, I have used 5 HTP during the week leading up to my period and have found that to work well for me. It really takes that edge off. It is all-natural and available at all drug stores. I have also heard about B12, and have really learned that the foods I eat gorge myself on during that PMS time affect my mood in a profound way. I’m glad to know I’m not alone, as I’m sure you are too! It’s hard to admit to ourselves, let alone others, that we have been completely irrational with inanimate objects and allowed our children to witness it : /
I mispelled “legitamately” lol
Didn’t even knowtice. <--- to make you feel better about yourself ๐
Is it bad that I feel a little better knowing that someone like YOU suffers through this madness, too? You’re the epitome of patience!!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear you’re a victim of angry ovaries, too ๐
Overshare: I’m going through PMS at the moment and I’ve just had a hot chocolate (chocolate makes me sick btw but it’s a sacrifice I am always willing to make) nothing fits and I cried watching a Hot In Cleveland re-run this morning. Stephanie Vit B works but it is water soluble so you have to take it everyday.
Thing is, my symptoms are a moving target so each month I have no idea what to expect. Lately the bloating and mood swings are taking over me. Sometimes, it’s only when I find myself lump in throat and tearing up over some stupid ad on TV…I think “what date is it…” and then I’m like “ooooh!”
Since we’re all oversharing (which you know I LOVE!), allow me to get all up in your personal affairs: are you on birth control? I know some gals who opt out of BC for various reasons, but when I was on BC, I never had outbursts like this. ARGH!
I’m not on anything actually. But I think I will have to bring it up with my gyno next time I see her, because if BC can help a bit with the mood swings that would be excellent.
I was on the NuvaRing for a while and it did wonders for regulating the flow and onset of my period, as well as keeping my moods in check. That said, I gained a TON of weight. I’m, like, 5’0 and two pounds looks like 10 on my frame so my vanity insisted I part ways with the ‘Ring.
hmmm I’m 5’4 soooo I think I’m gonna pass on the “Ring too but I will discuss alternatives with my gyno.
I can’t believe you started your period that early! My daughter is going in the fourth grade!! UGH!
I had to laugh at the part about picking up the toy and missing over and over. OMG.. I do that and it really pisses me off. I was on Lexapro for a little while for anxiety, I’m not a depressed person. I have to tell you that it helped me so much. I had to get off when I found out I was pregnant. But, the only downfall was, getting off of it. Holy shit! I hope you find something to help you feel better.
I hate when something is funny and I can’t appreciate it because my raging hormones turn me into a raging biatch!!!!!
Did you experience withdrawal symptoms from the Lexapro? That makes me nervous! I barely take an Advil for a headache…although I popped that good stuff after my c-section! Weeee!
Ah…. yes. Oh how I remember those days…. oh those God foresaken days where evil torments your heart, mind and soul… as you double over in pain…all the while GUSHING out blood through your tampon AND your pad. Oh but wait- there’s more!!! Night sweats and hot flashes are a comin’ hun!!! JUST wait til you get to menopause…
Sorry to do that to you!!! How dare I??? It’s like telling a mom with a screaming toddler that “Oh these are the easy years”…
Forgive me. ๐
My mom went through menopause super early, so I’ve got that goin’ for me ๐
But the gushing? Yes. Times two.
OH MAN. I was on my eighth grade field trip when I leaked right through my pants, it was horrific. I had bad pains every month and after years, I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis, which caused infertility. .
Oh, Karen ๐ I’m so sorry to hear about your struggle with infertility ๐ Just not fair.
The summer after 4th grade?! OMG. My sister was the same (although it might have been during 4th grade – she was 10). And here I thought I had it bad at the end of 6th grade.
And I’m SO with you on the PMS. I am clumsy on a good day, but when Aunt Flo’s a comin’, it’s ridiculous. And the roller coaster of emotions is ridiculous. I have no idea why my husband hasn’t divorced me yet. ๐
You know, I wonder the same about my husband. I’ve actually cried when apologizing to him, trying to make him understand that I just can’t help it. He’s the nicest man on the planet and just hugs me, but I know inside he’s thinking THIS WOMAN DONE LOST HER MIND. Meh. As long as he keeps me, I don’t care ๐
To keep the topic flowing – couldn’t resist – how heavy are your periods? Have you noticed an increase? I went from ho-hum periods to full on freaking super tampon/hour for the first few days coupled with the mood swings. I was a delight to be around. My doc put me on low dose hormones 10 days before my period for 3 months. The rages are much less, and now the heavy periods are improving. Of course I do have old eggs, that stupid RN is lucky I didn’t kick her, so maybe that’s it (I’m 37 not 47 thank you very much.).
Well played with the pun–I’m a fan!
And to answer your question, I’m a cross between “just-gave-birth-on-the-side-of-the-road” and a stuck pig. I’m afraid to stand upright the first three days of my period, so sounds very similar to your experience.
P.S. In the future, I condone the kicking.
I totally felt for you with the beginning of this and couldn’t imagine getting my first period when I was away from home and having to pretty much talk to a stranger about this.
And actually use Midol to try to help with the headaches I get, but I have noticed that the moods swings are quite a bit less, too. So maybe you could try this. I mean it couldn’t hurt and it is over the counter.
But seriously, got to love being a woman and would love to see just one man go through this!!
J-9, I used to use Midol but it seems like my body just became immune to it or something. It’s totally outta control I tell you!!!!!
Seriously, it’s like we’re the same friggin person. Although my period story wasn’t at Sea World, just at school. And my dad also nearly keeled over when I went on BC so early to help me get some relief. Stupid periods.
Yes, STUPID periods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t want it to be scary for you, so I’m sorry if it’s getting there, but oh my gosh–“I put my kidโs sippy cup in the refrigerator and it fell over. I cried,” made me laugh out loud and I had to repeat it (after some explanation) to my husband. Let me know if I’m a huge a-hole for laughing at that part; it was just too good. I’ll be thinking about you, Steph, and you can be happy knowing that you’ll be finished with it all soon while I will be having periods and worrying that I’ll get pregnant until I’m 85…because I didn’t start my period until I was 16!!
You are NOT an a-hole for laughing!! I would have been laughing if I weren’t drowning in all that extra estrogen ๐
Hey girl, I feel ya. Had to have an ablation to get relief from heavy flow, but still get PMSS. I was put on Serafim (spelling? Greek goddess?) years ago. You take it a week or two before your period. It helped me. Not on it any more, but I don’t seem to need it now. Good luck!
Can I just get an AMEN for having THE Sabogrum here on my blog? ๐ Miss you, lady!
Thanks for sharing your Greek Goddess tidbit ๐
First, UGH to the period so early. Sucky suck suck. And second? I hear you. I never ever ever had bad periods until recently, when I actually wonder whether I’m going through early menopause or something. The moods? The anger? The massive ANGER? I relate to that, so much. And appreciate you making me feel less alone.
I’m sad that you’re going through the same, but it does make a difference when we know we’re not alone, right?! Reason #56345 to love blogging! I’m going to talk to my doc and I’ll share whatever wisdom she supplies.
I’ve never had PMS in my life. Not sure why. I never got sad or pissy or any of that stuff. Well, that’s not true, I get the fun horny side of PMS, but that’s it. However, for the last 4 months I have had this inexplicable RAGE the day before my period. It is so weird. In fact, it took me two months to even realize it was happening the day before my period. I ahve no grand advice, but I will say this: recognizing the new pattern has really helped me get a hold of it. That particular day I try to make sure I’m a bit more rested, the schedule is maintained as much as possible, I’m more flex with rules about t.v. and other screens (I know it sound lame, but I want the kids to be entertained and avoid some of the annoying behavior that drives me batshit crazy on a normal day). But mostly, I recognize that it might happen and when I feel it bubling up, I excuse myself until I can calm down. No magical solution, but it gets me through that day for sure;)
I wish I had my act together like you, Vicky. That just ain’t the case these days…
I am so eerily similar Stephanie! Recently I was looking through some of my old posts and I realized how it affects my writing too. On the good days I’m funny, then I get weirdly sappy and then it turns into posts that sound like I’m about ready to lose it. It looks like I have split personalities or something! Also, I started my period in 5th grade and here’s a funny story for you…I wanted to use tampons but my mom had never used them so I went and bought them myself. I didn’t read the instructions and inserted the whole thing (applicator and all). The whole thing popped out during gym class. I always thought about writing this into a post for your oversharing thing but have never got around to it!!
You’re so right about the mood seeping into our writing, Melissa! I guess it’s why we ladies are so multi-faceted, right? ๐
OH! And PLEASE do Overshare your story!!!!!!!!!! ๐
I have a similar story and it happened around the same age for me. I’ve always suffered from terrible cramps and then when I went on the pill in my 20s everything got better. However, in my 30s I chose to go off the pill because I wasn’t comfortable with putting synthetic hormones in my body and the PMS has come back. I’m one of the ones who happen to believe that diet and exercise DO play a major role in how you feel/intensity of your symptoms and have experienced it for myself. I’m a Health Coach, so if you ever want to chat, let me know.
I agree that diet and exercise certainly play a role in how our bodies feel. I just need you to come over to my place, put me on a leash, and drag me around the neighborhood to get me moving ๐
For me the out of control PMS all happened before kids and when I had my first baby my symptoms of PMS almost disappeared. I say this not to brag (although it is pretty great), But just to say that hormones do such crazy things to us! I think it’s great that you are recognizing that something is off and seeking to balance it out. Talk to your doc, girl!
I’m the completely opposite, Christine; my cramps went away after kids (as did the migraines I used to get, which the doc said would probably be worse after childbirth, but I digress), and now that the physical anguish is gone, I’m a headcase. Really unfair!! ๐
Over the past 6 months or so, my PMS has gotten seriously out of control. I am unbearable, even to myself. I hate everyone and everything. I feel like I’m drowning in a sea of anger and depression. It’s lasting a full week before and a few days into Aunt Flo’s visit. I’ve noticed that I have symptoms of anemia as well and I try to increase my intake of iron around that time. It helps…a little. Dang hormones. Being a woman is sometimes the absolute pits. At least we can commiserate together….
I feel like I’m drowning in a sea of anger.
Amy, that’s it exactly. I don’t feel as sad as I do pissed, and I hate myself, too. Mine lasts a week prior and the day I start my period, the symptoms just lessen and then disappear. But that’s 1 full week out of every month, and ain’t nobody got time for that.
Thank you for reading and commenting–I appreciate it more than you know!
I got my period in 7th grade. At the zoo. Wearing my brother’s OP shorts.
He never wore them again.
I totally should have gotten him a pair for his birthday on Tuesday.
Bahahahahahaha!!!!! Now THAT’S a hilarious period story ๐
Aw, Steph! I’m sorry, that sounds rough. That out of control feeling is the worst. I’m afraid I don’t know any solutions except maybe a different birth control? I know I once got the wrong dose for a week and I felt like a crazy person.
Between you and me (and everyone who reads this blog), the husband and I are avoiding birth control, yaknowwhatimean? ๐
Oh my 4th grade?! That totally stinks. I used to have the worst cramps before I had kids and totally can relate to have to stay home from school. I will say now I get the worst headaches the day my period starts now. Hope you do find some relief!
Natalie!!!! Hi ๐
Kids helped my cramps, too! At least there’s a silver lining, right? ๐
5th grade for me.. thought I shat myself as well ( I think that’s a common thing). I have been SO lucky to not have had side affects from it though. Now. I have some potentially bad news for you. If you’re 40 or over (I honestly don’t know and if I go and check your about page, I’ll lose my train of thought.. ) you could be suffering from not only PMS, but the other PMS.. perimenopause. Yep. As if God didn’t curse us enough for Eve’s transgressions, you get to have a double dose of PMS!! w00t!! I actually wrote a rant about it a few years ago when someone crushed my heart with the news… http://fourhensandarooster.com/pms-now-has-two-meanings/
Hope you feel better soon!! xoxoxo
No worries–I’m only 32, but with a period that started in fourth grade, I very well could be perimenopausal! HOW FUN………..
Meds are good. Taking them doesn’t mean that you have failed at anything. I get to feeling in a way similar to what you described and I can’t imagine how awful it would be to just deal have to deal with it until “It” released it’s grip on you. There are prescription buzz words out there that are synonymous with stigma. Forget all of that. Prozac has been great for me. It may not be for the next person. Good thing there is a sea of other categories.
At the risk of giving you my medication list and drawing criticism from others, let me just tell you that I’m a nurse who is married to a pharmacist. My medication is well managed. Also, I believe in “less is more,” when it comes to prescriptions FOR ME. In other words, I don’t like adding/changing more than one thing at a time.
I have definitely over-shared AND probably overstayed my welcome, but the main thing I want people to realize is that a problem doesn’t have to be SEVERE to warrant a little medication management. If something affects you routinely, then it is chronic.
Lori, THANK YOU. I think you’re sharing a really important message about meds in general; there should NOT be a stigma attached to them. A very good friend of mine is a completely different person on her Prozac; she’s happy and loving life again.
I appreciate the info and you! You can overshare and overstay any time you want!!
We really are the same person! I started mine in the 5th grade, so I guess you have me beat there. I also had a horrible go of it and had to wear the pads with wings. Ugh. The thought of them makes me shudder.*
*Shudder. Not flutter like a butterfly…with wings.
Hey, maybe that’s where that name came from.
You speak in past tense as if you no longer need the wings. Tell me your secret.
Ok you could be the twin I never had… I spent 8 days in hospital hemorrhaging at 13 (second period) and they put me on the mini pill. Same thing… not for sex. Over the years I’ve had endometriosis, pre cancerous cells removed from cervix, 2 miscarriages and a shit load of other complications. It’s a wonder I have children and still live. I sufferd badly from pmss and found that Evening Primrose oil and high grade fish oil like Omegevia, which I still use, helps immensely with mood swings, a b complex also helps.. as for the pain, I manage with midol extended relief on the worst days. Im now at the other end hemorhaging again waiting for all this to be over and embrace menopause like a long awaited friend! I hope you find some help among all these comments.
You poor woman!!!!! Cripe, why does it have to be so hard?!
Many women have recommended Evening Primrose; I have an appointment with my midwife on Monday and I’m going to ask about that. And then eat it, bathe in it, pour it in my bed and sleep in it. Something’s gotta work!
Poor baby!
While I’m not familiar with symptoms or treatments of PMSS, I do know that my PMS (cramps that make me keel over and ugly mood swings) have become increasingly worse after every child. It’s scary. And, not scary funny.
That said, I’ve consulted a metabolic nutritionist on the issue who swears that a change in diet helps curb severe symptoms. She recommends eating foods high in protein such as, sunflower seeds, almonds, salmon, and avocados.
I hope you find what works BEST for you and your body. Take care of yourself lovely lady! ๐
Diet and exercise are definitely two areas in which I need to improve. Off to buy some avocados–yum!! ๐
I got mine in 5th grade.. I too thought I had crapped myself. LOL Hang in there Mama!
AHHH! Seems so unfair to be so young. And to think we soiled ourselves ๐
Oh lady I hear you!
I had severe pains and had to go on the pill while at school. Obviously, the side effect of that being immediate whoredom, I was suddenly sentenced to be home before dark every day – because everyone know you can only have sex after dark, right!
I had to come off the pill in my twenties, after severe migraines making one side of my face and arm go numb. So I suffered on until post kids when I discovered the mirena coil. Love it! OK – it does nothing for the PMS, but it does mean I no longer have the monthly cycle side! Period free and happy here.
Oh – as for the anger – and the major acne for 5 days every 4 weeks, guaranteed to appear on a night out – and the irrational need to clean and cry and scream and thump and beat and cook and hide and sleep and run and eat chocolate . . . I have no cure, Ive been told primrose oil but so far I find just warning everyone to go away for a few days is the safest cure of all.
I just saw my midwife on Monday; she mentioned Mirena, but that’s not an option for a lady who wants more babies ๐
Oh dear…I feel like I relate to so many comments on this page! I was 11 (what grade is that) when I first was visited by “my friend”. Why on earth did we ever name it THAT? I was at the mall a long way from home with a friend and my grandparents – oh the joy. And then my mother decides to sit down with me with this big box of pads and such that she ordered from some feminine product company and starts to tell me all about becoming a woman – I.AM.NOT.INTERESTED in hearing this “blah blah blah I can’t hear you”
I spent the next I don’t know how many years passing out in the shower the first morning of my period every month! Oh isn’t that fun? It got worse and worse over the years with regard to the pain – doubled over in pain and just feeling awful. Luckily I didn’t have as much of the mood swing stuff as some people, but everything hurt from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.
In my 20s I ended up with issues that caused me to have 4 pap smears a year for around 5 years – as if one isn’t enough! I kept begging for a solution, but the doctors kept telling me I was too young and what if I wanted to have children. Finally at the age of 33 I ended up with my period everyday for 3 months!! I finally had a doctor who would listen to me and we did lots of tests and some different biopsies and procedures and at the age of 33 I had a full abdominal hysterectomy. The last 10 years have been the best 10 years of my life! I have never felt better with regard to my lady parts!
I certainly hope you are able to find some relief. I will say, Vitamin B seems to be helpful for just about everything AND acupuncture can do wonders as well!
Good gracious, woman!!!! I am so glad that you’ve found relief, I’m just sorry it took so damn long!
I actually have an ultrasound today, and I’ve been taking a combo of Vit B and Calcium. It’s working nicely. Either that, or I’m a great candidate for a placebo. I’ll keep you lovely ladies updated because I hope I can help JUST ONE who suffers this way! BLAH!
Thanks for reading and commenting ๐
I’ve been lucky to not have too many issues with PMS. That being said, menopause is a beyotch!! I went 4 months with no period and was in Heaven. Then, it came back with a vengeance and brought bloating, crying and all over bitchiness with it. On those days, I just give fair warning to the guys in my house and call it a day. For those out there who truly suffer, I wish I had some advice. So. Not. Fun.