Largely pregnant and about to burst with my third child, I received a phone call that made me squee, pee, and repeat. Ms. Erin MacPherson was on the other line, inquiring if I would like to be a freelance writer for We Are Teachers. As I am a teacher, also a writer, the offer was a no-brainer for me. YES! She expertly advised that I give birth and then we could work out the details, but since baby girl was 4 days late, I was all about those details.
Anyway, Erin is to thank for my gig at We Are Teachers. Therefore, we love Erin. Everyone say it with me: WE LOVE ERIN! So when she asked if she could participate in my Oversharing series and plug her new book (which you must have, ladies. MUST!), I was elated. I probably would’ve done the squee pee thing again, but Kegels.
Enough indirect references to my lady parts. On with the show (and a giveaway! Yay!)! I give you, the lovely, sexy, hot Mama, Erin MacPherson:
My third born child was conceived on our back patio in the middle of a hurricane. And not a hurricane in another state, but one swirling around us as we, well, let’s just say I was slightly terrified my behind was going to get struck by lightening.
I’m telling you this not only because it gives me major street cred (seriously, a hurricane? What was I thinking?) but also because I think of this as a public service announcement: Hot mamas don’t let their mom friends have a boring sex life.
I’m just going to come out and say it: I’m not 22 anymore. I have three kids and a mortgage. My boobs are saggy. My jeans are a bit tight. And I’ve spent the entire day today wearing yoga pants while pounding animal crackers and trying to figure out exactly how to work the Ok to Wake clock.
There may be a few (very rare) people out there who would look at me right now and think I wasn’t hot. But those people would be wrong. Because I am Hot Mama! Hear me roar! (You’ll have to listen very closely because we whisper in this house during nap time.)
In all seriousness, I want to revolt against the idea that says that being a married mom of three means I’m relegated to a boring sex life. And a stagnant romance. And I especially want to revolt against the idea that I’m too old to have a little fun in (or out) of the bedroom.
Over the past year, I’ve been working on a series of books with my co-author Kathi Lipp that are entitled, ironically, Hot Mama. As we wrote the books, we talked to hundreds of other hot mamas across the country and gleaned their best ideas, thoughts and tips. We learned that:
- There’s more to life than missionary.
- The best way to fight is to fight naked. (And make up naked, too.)
- One of the best ways we can invest in ourselves is to invest in new underwear. And maybe some lingerie, too.
- In order to build a strong, lasting marriage we must invest intentionally into that marriage.
Are you with me, ladies? I mean, yes, we may be married with kids. And yes, our energy levels and breast perkiness levels may not be what they used to. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a hot marriage.
And it especially doesn’t mean we have to stay inside when there’s a hurricane.
Giveaway: We’d love to give three of Stephanie’s readers a copy of our new e-book ’10 Ideas to Inspire Red Hot Sex’. Just leave a comment here or on her Facebook page telling us how you are a hot mama and you’ll be entered to win.
(Editor’s note: “my heating blanket is on high” is not an acceptable answer.)
I am a school bus driving, mom of 4. My husband and I pretty much go out every Friday, for adult time. Many of those fridays we get a little toasty. After coming home, if we make it all the way home first, things get quite wild. There have been many times that the juices got fired up in the car on the way, and knowing the kids are probably awake still (I have a 19 and 17 and 14 yr old that feel that sleep is for the daytime), the driveway seemed like the best place to finish without scarring the children. Not in the car in the driveway mind you…..standing up, against the car, in the open, in the driveway. Wow…it’s exhilarating, but keeping you knees from shaking attempting to walk down the sidewalk is definitely pretty tough. Lol
I’m a little sweaty over here, Jenny… 😉
My husband and I struggle with this quite a bit. With three kids, my mother and his adult daughter living with us, it’s hard to find time for sex, much less hot sex.
DANG! Talk about a full house!
A hurricane! That’s better than how my third was conceived! My hubby hates when I tell the story, though.
This post was great, made me laugh quite hard, especially at the kegels!
You can’t leave us hanging like that! Not even a location? 😉
I would love a copy of the book, although it might be like that last time when I did the Datevitation plug on my website and earned myself a free Datevitation coupon book. My husband still points to it, where it currently sits, dusty, on the bookshelf, and raises his eyebrows accusingly at the “Doggy Style” coupon that has not yet been used, despite the many times he’s tried to point it out. I think I’m going to rip that particular one out and throw it into the trash myself.
Disclaimer: Not to say that Datevitation coupon books aren’t cute, because they are. I’ll just know better what to put in mine next time. 🙂
Shay, I made the same mistake when I made my coupon book! Bahahahahahaah!