You guys, I’m drowning. This summer has been all kinds of wonderful, but it has also been all kinds of busy. You see, I like to overload myself with responsibilities and then complain about them. Normally, I enjoy coupling a new, huge undertaking with the birth of a child:
2009, birth of first child: While on maternity leave from my traditional teaching job, applied for and snagged a gig as an online instructor. Began new role as work-at-home-parent.
2011, birth of second child: Started writing my blog which has become an additional job, but my very, very favorite job. Other than being a mom. Of course.
2014, birth of third child: I’m hired by We Are Teachers as a freelance writer and WEEEEE!!! my dreams of being a writer–the kind that people read–are coming true! So many opportunities, so much writing, so little time for opportunities and writing!
I’m responsible for creating the chaos, so I really shouldn’t be surprised when I get the sudden urge to institutionalize myself; yet the realization that I have again piled too much on my proverbial plate always seems to catch me off-guard.
My husband is also a teacher which means he’s home with us during the summer. That means for the past three months, I have had a false sense of security like we’ve got a routine down, when in actuality, it only appears that way because he has been around to help. He’s an extra body that’s capable of doling out meals and changing diapers. He has been dislodging children from my side so I could meet deadlines, and helping keep the house clean liveable in a condition that will not have it condemned by the authorities. In short, thank you, husband. I know that in the sea of craptastic husbands, I have found one of the rare gems, and I appreciate you. But now you’re leaving to go back to work and, in the words of our 3 year-old, I’m kind of freaking out.
For the first time ever, I am a work-at-home mom with three paying jobs, three small kids, a house that needs more than a little TLC right now, a husband who will be gone more than he is at home, and the makings of one gargantuan ulcer. I’m anxious. My chest feels tight. The mere thought of adding one more thing to my to-do list makes me want to cry, but at the same time, I feel like if I say no, I’ll be missing out on something BIG.
So, I have to do what grown-ups do and prioritize my shiz. And that sucks because it means some of my favorite time-suckers have to take a back seat for a while:
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+.
Blogging, reading my friends’ work.
Shaving above the knee. Let’s face it, shorts weather is winding down anyway.
Instead, I will be focusing on the things that make sense for my family, #DoTheRightThing:
Dusting, vacuuming, laundry, ignoring tumbleweeds of dog hair.
School drop-off and pick-up, soccer, ice skating, story time at the library.
Baby on my boob, baby on my hip, baby in my carrier.
Oh, and work. Damn.
And if I can fit it in, I would really like to stay on top of:
That pesky chin hair that grows an inch over night.
Exercise because I feel better when I do.
Writing for fun.
Oh and husband, maybe we can meet between the sheets sometime this week? I’ll pencil you in for Wednesday, but don’t get your hopes up.
So if I’m MIA for a while or republishing stuff from last year, don’t hate the playa, hate the game. If everyone would just give me money, then I wouldn’t have to work and problem solved. In the meantime, happy back to school to the rest of you. I hope your transition from lazy summer haze to frantic school days is a little less bumpy than mine. That’s not true, I hope everyone feels equally as overwhelmed and as flustered as I do right now because misery loves company.
I am so not looking forward to the schedule shifts for fall. But above the knee stopping is one of my ways to won some time back this time of year. :p
it is a great time-saver, right?!
Misery DOES love company, so I happily welcome you to frazzled moms club! I want to b@*$# slap myself every time I sign on to do something else and then I sign on for just one more thing.
Why do we do this?! Gluttons for punishment or afraid we’re going to miss something? We surely don’t hate sleep, someone explain this to me!
I also love to do a bunch of stuff and overload my plate. Wait. We’re talking about food, right?
It sounds like you have some awesome and well-deserved opportunities. Go get them and we will be here when you’re ready to come back. Please still make yourself available to me at all times. After all, I’m not just the general public.
I’m always talking food, Lisa. And you will never just be the general public to me. As long as we can keep talking about food 😉
I do so enjoy my retirement from 33.8 yr in Education, particularly in the fall!
I bet you have time to shave your whole leg now.
Yeo- I’ve been there. I sort of am there, minus the extra person who relies on me to feed her and keep her alive. Last spring I had a major “Holy shit I am doing way too much and I can’t keep it up and I’m losing my shizz” epiphany, and I have had to dial it way back since then. (Hence the sporadic blog-reading and posting of old stuff.) Survival, mama. Do what you need to do, and know that you aren’t the only one who is freaking out and whose house is two Legos away from being condemned by the authorities. xoxoxo
Also- yep, not yeo. But maybe “yeo” could be a new secret solidarity code? 😀
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Yeo! I’m yelling it now and it feels good 🙂
Oh and I don’t know how YOU do it, writing books and shiz. You rock!
“You see, I like to overload myself with responsibilities and then complain about them.” Ha! Me TOO! I’m right there with ya! Take care of you!
right back at ya, mama!
Well…figure 20 years until retirement and kids are grown. Then you can rest! Ha.
I don’t want them to be grown. I just don’t want to work my real job any more. Make that happen, would ya?
I totally do the same. I’ve been meaning to write something for “Oversharing” (it’s barftastic, get excited!) but haven’t had a spare minute. But, hey, if I ever get around to it then that’s one less thing for you to write for your blog 🙂
Oh barftastic is a huge hit with my readers! I’ve no idea why…
Don’t knock yourself out, but WRITE IT 🙂
Your list reads so similar to mine! Baby is now 6 months (the last of 4) and I started writing last month 🙂
We are still trying to find our groove!
I told my husband that we have now had our full of life changing events for a while – lets just be calm for the next few years!
Let me know how/when you find your groove. I just want to buy more minutes in my day, but they say it’s not possible. Damn them. Whoever them is 🙂
Let me know how you find your groove; I’ll take notes!
Congratulations of the writing gig. I know how hard it can be to find the elusive “balance.’ You just had a baby, and I always needed at least a year to get me groove back. Just breath and enjoy this special time. because…wait for it…IT ALL GOES BY SO FAST!
Thanks so much, Allie! And you’re right: I’m going to blink and they’ll all be moving out. 🙁