There are a few reasons I'm looking forward to becoming a woman of a certain age. Mostly, stuff is cheaper. But also, I know so many ladies who are crazy confident in their skin--think any role played by Diane Keaton--and I'm kinda excited to get to that place. Jill, today's Oversharer, makes me ... » Learn More about Oversharing: The come hither slither, chin hairs and other slices of midlife
women's humor
Oversharing: From the Mouths of Babes
We all have that one facial feature we'd like to change, or a body qualm that, try as we might, we just can't come to terms with. Some of us, like myself, would like to decrease the amount of junk in her trunk. Others would rather--ahem--augment. Today's Oversharer is no different; Amanda dreams of ... » Learn More about Oversharing: From the Mouths of Babes
Oversharing: Parisian Laser Hair Removal
We're baaaaaack! I know you've been all, "Where has that hilarious weekly Oversharing series been?" and you haven't been able to sleep for lack of entertaining tales o' lady bits, explosive bathroom mishaps, and foul words spewing out at the most inopportune times. Well, have no fear, loyal ... » Learn More about Oversharing: Parisian Laser Hair Removal