Be honest: what’s the first thing you do when you or someone you love develops a weird rash? Has a high fever? Bumps his head and may have/may not have/probably doesn’t have a concussion? You take to the Internets, right?! More specifically, to WebMD. We all rely on WebMD’s wealth of information, even if we do make the occasional mistake of diagnosing ourselves with African trypanosomiasis…
Sanford Health has collaborated with our beloved WebMD to create a health activation program called fit4Schools. The program’s goal is to empower children and families to do simple things each day that make healthy lifestyle choices a habit. fit4Schools resources and programs are easy, fun and free to use, provide activities to boost students’ energy, and include weekly challenges. This is so perfect for families to use together, and super helpful for those home-schoolers out there!
I love how the fit4Schools website organizes their teaching materials into four key factors of healthy living, showing that RECHARGE and MOOD influence FOOD and MOVE choices, like a cause and effect that activates healthy lifestyle choices. It’s so important for kids to learn the connection between how they feel and what they eat, and the younger the better!
Since all of the materials are also aligned with national standards, they’re a perfect addition to any K-6 classroom. Any teacher who enters the sweepstakes below has a chance to win some awesome stuff for their students.
fit Commit Sweepstakes
The fit Commit Sweepstakes is open to all who are currently employed full or part-time as an educator by an accredited public or private K-12 school in the United States. All teachers have to do is enter and they could be one of the 16 winners who gets to choose her favorite from the kits below (all valued at $650!)
The Rainy Day Kit Includes:
- A giant tower game
- A physical activity BINGO set
- Clever Catch™ activity balls
- A set of fitBoost cards
- Plus loads of other indoor get-moving games and activities including hula hoops, a dance CD, beach balls and more
The Get Moving for PE Kit includes:
- 6 SST™ Scooters24 ACTION™ ToppleTubes™
- A huge parachute
- A set of fitBoost cards
- Plus all of the balls, Frisbees, jump ropes and more to make your P.E. class awesome.
The Classroom Active Seating Kit includes:
- 3 ergoErgo chairs
- 6 BALLance™ stability balls
- A Yze standing desk
- A set of fitBoost cards and Brain Breaks activities
The daily fitBoost is probably the easiest (and most fun!) way to incorporate fit4Schools‘s program in the classroom. Simple, interactive, not too time consuming ways for a teacher to slip in an activity break. Check out those ideas HERE.
Initial research that it only takes 21 days to create a new habit has since been debunked. People aren’t robots; we all learn at different rates. The simpler the habit, the easier (and quicker) it is to adopt. I could probably turn drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning into a habit within the 21-day time frame, but that working out every morning habit? Gonna take a wee bit longer… So it’s no surprise newer research indicates it may take up to 66 days to form a new, automatic habit. According to my kids’ school calendar, there are about 80 days of school left this year. More than enough time to allow the fit4Schools program to do its thing!
Learn more about the program and resources HERE
Enter the Sweepstakes HERE
Grab your daily fitBoost HERE
Watch videos of babies and dogs together HERE*
*Not part of the program, but you can’t tell me a baby’s belly laugh and a dog aren’t good for your emotional health!
Please share this fantastic (and FREE!) opportunity with all the K-6 teachers in your lives!
Though this is a sponsored post, I’m an educator and parent who appreciates the importance of learning healthy habits early on. Amen.
Sixty six days to form a new habit, that sounds about right. I was always down on myself when I don’t have the new habit formed in the 21days. This is good to know. And the activities all seem like loads of fun. I wish luck to all the teachers entering. They sure do deserve these kits.